Time Travel

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Time Travel

Post by LADYSILVERMOONGODDESS32 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:45 pm

Time Travel

These present day theories are interesting at best but antiquated.
Here’s the adjustments so that, under the right configuration, time travel can be a practical working theory but for that person(s) that is able to finish the last panel of calculations understand and abide by the rules of time traveling and manipulation(s). Once the sheet of glass has a crack it’s next to impossible to go back and fix it.
Ok here we go.
To understand the basics of time travel you need to re-learn a few basics and throw out the rest and think in multiple-levels all at once for it to make sense. I’m still working on the last panel of calculations but plan on withholding, on purpose, for obvious reasons.
My descriptions are at absolute basics, on purpose but NOT designed to insult or belittle in any form.
Our dimension- We are not in the 3rd d, as we have been taught, but instead in the 4th d and from there on in many dimensions and alternatives. Let’s lay out the basics first. 1st d= say heighth. 2nd= heighth plus width. 3rd= h+w+depth. These are all traversable directions/existances, in a basic sense. 4th d= h+w+d+?. ?=time. So we are h+w+d+time (4 dimensions. h+w+d+t).
Time- Imagine time as a current of energy. Let’s compare it to electricity flowing from positive to negative (here’s a mental picture. Imagine a bolt of lightning traveling from point A to point B. Slow it down for viewing practicality). Now let’s say that everything we know exists in and IS this bolt. Now let’s say that everything already exists; the before, the now, the future events. This bolt may actually exist for a nano-second in a mega-universe scale, aka. spark, but to us it goes on forever. Now divide this bolt up into micro-slices much like a film strip (kindergarden-like I know but all the same) while numbering each strip with a unique identifying number much like the decay number assigned to radiation(s) (for basic sake let’s say 1,2,3,4,5…).
Next Dimension(s)- So the 4th is best described as a walled/separated cascade of events. 1/2/3/4/5/…. Each being built/existance in zero time. 1st d then 2nd d then 3rd then 4th then 5th…1st d then 2nd d then 3rd d…The 5th dimension (existance quality) adds a new direction ability, rising above these so called walls (imagine a maze that you climb to the tops of the walls separating you from the mazes’ restrictions. You now have the ability to travers over these). {note: this is where my new panel of calculations start}. The 6th (h+w+d+t+5th+?) adds new traversing abilities, possibly dimensional, possibly null-space/time before it’s existance. aka. dimension A to B to C to etc.
Infinite alternatives- Imagine that this bolt isn’t one smooth line of energy but sub-bolts extending in multiple directions and extending into many dimensions. With each decision that we make there are an infinite possiblities/alternatives as with each one of those are infinite alternatives and so on.
Existance of the one before- You walk thru your life BEING in any given point in one place. Let’s say, you in bed. You exist in that place for X time. You get out of bed. In the 5th d you still exist in that bed AND you exist when you got out of bed AND you exist in the path that you take next (say, crossing the room and walking downstairs and making coffee). You already are in front of the coffee machine and you already are in the shower, etc, etc. See where I’m going with this? Ok, one more example. You go into an old house. Think of all the people that lived/traveled/existed in and thru this house in the past but think of all of their everyday/everysecond, for as old as the house is, ALL AT ONCE, in the right now. THIS is the 5th d.
Traveling time isn’t trying to beat the speed of light but to access the next dimension above us allowing for unrestricted directions (aka no walls).
Now comes the question, how do we get to say Dec 4th 1004? Then back again? THIS is where the fun begins my friends.
(Author note: I feel that with any given information on this subject and if the studies on ancient artifacts are true; especially the one about a ancient statue of what appears to be the spaceshuttle that dates way back when (example) and going on the possible need to find a new home for mankind in some distant/near future for any given need (let’s face it folks. We’re moving TOO slow in changing the damage we inflicted on this planet to save it/us in time. Present calculations show that we’re only moving the curve a few degrees on the world graft. Proper changes has to demonstrate an increase of at least 15% in the next 15 yrs and increase from there over the next 50 yrs to reverse are present course). One possible explanation may be that WE had to leave our planet to continue and the closest home that we could access NOW was in the deep past as our very presence would cause nominal changes/damage to our future.

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Re: Time Travel

Post by sunmystic » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:40 pm


These present day theories are interesting at best but antiquated.
Here’s the adjustments so that, under the right configuration, time travel can be a practical working theory but for that person(s) that is able to finish the last panel of calculations understand and abide by the rules of time traveling and manipulation(s). Once the sheet of glass has a crack it’s next to impossible to go back and fix it.
Ok here we go.
To understand the basics of time travel you need to re-learn a few basics and throw out the rest and think in multiple-levels all at once for it to make sense. I’m still working on the last panel of calculations but plan on withholding, on purpose, for obvious reasons.
My descriptions are at absolute basics, on purpose but NOT designed to insult or belittle in any form.
Our dimension- We are not in the 3rd d, as we have been taught, but instead in the 4th d and from there on in many dimensions and alternatives. Let’s lay out the basics first. 1st d= say heighth. 2nd= heighth plus width. 3rd= h+w+depth. These are all traversable directions/existances, in a basic sense. 4th d= h+w+d+?. ?=time. So we are h+w+d+time (4 dimensions. h+w+d+t).
Time- Imagine time as a current of energy. Let’s compare it to electricity flowing from positive to negative (here’s a mental picture. Imagine a bolt of lightning traveling from point A to point B. Slow it down for viewing practicality). Now let’s say that everything we know exists in and IS this bolt. Now let’s say that everything already exists; the before, the now, the future events. This bolt may actually exist for a nano-second in a mega-universe scale, aka. spark, but to us it goes on forever. Now divide this bolt up into micro-slices much like a film strip (kindergarden-like I know but all the same) while numbering each strip with a unique identifying number much like the decay number assigned to radiation(s) (for basic sake let’s say 1,2,3,4,5…).
Next Dimension(s)- So the 4th is best described as a walled/separated cascade of events. 1/2/3/4/5/…. Each being built/existance in zero time. 1st d then 2nd d then 3rd then 4th then 5th…1st d then 2nd d then 3rd d…The 5th dimension (existance quality) adds a new direction ability, rising above these so called walls (imagine a maze that you climb to the tops of the walls separating you from the mazes’ restrictions. You now have the ability to travers over these). {note: this is where my new panel of calculations start}. The 6th (h+w+d+t+5th+?) adds new traversing abilities, possibly dimensional, possibly null-space/time before it’s existance. aka. dimension A to B to C to etc.
Infinite alternatives- Imagine that this bolt isn’t one smooth line of energy but sub-bolts extending in multiple directions and extending into many dimensions. With each decision that we make there are an infinite possiblities/alternatives as with each one of those are infinite alternatives and so on.
Existance of the one before- You walk thru your life BEING in any given point in one place. Let’s say, you in bed. You exist in that place for X time. You get out of bed. In the 5th d you still exist in that bed AND you exist when you got out of bed AND you exist in the path that you take next (say, crossing the room and walking downstairs and making coffee). You already are in front of the coffee machine and you already are in the shower, etc, etc. See where I’m going with this? Ok, one more example. You go into an old house. Think of all the people that lived/traveled/existed in and thru this house in the past but think of all of their everyday/everysecond, for as old as the house is, ALL AT ONCE, in the right now. THIS is the 5th d.
Traveling time isn’t trying to beat the speed of light but to access the next dimension above us allowing for unrestricted directions (aka no walls).
Now comes the question, how do we get to say Dec 4th 1004? Then back again? THIS is where the fun begins my friends.
(Author note: I feel that with any given information on this subject and if the studies on ancient artifacts are true; especially the one about a ancient statue of what appears to be the spaceshuttle that dates way back when (example) and going on the possible need to find a new home for mankind in some distant/near future for any given need (let’s face it folks. We’re moving TOO slow in changing the damage we inflicted on this planet to save it/us in time. Present calculations show that we’re only moving the curve a few degrees on the world graft. Proper changes has to demonstrate an increase of at least 15% in the next 15 yrs and increase from there over the next 50 yrs to reverse are present course). One possible explanation may be that WE had to leave our planet to continue and the closest home that we could access NOW was in the deep past as our very presence would cause nominal changes/damage to our future.
Lady :) the math has been done and the results say that you can not alter the past. But you can observe it. The math that you are discusing is apart of the "faster than light travel" math :) .

In the future there are whole school classes of young people watching what we do as the movers and shakers (and sometimes even small people who hardly effected anything :) ) that created the future that these future kids live in :) . Everything is recorded and they have access to all past recordings. They can watch and are watching what you do in your bedroom if you are apart of a class project or somebody doing research. But the past can not be changed or altered because of the tremous mass involved should that change be attempted. The best that can be done is that the future learns from the past by personally viewing the records.

We are all on video guys :) !


sunmystic :)

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Post by gryxzl » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:42 pm

So, according to sunmystic, we are all on some future version of "Candid Camera"?  Kewl!  I love Alan Funt... :smt007

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Post by Evard » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:57 am

Basic String Theory common dimensional theory shows:
If you form a time dim Upsilon and alter the phi direction
on curvilinear basis 'alter phi 1 lambda xy -x' forward uh
mode of the travel of transpirant now time will alter to a,
future common thought about light event probable temp,

the common string value with time past as less than equated root x common pi~
will be more than the value before reverse time new ideal base event homology.

When you travel to the past you in fact have a base y sig ~ time event barrier ::
and when you send info to the future ,. it paralax~y lambda function pic~ forawe

and the past time barrier shows up as nucleoburamine green goo at time-space.
The future function was time event common probable future ontemparogarchium
probable future same base event proper future phi~space forecast.  It's like aum
Sandia National Laboratory researches and talks with aliens all day.. It's uh time:     About the same.. though time travel's illegal.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:31 am

I have had contact with time travelers. According to them the multiple worlds theory is true so what they do here doesn't affect their own timeline it creates a new one.

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time travel

Post by R_shell07 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:24 pm

I think time travel is a state of mind...the we can be with in our own time or go forward...but not back in time. I feel that with out the past we would not be questioning what is or was...second of all I think that when items are aportate that they are from the past or present but not the future. I believe that there are many plans that exist at the same time hence is why vibrations are what sets up apart. Frame of mind and our inability to give over our self for most people is hard due to defense mechanism....if our mind was free hence our frame of mind we all could experience parallel worlds...
   Whelp those are my thoughts :smt016

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Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 3:28 pm

Time travel.. easy... just think back to when you were a baby.  There.  You were there.  Matter can only move forward in time, but memory markers in the cosmos can be reached via "thinking back" or researching history.

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