Is it bad to force chakras to open?

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Is it bad to force chakras to open?

Post by bewitchingbecca013 » Fri May 03, 2013 2:12 am

I sometimes have a bad habbit of trying to make my crown chakra open...usually when i do this it opens for a bit, but then closes & i get really frustrated, so then i just completely stop meditating on focusing on opening it. Can this do damage to any of my chakras? Im just trying to be more open and receptive to messages from spirit guides and what not. how can i better connect with my spirit & animal guides? it's like everytime i try to open my crown or 3rd eye chakra, i do it with the intention of hopefully being able to contact my spirit guides & receive guidance.

Also how can I heal my chakras from doing this and how can i focus more on all my chakras and take better care of them? & sometimes when i do manage to sucessfully open my crown chakra without trying to force it open, i feel like a tingly sensation from my crown chakra trail down to my 3rd eye chakra & go back up to my crown chakra & it keeps repeating, is this normal?

I would also like to say that whenever im meditating i have trouble staying focus, so mind mind wanders..even when i try to focus on my breathe. i also feel that i have an out of body experience, because sometimes i would be meditating for a little bit then suddenly i will feel a jolt & i would suck in a big breathe of air & i would be back in my body again & i would be tired & my head would hurt. what can i do to fix all of this? am i doing anything wrong?

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Post by MisterMarine0 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:29 pm

I do not think it is a bad thing because I think chakra is just points in the human body where there is a cluster of nerves and lymph nodes.  It makes sense because it is supposed to be a flow to the body.

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Post by firefly43210 » Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:30 am

please try to open  the chakras from bottom to up . only then mana will flow to crown  chakra in  sufficient quantity to keep it open  . remember  the 7 chakras are opened by 7 notes of music .

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WARNING: Force should never be used when attempting to open the chakras

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:16 pm

Force should NEVER be used in opening up and reactivating the chakras.

Ask the unfortunate victims of spontaneous or forced awakening of the Kundalini energies which we are taught are located at the base of the spine which then in turn flood the seven main chakras and their associated endocrine glands, what potentially devastating effects this can have on their bodies, minds and spirits.

If you do this you will soon realize that what should otherwise be a natural, careful and ordered process of reawakening of each consecutive psychic energy in turn can all too easily develop into a nightmarish experience, where it can feel as though your entire central nervous and endocrine systems have just been struck and blasted apart by the psychic equivalent of a lightning bolt.

Few doctors at least in western countries will be able or willing to help those people once this phenomenon has got out of control. Many do not recognise, know or care about either psychic energy centres, or the results of premature or forced opening of these centres upon your physical health. You are much more likely to be given a referral for urgent psychiatric treatment, than you are to get their help or sympathy with your symptoms.

The principle of no pain, no gain should NEVER be applied to the opening of the seven main chakras. The same with the use of brute force to punch your way through each of the chakras, on the road to spiritual enlightenment and optimum health on many levels.

"Kundalini Awakenings: Symptoms, Process, Benefits, Support & Help" by Kara-Leah Grant August 11, 2013 ... port-help/

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:32 pm

Just expressing some thoughts based on observations (perceptions) over time, evoked by the thread-title but not by the postings shared herein by others. So, I am not writing to support or oppose/disagree with what anyone has perceived through reading or observations of theirs. With that clarification and disclaimer stated:

First and foremost -- anyone experimenting with the mental dimensions in which chakras become more real and 'palpable/tangible', as too other psychic realities -- must be mentally very stable and able to maintain a calm disposition and avoid emotional surges (ebbs and tides etc) without getting too affected or worse, afflicted by those. Whether such afflictions are biological, situational, and naturally the degrees thereof. Sadly, these challenged folks also tend to be drawn to the psychic realm even though such may be detrimental (for them).

Solo flights can be tricky, so a mentor guide who is experienced and ahead of the acolyte in experience is extremely helpful.

It helps (and protects one) if the experimenter has good familiarity and attunement to the sector/realm of spiritual healing. The modality or modalities do not matter so much but what matters is their sincerity and seriousness of dedication to the path of what is sometimes called Energy Healing.

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Chakra opening

Post by karel2121 » Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:52 am

I recomend translantion original eastern texts. Most of them are free on net.
Sat chakra nirupana, The serpent power - translantion by Joh Woodroffe.
Or Shiva samhita, Gheranda samhita,...
Or Chinese taoists alchemy The secret of the golden flower, translantion by Richard Willhelm - but there is chakra Ajna caled a Heavenly heart and Chakra Anahata a "fleshly heart".
There are two different paths on the East. The first is a paths to Nirvana (paramatman). It means ending the cycle of lifes in this world and and in spiritual worlds too. The second is a paths to obtain spiritual powers (siddhis) and a better life in the spiritual worlds.
So I think, is very good thinking before what you're doing and why.

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Re: Chakra opening

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:41 am

karel2121 wrote:I recomend translantion original eastern texts. Most of them are free on net.
Sat chakra nirupana, The serpent power - translantion by Joh Woodroffe.
Or Shiva samhita, Gheranda samhita,...
Or Chinese taoists alchemy The secret of the golden flower, translantion by Richard Willhelm - but there is chakra Ajna caled a Heavenly heart and Chakra Anahata a "fleshly heart".
There are two different paths on the East. The first is a paths to Nirvana (paramatman). It means ending the cycle of lifes in this world and and in spiritual worlds too. The second is a paths to obtain spiritual powers (siddhis) and a better life in the spiritual worlds.
So I think, is very good thinking before what you're doing and why.

Sage advice, but two thoughts emerge (as questions!) :-)

Re the nirvana path vs siddhi path! Now the questions:

Why cut the journey (first) short before even experiencing the latter (spiritual)?

Why do folks keep hearing advices from those who have obviously experienced neither, and why must one follow either path??



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Re: Chakra opening

Post by karel2121 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:15 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
karel2121 wrote:

Sage advice, but two thoughts emerge (as questions!) :-)

Re the nirvana path vs siddhi path! Now the questions:

Why cut the journey (first) short before even experiencing the latter (spiritual)?

Why do folks keep hearing advices from those who have obviously experienced neither, and why must one follow either path??


I compared only option. Because of I see sometimes many differences between what it says on the west and east. Between Eastern and Western texts. And because of the doctrine about chakras comes from the eastern countries, so I pointed out here that someone can preach occasionally delusional.

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Re: Chakra opening

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:23 pm

karel2121 wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
karel2121 wrote:

Sage advice, but two thoughts emerge (as questions!) :-)

Re the nirvana path vs siddhi path! Now the questions:

Why cut the journey (first) short before even experiencing the latter (spiritual)?

Why do folks keep hearing advices from those who have obviously experienced neither, and why must one follow either path??


I compared only option. Because of I see sometimes many differences between what it says on the west and east. Between Eastern and Western texts. And because of the doctrine about chakras comes from the eastern countries, so I pointed out here that someone can preach occasionally delusional.
My apologies but could you elaborate a bit more, what you meant by the emboldened portion in indigo colour? With examples for better understanding... :-)


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