Ultimate Radar Detector

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Thought Energy Device
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Ultimate Radar Detector

Post by Thought Energy Device » Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:42 pm

Hell all,

Again, I was in my early 20's when I had the following experience, so I have learned a lot since then.  I am 37 yrs. young now.  Man made time is nothing but an illusion ; )  

I hope to meet others like me and to teach those that would like to learn how to RI or Remote Influence.  The following documented experience is based on one of the most complex reality's I have Remote Influenced and experienced so far.  

Thanks, Kevin.

Ultimate Radar Detector

This experienced happened when I was around 24 years young.  I had just purchased my first new vehicle, a Saturn, for $24k.  This was back in 1993-4.  After awhile  I discovered how easy it was to drive fast and even drive faster.  I also had a few close calls where I almost got speeding ticket's while driving too fast.   It was then that I had decided to look into purchasing a radar detector to place in my car to help detect law enforcement speed traps.  I bought an auto magazine that had an article on radar detectors.  After reading about the retail prices of these radar detectors I decided that I could not afford any of them.  These things started at $399 and went up to $1,200  ,acording to the auto magazine.  My new car monthy payment was $324, so that would not work because I was kind of on a fixed budget.  

I did find the auto magazines radar detector article very interesting.  After reading this article two or three times I began to wonder if I could build my own radar detector.  I had to reread the article because many of the different features of all the radar detectors there were not simular to any other radar detectors.  Soon I had the whole radar detector article  memorized.  It was then were I had this crazy idea, to build a radar detector that only I could see and use.  I then thought, "If this does or does not work, who's going to know or care?"  I began by wondering if I could clone or reverse engineer any other radar detector technology, then place it all into what I then named, my "URD" or Ultimate Radar Detector.

My URD was not to be a physical device, it was nonphysical.  The URD would operate from my whole being and only when I was driving.  I spent maybe 2-3 weeks visualizing my URD and how it would operate.  Not only did I implant other radar detector technologies into my URD, but all known and unknown related technologies as well.  For example, when ever any radar gun technology for law enforcement was begining to be invented by any inventor, my URD would monitor it all.  As that radar gun technology was being tested in any lab or enviroment, the URD was already cloning and reverse engineering it all.  Everything is energy, even all information in any physical and/or nonphysical ways.  In a nonphysical way the URD would search for and locate all past, present and future related radar gun energy (information).  This also meant that the search for all radar technology happened in all known and unknown realities.  So any advanced beings that were living millions of light years away, or in another reality, and who did possess radar gun technology of some kind, was also used by the URD in some ways.  Once located, which was instantly and already, the URD would reverse engineer the radar gun technology.  The cloned radar gun technology then becomes it's opposite, which is non-radar gun technology.  It's like taking a form of cancer and using it to help remove the same cancer from any part of the body, which is one form of reverse engineering.

I soon began to add my own programs to the URD, like my VAC or visual alert camera, which would physically show me where any speed traps were located while I drove.  Especially for those traps that were in my direct path of driving.  I set the VAC to detect any speed traps within 10 or 20 and up to 50-100 miles away from where I was driving.  One day while driving on I-75 north bound, I suddenly got a visual of something strange.  At first I was worried because I could only see this new visual, not the interstate any more.  Yet, I was still driving my car over 100 mph.  Back then the speed limit was 55 mph on the interstate.  This new visual showed me in detail a vaccant lot on the right side of a road.  In that lot was two different abandon buildings and over growth of weeds and things.  Then I was showned an unmarked police car that was very well hidden, even in my vision of it all.  I was also given the feeling that this speed trap was exactly so many miles from where I was and it was directly ahead of me.  Thinking about this now I believe that the speed trap was 60 miles from where I began to have this vision.  I can not remember exactly what the distance was now, but I do remember that was very "exact".

If you ever attempt to drive at 100 mph (and I hope that you DON'T!) for any length of time, you will notice that it takes you less time for you to get to your destination.  I think now that the speed trap was 60 miles from me when I got this vision.  I kept driving at over 100 mph untill my URD told me (feelings) that it was time for me to slow down .  This was about  20-30 minutes later.  Before that the feeling was weak, like at around 15 miles out from the speed trap.  The closer I came to the speed trap physically, the more powerful the feeling was for me.  I soon saw a lower speed limit sign about 1-2 miles from me, so I slowed down to that speed limit.  Then another different speed limit sign, so I slowed down again.  Soon I was driving 45 mph and it was then I had seen what my past vision had showned me and in great detail.  As I drove past the speed trap (police car hidden in the brush) I decided to focus more on the officer to see what I could sense.  It was nothing but pure hate and a few other very powerful bad feelings.  I then felt that this person was a criminal in some ways.  He really wanted to pull me over.  Actually I felt that I was being stalked by this dude.  It's possible that another law enforcement agency, maybe a buddy of this speed trap officer had called him to let him know about me.  If so then that other agency did catch me speeding earlier, yet they had no time or man power to pull me over or even to catch me.  So they called their good buddy in the next town or county, which was the speed trap that was set up for me alone.  I was very glad to be able to drive safely away from that speed trap.

Almost every day I invented a new URD program for my URD.  Safety was a very big concern of mine when it came to any kind of driving on the road.  The URD Safety program covered all possibilities in every way.  This means that all possible accidents involving me and my new car were already known to my URD.  Yet I would still sometimes experience what I would call, "close calls".  These were last minute chances where I avoided those possible accidents completely.  Only very few times did I ever experience these events as whole.  I remember one time when I was sitting in my car at a red light.  Before the light turned green I got this really powerful feeling for me to not drive.  The red light then turned green and the driver behind me began to beep his horn several times at me, but I didn't drive any where.  Within about 3-5 seconds from the light changing red to green a large semi tractor trailer, it's air horns blazing loudly, rolled through the intersection, exactly where I was to cross at & if I would of drove when the light turned green.  After the semi passed on by I felt that it was ok to cross the intersection slowly.  As I drove I looked up into my mirror and at the car that had laid it's horn on me for sitting at a green light less than 2 seconds.  The driver of that car seemed to be in a trance.  I'm guessing that he was shocked to see that I could have predicted the semi rolling through that intersection.  Within 2 seconds (or so) the driver behind him began beeping his horn because he was not moving.    
Most of the other times my physical body would do involuntary things in order to make me avoid any possible near future vehicle accidents.  This was another featured URD program and it also worked very well for me.  Only thing was,  I never really knew why this program worked.  At least "work" like it did for the semi that rolled through that intersection.  I knew why it all worked, that this program was here to stop me from being in any  accidents.  Just didn't know for which possible near future accidents (how, why, when, where, who).  Sometimes while walking to my car to go for a spin my body would begin to procrastinate so that I would not start up my vehicle.  And sometimes after I had started my vehicle I would just sit there and not drive for around a few seconds or over a minute or more.  I some how knew that these things happened for a reason and they happened in order to save my life.

I had a few other programs for my URD, but I can't remember exactly what they are at the moment right now. I do remember the URD's scan and detect program which located all speed traps in the air and on the ground.  I could set this program to scan any where I desired, like a 5 to 50 mile radius around me and my vehicle.  There was many times where my URD operated well for me.  How ever, some times I would forget to turn on my URD when I entered my car.  I turned on my URD by sitting in my drivers seat, then bringing my right hand to my car's visor, above my head, and pretending to flip a small on switch.  It was these times where I also had some very close calls with the law (for speeding) because i had forgot to turn on my URD.  I soon removed the on/off switch and replaced it with an auto switch.  The URD would now turn on when ever I was sitting in my drivers seat and when my cars engine was running.

One of the many events that involved my Ultimate Radar Detector (URD) happened when I was living in Miami, Florida for a long term job.  I remember that we were to leave early one Friday because the job was almost completed.  My cousin who lived in Ft. Myers, Florida had already invited me to come over for that following weeked, which was 4th. of July.  I believe it was around 1994-5 when I was working in Miami at this time.  It had been almost a month now since I was sucessfully using my URD, while I drove around the state of Florida to different job sites.

I packed light, filled up my gas tank for around $16 high octane fuel and grabbed some fast food to go.  Within an hour or so I was now driving on a road called Alligator Alley, which cut accross the state from east to west for over 100 miles or so.  I beleive that the speed limit was 55 or 60 mph on that road.  No matter though, I was soon driving around 100 mph.  There was nothing around this whole stretch of road except swamp land and water.  It was a cool 78 degrees and the whole sky was clear blue.  I don't remember when, but a 3 different other vehicles soon caught up to me.  I had been watching these idiots as specs in my car's mirrors early.  I call them idiots because I knew that they had no such advanced technology as my URD.  Then again I guess no matter what we are all being idiots that day, right?  I could not believe that absolute strangers, these three drivers were trusting to drive with me in a group.  At speeds of over 100 mph you have to be crazy to drive with others in this way.  Anything could happen, and it soon would for all of us.  

I think that they stayed with me for about 30 minutes before we all came upon an old clunker driving in the same direction as us.  This other beat up old car was also driving the speed limit.  I wasn't paying attention and had almost ran into the back of this old car.  Driving at an extremely high rate of speed you tend to forget how ast you are moving and just how slow everything around you is.  I then backed off and drove about 5-6 cars lengths behind the old car.  It was then that I had this strong gut feeling to now drive the speed limit, which I began to now do.  It was like i was hungry, but it was more powerful than that.  I wasn't hungry though, I had already had a double burger, fries, chicken nuggets and over sized drink about 45 minutes to an hour earlier.  Driving the speed limit was too much for the other cars that were doing over 100 mph with me earlier.  One by one they all left me and the old car.  Something big was going to happen and it was going to happen very soon.  I just did not know what it was.  I felt that some how it was a trap and that I had almost fell into it all.  About 15-20 minutes later me and the old car came upon the only rest stop there was, an indian reservation.  The speed limit then went down to 30 or 40 (I don't remember).  While driving through that area I saw a man with a round tip hat and uniform on.  He had a clip board in his han and he was directing a vehicle to pull over.  I soon could see that this man was a Fl. state trooper and the car that he was telling to pull over was the last car that had left me and the old car behind earlier.  I then could ee the other two cars that had also left us, they were already pulled over and getting their speeding fines.  There were also 5-6 state trooper interceptors parked on the side of the road.  These were mustangs that were made for speed and I wanted nothing to do with them.  The officer with the clip board then had his eye on me as I slowly passed him.  It was then I thought that he would tell me to pull over, but he did not.  He just intensively staired at me.  I felt that he really wanted to get me, but he could not because I some how made it with out being caught.

I now believe that there was a group of people, the state troopers, who had placed a lot of thought energy into thier elaborate speed trap.  This means that they all some how believed that they would be able to catch all speeders that day, which I am sure that they did.   But they all did not believe in the impossible, which was my URD.  Yet they all had so much focus and so much intent concerning their work, they almost did catch me that day.  I only used my URD for about one month total until  I decided not to anymore.  It was getting borring and the fact that I almost got caught speeding was enough for me.   Back then I was not as bold & creative as I am now.  If I was I most likely would have kept my URD in operation.  To this day I sometimes use my URD, but it has been upgraded for more advance operations.   The URD was one of my first experiences that helped me to continue onto other experiences, such as a $60 million dollar jack pot and more.

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Location: Chicago

That was fantastic!

Post by Omega7154 » Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:57 pm

You just made my day! Where to begin...I'm currently 24, and I live in a beautiful 4 bed 2 bath home. 3 yrs ago I was homeless. I'm currently an undergrad working toward my eventual PhD in Astrophysics. I was a very powerful child growing up, and I always believed that I could control the universe with my mind. My family encouraged me to stop believing in such things, and I did for quite a few years. My life fell into chaos & at the young age of 21 I got my head out of my ass, so to speak. I began taking control of every aspect of my life, and I happened to stumble upon NLP, Hypnosis, and The Secret. Since, then I have made leaps and bounds in the accomplishments I have made in my life. I am currently winning the mega millions jackpot. I have decided this one's mine. I get whatever I set my sights on.

Much like you I can do the radar thing, I 'm a lead foot and have to be aware of all speed traps at all times. My husband calls me Maria Andretti! I have an auto pilot that works under all conditions. I am impeccable behind the wheel. Unlike you I did not construct machinery in my mind, but that's a great way to do it to. I visualize open clear road & I get it. Cops just happen to go for coffee and break post, because when I get to every speed trap there mysteriously are no police. At first I did the feeling radar, then I realized I could make them disappear. Try it sometime, it's fantastic! I wanna know what you did for the millions. For the last two months I have had a very strong feeling that I am a millionaire, so I for the first time in my life purchased a lotto ticket. I currently have guessed 3 balls 4 times and 2 balls 6 times. I search the air around me for the feelings I get when I think of my end results. I have decided I'm moving to Ireland, and picked out our house. I obsessively like clock work stare at photos of this house all day long imagining myself opening the doors configuring the layout, cooking in the kitchen, and tucking my kids into bed at night. I've already been shopping for cars, and I've created a 2010 budget. Every cell in my body knows I'm a winner.  The thing I'm stumped upon is what day I will win, and what numbers will be my winning numbers. I've broken the odds with the amount of times my numbers have hit in single games throughout the last month.  I have to know what you're technique was. Do you think there is something else I should be doing? Please advise, and thank you for contributing to the advancement of our species!

Posts: 64
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:56 pm

Post by saikikudh » Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:14 am


thats some awesome techniques. the both of you
I havent got mine mastered yet, but i'm on the verge of getting the things i want.
the radar thing is cool, but i dont speed. dont have a fast car yet. but i visualised once
that i was riding a maserati. so maybe soon i have to build my own UDR.

thnx for the motivational story.

Posts: 66
Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 1:50 pm


Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 5:41 pm

Yea.  Why do I get Ku scans on my radar detector?  Is big brother watching over me while I am driving my car... in America?  There was a stealth scan too.. what was it called...oh well... who cares.  I don't drive anymore.  I can see stray X band scans but Ku?  hmm... well... how about having three Ku band scans in my home at an interval... yes I used a radar detector in my home.  Scary eh?

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