the purpose of reincarnation

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the purpose of reincarnation

Post by waterfountain » Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:06 pm

what do you think the purpose of reincarnation is? some say karma, but we did come down here intially with no karma but purpose.. and some say lessons, growth so we can return to Godhead.. why the rigourous process to returing to Godhead when we were unified with God in the first place? What is the origin of God and our souls? if everything is balanced.. day night, yin yang etc is there Satan?


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:43 pm

There are some really interesting discussions taking place under reincarnation.  You would find them interesting to your questions.

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Post by peter238 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:11 am

Spirituality is all about being compassionate and positive towards the self and other living beings.

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Post by caithiggs » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:54 pm

I think expression. I feel like "god" (for lack of a better word) is like light, and that our existence is created by a kind of crystal effect, in that when the light is shattered by different angles it expresses itself in a multitude of colors, which appear completely separate from the original white light. I don't think that's an original thought, but I don't know where it originated. I think some poets and philosophers used it, I don't know if this is the same idea as theirs or not.

But why do we need life? I think it's pretty difficult to understand on a literal level. Maybe even impossible.

I think we are on earth for lessons. Perhaps we are reborn to learn a variety of lessons in order that we are able to express our part when we're done. Like going to school so that you can get a specific career to find your place in society, or even to become an artist.

I think in order for balance to exist there needs to be multiple things that create balance, rather than just one. If it is just one the idea of balance would never be necessary. The multiple things are in constant motion, so there is a need for constant change to always retain balance. But when we think about lessons again, I think that integrating these lessons would be kind of like taking a lot of the smaller pieces and forming them into fewer and fewer pieces. So when we have personally integrated a number of those lessons, we now embody them, rather than them still floating around space somewhere.

I have heard that earth is sort of a place of limitations, and our lessons all seem centered around that. Perhaps once humanity has integrated all of its lessons there will not be such a need for the multiple things going on here, thing will come closer to unity.

A yin yang can be expressed even if you shattered it into billions of pieces, though it would not look like a yin yang up close. Therefore it's not like the integration of the pieces are necessarily returning, because they are always a part of it even when it doesn't appear that way. The pieces are just doing that, integrating to no longer look like a billion pieces. Just a different form of expression of the same thing.

I don't know anything about satan as I have no religious knowledge. But if satan is just what we call our darker side, it's just a larger piece of god perhaps, which we again don't recognize because even that large piece is shattered into many pieces all around us. We just have to learn how to integrate it with the rest of it to understand what we are.

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Post by marcopolo123 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:46 am

If we some how got lost and scared, we would need to relive life to understand again.

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Post by Cyrenius » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:31 pm

I think that the purpose of reincarnation is to learn thro experience. We have much to learn and we can't do it just in a life time

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:17 am

Reincarnation is all about lessons. God has plans for every person on earth. Why is one man destined to be a doctor who saves lives and drives a Mercedes while another man is born in Cape town africa and is forced to become a child soldier before dying at age 14. Its because every life is a lesson. If every man is judged equally why are men not given equal opportunity to prove their worth. If your soul's lifetime is 1 life, the system is rigged. It is much easier to be a good man when your parents have millions of dollars and you live in Connecticut then it is to be a good person when you are starving on the street and the only way to get food and money is to rob and steal, which leads to a short life of crime. It is clear, the only truly fair way for souls to be judged is when they are given multiple opportunities to succeed or fail. If one man is evil in 18/20 lives it s clear that he is evil to the core. If another is evil 7/20 times then it is a different story entirely. One life is not enough to judge someones moral fiber. Reincarnation is about lessons as well as evaluation because god wants you to improve. In my most recent past life I was a great ruler, I am not going to say who, but suffice it to say I was a man who held sway over millions of people. In this life I have been blessed with ugliness and as a kid I was fat. This led to me getting bullied viciously for many years. I look at this and I realize that I was put in a position of powerlessness, where other people held sway over me because in my most recent life I was a man of great power. I am not looking for pity over my past in this life but I am simply using my karmic path as an example. In one life I was an aristocrat and I was the ruler of an empire and in the next I am powerless. (At least so far). I also believe that I was quite the cocky bastard in my past life, hubris and overconfidence has always been part of my makeup and I feel as if this life is supposed to humble me.

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Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 9:10 pm

I thought reincarnation was a concept of recycling the soul into another vessel because maybe the soul storage bin is full somewhere and flesh and, but I just blood is added again to the deceased.  I don't believe in this I just want to put my wooden nickel in.

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