Picture reading request, please :)

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Picture reading request, please :)

Post by Avalon6 » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:21 am

I have been trying to get more in tune with my spirituality lately through meditation and also trying to manifest my soulmate as well as my own personal fulfillment. Please let me know what you see! Thank you in advance :)
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Novice reader

Post by Spiritwhisperer » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:11 am

Hi, I am only a novice to picture reading, but I am good with picking up colours around people (not necessarily your aura, but a colour that could explain your energy, or yourself)
I feel the colour Blue around you, but I also feel that you are going through a transitional period, (the Meditation may be bringing you in touch with your inner spirit)

Following is what I know about the colour Blue, and I feel you will connect with most of this description.
Blue is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn't like to make a fuss or draw attention. Blue hates confrontation, and likes to do things in its own way.

Blue can represent someone who is reliable and responsible. This colour exhibits an inner security and inner confidence. You can  be relied on take control and do the right thing in difficult times.
You has a need for order and direction in your life, including your living and work spaces.
I feel the word "shy" is appropriate for you here though (except for those who you are closest to), that maybe you are hiding your real self from others outside the family and immediate friends, but you are not far from realising that it is ok to be who you really are and no one will think anything different of you. You are comfortable around those who are closest to you, and you are much loved by all.

I hope that this helps somehow, Hopefully someone else can give you more insight, :)

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:16 pm

There is a lot of pink around you right now - the color of love.  You are in love with life and all that enters your sphere of it.  This is a part of the growth potential you are seeking.  If all is handled with love, it will sit right with you.  It is your barometer of good in your life right now.  

Your smile reaches your eyes, which is an important thing.  'Smile and the world smiles with you' is an old homely that makes a lot of sense to you and your life right now.  You are seeking the joys of life and have every potential for the future through the smiles you send out and receive back.

Do not limit your involvement with anyone under the guise of seeking only your 'soulmate'.  This is one title that has a lot of misinformation attached to its meaning.  Yes, we all want someone compatible.  But we cannot find that without a little vulnerability on our own side.  Be willing to test the waters with many, before picking the one.  It is important to 'kiss a lot of frogs' before you find a 'prince'.  (just an expression to describe the weeding out process we all must go through in relationships and all aspects of our life).

Trust your own intuition - it is well honed and ready to lead you.  NO path is ever without challenge, but that is the adventure of life and living.

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Post by Avalon6 » Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:28 pm

Thank you both for your readings! It is true that I am very shy, it is one of the first things people notice when they meet me and very interesting that you picked up on it! And I am also working very hard on trusting my intuition and accepting life's challenges as I have experienced quite a few this year. Thank you again!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:27 am

Avalon6 wrote:Thank you both for your readings! It is true that I am very shy, it is one of the first things people notice when they meet me and very interesting that you picked up on it! And I am also working very hard on trusting my intuition and accepting life's challenges as I have experienced quite a few this year. Thank you again!
As they say, my dear, a picture is always worth a thousand words! ;-)

Love and Light!


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Post by createsense » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:33 am

I am a novice reader, but when I look at your picture I'm getting the sense that you are a very introspective person and maybe just really beginning to delve into the deeper parts of yourself. For some reason I'm picking up that you are quite insecure about yourself, especially your personal appearance for some reason even though deep down you know you are beautiful you still worry that you aren't good enough for some reason. I'm picking up on possibly some issues with weight even though I'm seeing that you are healthy. I'm not seeing any type of soulmate or other significant relationship in the immediate future though there seems to be someone from the past perhaps...maybe not something serious but someone you had a crush on and have fantasized about but things never went anywhere between you two. I keep seeing him with a dog for some reason. I think an important part of your spiritual journey is developing self confidence and realizing that you are worthy of love and that the right man will love you for who you are on the inside and not for your physical beauty though men do find you to be very beautiful and this draws them in at first. I feel like it's hard for you to know if anyone really sees the real you and who you really are inside...and maybe this is because you are still figuring that out and don't know how to express that physically yet. You seem to be searching and longing for something and you think that is going to be found in someone else when really you hold the key to your own happiness. That's all I see right now. Hope this was helpful!

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