
A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Post by kailin » Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:29 pm

I am normally an emotional person and I feel like I lost my emotions like I dont hardly feel any :( will they come back soon?? what do you sense?
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:39 am

Hi Kailin,

Normally I do not give picture readings as such, but looking straight into your eyes I keep being given a  message to pass onto you.

The apparent numbing or deadening of your emotions is relative and temporary, and neither absolute nor permanent.

Because you are a person who is often highly emotional, becoming more emotionally calm in a stressful situation would make you feel as though your emotions had deserted you in comparison to what you feel is normal for you.

What to you are lost emotions are the normal resting level emotions of a person who up until now has been calmer than you.

Our emotions are also often temporarily turned down several notches (they cannot be turned off completely), in order to protect our brains from becoming overloaded by them, so preventing us from using logic and reason and doing what needs to be done at the time.

Emotional numbing is a typical response when a person has received a psychic shock, whether it is because of the death of a loved one (the death of your spouse and last parent are right up there near to the top of the list of psychic shocks), as can also be the "death" of your relationship or your job.  

What has happened recently in your life which could have caused this temporary protective shutdown of your emotions?

If the answer to that question is too personal for this forum, there is always a private message.  

The small blood vessels being so clearly visible in your face suggests to me that you have a lot of suppressed anger towards either someone else or your life in general, and needless guilt which you have been holding in for a long time and carrying around with you into any of your future relationships.


EoT  Image

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Post by createsense » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:50 am

I don't see that you have lost your emotions, they are very much there and raging on the've just shut down for some reason, probably because the emotions became too much for you to deal with. This is done to protect yourself. I too sense a lot of anger that is pent up within you, possibly with your mother...that you feel she doesn't understand you. You seem to feel very misunderstood and a lot of the times it seems you don't even understand your own emotions. You have a very gentle nature that you seem to deny. I get the sense that you try to act strong and tough as a cover up to how deeply sensitive and emotional you are. I sense a lot of pain and a lot of healing that needs to take place. First and foremost would be forgiveness of yourself and others for wrongs you perceive have been committed. You are holding on to that anger and that pain and once you let go of it I see things really starting to open up and turn positive for you. You have so much potential but you don't believe in yourself and you blame everyone else for the way that you are. There is nothing wrong with you, but you don't see that...I sense that you think of yourself as damaged and broken and until you change this mindset about yourself and start seeing yourself in a healthier light then you will continue to suffer needlessly. It would be good for you to talk to someone about your problems, possibly a therapist or some other trusted person who you could open up to. I hope this reading is helpful. Good luck!
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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:41 pm

No one should have a reading of any nature more that 2 x per year.  You are leaning on readings to formulate  your life, instead of living life and allowing your intuition to lead you into psychic awareness.
God bless, J

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