Sigil Magick: Discuss

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Sigil Magick: Discuss

Post by p3ntacle » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:47 pm

I have experience with sigilization. I am learning techniques to charge them. I would like to see and discuss with others about their experiences and own styles.

First: always dispose of them away from houses (if intended to affect others you can charge them with holy water and leave them in a crowded place. For instance, a charged sigil that promotes language skills in an impoverished neighborhood; if you charge it enough it will work. The collective unconscious is how. If a person leaves a coin or relic that promotes inner peace it will work.

Or even better, sigils to shield the innocent from danger and crime. There are endless possibilities. My cousin used to leave peace cranes with positive messages in them, on subways and in coffee shops. Think of how you'd feel if you found a note on the subway that said you're loved, etc.

I want to start using charged water and color. Right now I'm working on a Sigil that promotes creativity. Her name is ESpirielle and she's also a servitor/faery who dances on the whim of new ideas. :)

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