High pitched Sound

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High pitched Sound

Post by Ishtar » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:42 am

Hey Guys,

Hope all is well…

Just wanted to try and find out more about this… I have been hearing a high pitched sound, or like a high frequency sound. Started noticing it a couple of days ago.
At first I thought it was maybe a car alarm that went off in the distance or maybe someone using an electric tool somewhere in the neighbourhood.

I spoke to my Sister about an hour ago and we got talking about things. She hears it too… Don’t know what to make of it.

Has anyone been experiencing the same or have info on it

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:24 pm


If your sister hears it as well as yourself then it is unlikely to be of a psychic nature. It strains credibility to imagine that the both of you would be developing psychic hearing at exactly the same time.

Spirits have been known to use sounds as their personal calling card to let us know that they are there, but I would definitely be looking for a localised physical reason, before blaming it upon anything psychic or supernatural.

We own an electric fry pan which on a particular setting (the one we use most of the time) emits a high pitch whistle when there are no food or liquids in it.

Another source which is often overlooked as the culprit are high tension power lines in the vicinity, which can cause this type of phenomenon in more susceptible individuals.

Microwave ovens and those towers used for mobile phone networks are another possibility.

Do you live near an airport or are you under a busy flight path? Does the sound only occur at certain times of day, and regularly at the same time each day?

Keep looking.

Try moving around your home and outside it to see whether you can pinpoint in which direction it is coming from, although this can be deceiving as sound waves can be reflected off surfaces and when the air is especially damp its sound transmission characteristics change drastically and sounds from a long distance away can appear to be coming from your back yard.

Let us know if you ever isolate the source of the noise. Only resort to psychic, paranormal or supernatural explanations if all the other physical and nowhere near as exciting ones have first been progressively eliminated.

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Post by smcsw2000 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:49 am

I have had the high pitched sound for years, but it is tinitus.  You will hear it all the time when you concentrate on it. Also if you go into a quiet room the sound will seem louder because the other noise is not there to mask it. It does not interfere with your hearing, but it may become annoying. Hope that is not what you are experiencing. That is a physical problem that so far no one can cure or have anything to reduce the effects.

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Post by Ishtar » Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:53 am

Hey EoT and Smcsw2000,

Thank you both for replying,

I’m definitely going to have to investigate a bit more, what actually caught my attention was the fact that no one else could hear it in my house and my Sister and I don’t live in the same house…
We usually make a point of it to put all appliances off at the plug, and the sound the fridge makes is different. There is a telephone cable at the back of my home though…

No airport or busy flight path near us…  I usually notice it when the house is quiet, the last 2 times I distinctively remember hearing it was one evening when everyone was asleep and last week when we had to get up really early… I actually did try to pinpoint it, it didn’t actually sound as if it was coming from inside the house but like you said the jumping of the sound waves off different things can be confusing..

I played with the idea that it could be something medical, but I don’t have tinnitus and have not had an ear infection recently.

Thank you again..

Warm hugs,

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Has anyone that both you and your sister were especially close to died recently, or....

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:30 pm

my Sister and I don’t live in the same house…
That extra piece of vital information, changes things dramatically.

The chance of you and your sister both suffering with tinnitus having only developed in the last few days or hearing the same noise with electromagnetic (em) pollution being the cause in both cases, is relatively low in my opinion.

Unless of course both of you live fairly close to each other or to the same high tension power lines. Or both of you having had a previously latent tinnitus which has because of some common mechanism only been expressed over the last few days. Sounds highly unlikely.

Telephone lines do not carry enough electric current to cause any disruption to your hearing, unless you almost touch the wire to your head and are yourself exquisitely electrically sensitive..

The em field strength is reduced considerably as you move away from the wire, but the higher the current the greater will be the distance before the level is regarded as background.

This definitely does warrant further investigation. I am tending now more towards a possible psychic energy connection between your sister and yourself, but why it only started a couple of days ago is rather puzzling.

Has anyone that both you and your sister were especially close to died recently, or fallen seriously ill or had a major accident which landed them in intensive care? Say within the last week?

Fascinating! Even though the sound must be very distracting to you this piece of extra information throws up much more interesting possibilities when compared to if you and your sister had been living under the same roof.

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Post by Ishtar » Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:51 am

Hey EoT,

No we live quite a few blocks apart… You know it might have started earlier but I have only recently really paid attention to it… My Father’s Birthday was on the 22 July and he died about 17 years ago, even though it does not feel like it.

I am not sure if this is related or if it in fact has anything to do with this, but I did have another experience…  I think it was in the early morning (around 3) I was, what seemed like dream hopping, for the lack of better word/explanation, but remember keep coming back to this one dream, I was in bed, laying on my back and my baby jumped up on me like he always does and said something in the lines of boogeyman..

I followed his line of vision I saw this small bald pasty white little man, looking at my son, I could not move ( body paralyzed)… while I was looking at him the thing’s face changed… I started praying, saying a certain phrase, it moved forward towards my baby and then my hand just shot out I started choking this thing but realized my son was being pulled off the other side of the bed, I grabbed him by the legs… I pulled myself out of the dream with a start,  facing my son… what bothered me was he was also a bit restless… I put on the bedside lamp and saw what looked like a black hooded figure moving away from my window and felt relieve as it moved away…  

You know some of the experiences I have seems like it comes straight out of a tv show, and sometimes the weirdness confuses me to an extend that I wonder if it was real or not…  


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Post by Ishtar » Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:07 am

Just and update…

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine, her father died earlier this week he had a heart attack and hemorrhaged from his mouth and nose…  


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Further investigation is warranted

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:17 am

This is definitely moving in the direction of a possible psychological, and not psychic or physical explanation.

BTW my father died 24 years ago on July 12th. My father in law died 15 years ago, two days before that on July 10th.

Since other family members have also died during the month of July, we as a result call it our "death month".

We are wondering whether it has anything to do with it being the depths of winter.

There is no logic to our expectation that more family members will die in the future during the month of July, when compared to any other month of the year.

But it goes without saying that we are always glad when August 1st comes around, as we illogically feel that we are relatively more safe from no more family funerals in that particular calendar year.

Evidently around 2.00 am our subconscious mind is at its most active and frequently disturbs our sleep cycle, and what you have described sounds very much to me like an hallucination bought on by an attack of sleep paralysis.

I do not think that your home is actually being haunted by a "boogeyman or ghost.

No I feel that with it being so close to what is an important family anniversary (your late father's birthday) spontaneous hypnotic suggestion is the most likely source of this phenomenon and rather than it being your father in Spirit announcing his presence to you and your sister who lives at a distance from you, I believe that it is because the day is uppermost in both your minds and that the phenomenon is consequently entirely psychological and suggestive in nature.

I seriously doubt that your friend's father's horrible death was predicted by it, but it does reinforce the question as to who of us will be next, and you never know when death will strike again.  

As with our family July is probably going to be a month which you and your sister will be glad when it is over, whether or not there are actually any further July family deaths.  The association between July and death has now been firmly planted in your subconscious mind (join the club), and we ultimately hear through the auditory centre of our brains.

I would definitely be interested to see if August brings relief to both you and your sister from his high pitched sound, which must get intensely irritating.

Does the noise get stronger or weaker throughout the daily 24 hour cycle? Are you ever free of hearing it? If it happens during sleep paralysis it could be an auditory hallucination, but if you are getting it while you are wide awake that is something entirely different.

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Post by Ishtar » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:30 am

Hey EoT,

I am so sorry for your loss, it is never easy losing a loved one and having so many people go in one time makes it so much harder.

You are most probably right and I have been suffering from sleep paralysis for some time, it just threw me because, it was my son and I kinda was lucky to have a reprieve from it for a while…

The sound doesn’t really stay it comes and goes and has a continuous hum to it. I am always fully awake when I hear the sound. … but like you said I am still weeding out the possible causes… we took a drive on Saturday and passed some high tension power lines , so I actively listened, the sound was much more harsh,  on Sunday night I was in bed and thought i heard the sound again but this also was different it had a stop and go rhythm to it (it turned out to be the phone charger next to the bed)

I also don’t think the sound had anything to do with the death of my friends father, I think because you asked about a medical emergency within the week  I would mention it…

just wanted to take the time to thank you for trying to hatch this out with me, i know time is a precious commodity...


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:43 am


The humming sound could turn out to be both psychological and electromagnetic in nature.

If your sleep cycle or pattern is currently for whatever reason disturbed or out of synchronization with your environment, you will be as a result much more sensitive to what is happening around you, including electrical and electronic pollution. Sleep paralysis is only one of many possible symptoms of a disturbed sleep cycle.

Everything using mains electricity (alternating current) continually emits a field of electromagnetic radiation (em), which reverses its polarity 50 or 60 or another number of times every second.

Items which are battery powered use direct current, where the continuous polarity reversal does not happen. It is not so much the electric current itself (although it clearly plays a role) but rather it this constant ongoing reversal of the field which is believed to cause most psychological symptoms in especially sensitive people.

Although the direct electric currents used by our central nervous system are extremely small in comparison to the much larger alternating currents, they also produce an em field which is thought to interact with the constantly alternating one around the power lines, or coming from your clock radio which is often very near to your head and brain while you are sleeping.
we took a drive on Saturday and passed some high tension power lines , so I actively listened, the sound was much more harsh
Which is what you would expect, if there was already background em radiation causing a disturbance in the hearing centre of your brain, or in the auditory nerves or inner or middle ears.
I heard the sound again but this also was different it had a stop and go rhythm to it (it turned out to be the phone charger next to the bed)
Alternating current near to you when you are in bed awake or asleep, or somewhere in between the two states of consciousness.
I also don’t think the sound had anything to do with the death of my friends father, I think because you asked about a medical emergency within the week  I would mention it…
My misunderstanding. Grief and major emotional upsets can disturb your sleep. Minor emotional upsets can easily accumulate, combine or build up into more major upsets if there are too many at once.
Just wanted to take the time to thank you for trying to hatch this out with me, i know time is a precious commodity...
To be honest I am finding this subject as interesting as if you were me, as we clearly share this unusual sensitivity to electrical fields.

I believe that it is a price we may have to pay for also being intuitively sensitive.

Your friendship and happiness and health are all more important to me than what time I might have available to be able to help you.

I cannot make time, but I can shift the balance around according to what I feel is more important to me at the time. I set my own priorities within each 24 hour period (with widely varying degrees of success).


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Post by Ishtar » Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:49 pm

Hey EoT,

Thank you, it means a lot…

Come to think about it my sleep cycle has always been out of whack even before my son… My brain does not always go into the deep sleep cycle, so if something moves or makes a noise I will most probably know about it… that is,  unless my body is just too tired to operate…

You say you also have the sensitivity to electrical fields, do you mind telling me about your experiences. You sound as if you have thoroughly researched the topic…


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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:25 pm

May I jump in the conversation please, I would also be interested to know more about being sensitive to electrical fields, (EoT as you already suggested, I myself may be influenced occasionally, realising how much now) but reading through this thread, I have also often had high pitch noises in my ears, especially of a night, (I don't sleep well of a night, up a lot) but connected a few weeks ago,   the cause of the ringing was my phone line, when talking on the phone I hear the hum in the background, also have become very sensitive to a lot of noises.

Blessings to both of you and I hope that I haven't intruded


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:11 pm

Ishtar wrote:...
I played with the idea that it could be something medical, but I don’t have tinnitus and have not had an ear infection recently.

Thank you again..

Warm hugs,
I assume from that you got your hearing etc checked out by a specialist/audiologist etc.? That definitely should be the first step when such symptoms appear. Lot of people get these without any infection or obvious disease etc. Many tinnitus episodes are manageable, unless they are so loud that falling asleep becomes a problem. Background music or a 'not so quiet' fan or air-purifier (white noise) in the background helps reduce its intensity and interference with normal activities. Many can be helped during the early phase, but if too much time is lost in paying attention to it, the likelihood of reversal is questionable.

The psychic development-related sounds etc are generally not constantly present and change in intensity depending on the mental-receptive state during psychic development. Each person is unique though.

If the 'sound' is accompanied by information or thought streams arising simultaneously are sometimes the key. Such *channeling* comes in several gradations. The least obtrusive is the 'stream of thought or stream of consciousness" format which shows up in some when they are consciously engaged in writing about something very dear to their heart or passion of mind! Writers often experience that.

If it remains just a 'sound' but no information, and is medically non-significant, accept it and enjoy it (if you can!), and who knows ...!

Love and Light,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:16 am

Joining in with this discussion is not jumping in or interfering or intruding.

Everyone interested in this subject is welcome to contribute to the thread in their own way.

This is an ongoing conversation to help us each learn more about such matters, and how they may affect us quite differently from the next person.

This is not meant to be a debate where we are trying to score points against each other, for having the only right answer.

There are no right or wrong answers here. Just more questions than there will ever be answers.

So what's new?

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Hey All

Post by Ishtar » Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:51 am

By all means Spiritwhisperer, would love to hear about other’s experiences…

Speaking about phones, on Saturday night I phone my Sister from my cell… It rang and then sounded as if it was picked up… but what I heard was not my sister… it actually sounded like a crossed line like I was picking up chatter but not words I could make out… she heard it too.  The first time it happed was also when I was calling her, it has not happened when trying to call anyone else, I know you can sometimes cross lines and then hear other people’s conversations and stuff but what is interesting about this is that it sounds like a conversation but not anything I have heard before… could it be that the sound waves got distorted somehow?
Hey Rohiniranjan,

The sound has not really bothered me per se, it is not a constant thing… but it would not hurt to ask my GP if she thinks I should be referred to a specialist…

Speaking of it in a psychic term to tell you the truth , I did not think to listen or feel for psychic messages I think I have been to engrossed in the actual sound and have not had the chance to do so…  if it is in fact along the psychic lines


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