Help and guidance if you can !!!

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Help and guidance if you can !!!

Post by Shelld24 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:00 pm

Thanks for reading. I have posted before and got a lot of help and support thank you.

I have desperately tried to have a 1 to 1 with a local medium but she has been very busy and has a 3 month waiting list, that I cant get on until I have paid the £80 fee which I simply cant afford and def not in the next few months leading up to xmas.

I am so desperatley wanting to receive some kind of comfort/proof that my mum is ok and still watching over us. I truly beleive she is but feel a reading  or something would give me the boost I feel I desperatley need.

Just miss her sooo much it hurts, I talk to her, send her thoughts and love but feel its not enough.

Any help or guidance would be so appreciated xxx

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:21 pm

When a medium does a reading, they do not call up the dead.  There is no way of knowing who will come through with love and guidance.  

This life is about our personal decisions and how we handle our experiences.  That is the measure of our growth.  

While loved ones will always look after us and guide us through the tough patches, we do need to make some decisions for our own life.  Moms, in particular, do tend to hang around and help with those decisions.  

There are so many opportunities in your life, you just don't know where to turn.  Nothing is ever lost.  Just decide what suits your dreams at the present time and go for it!

You can make a difference in the lives of those around you by being strong in your own life  Someone is looking up to you to show the way in grief.  Don't get caught up in it and lose sight of the fact that life is to be lived.
God bless, J

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Post by Shelld24 » Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:37 am

Thank you spiritalk !! Your very kind for all your help. It rings true. I know ive got to get on with things on my own and be strong, just like my mum taught me. Just feels like rug being pulled away she was the person I went to for everything, feel like she was the one who was all my support and strenght. Feels like life going to be
soo long without her like ive got whole life to live without her which is terrifing. I know shel be ok and eventually I will be too. Just miss her sooo much !!!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:29 pm

As the saying day at a time.  Sometimes we think big and see nothing ahead.  But if we live to the full today, that creates a new and worthy tomorrow. is unfolding.  And mom is just out of sight, never out of mind.  When making big decisions for your life, sit quiet and listen.  The answer is often just a heartbeat away.  She loves and supports your abilities to get on with life.
God bless, J

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Post by Shelld24 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:27 am

Thanks spiritalk !!!
Sometimes I feel like if I ask questions, i get answers in head. I have tried to sit for a while quietley talking to her. I feel like she answers but not sure if its myself or not. I know I should trust my intuition but its hard. I think she is sending me signs. I went for a job intervirw and found a feather at my feet and a special song was playing in the background. Next time I went into place again another special song was playing that means a lot to me.
If I send thoughts to her, do you think she hears them? Or just talking aloud. Im trying to get on with things the best I can but spend time on my own talking to her and letting myself grieve.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:26 am

Grief is a process.  Everyone finds their way through it in their own way.  Listen to your heart - it knows - that is where intuition is found.  She is there every step of the way.  

When we are parents, that is a total commitment for always.  Moms never die, they just go to the unseen for a while.  You will meet again and compare notes of your life.

What gives us comfort (like songs) is often just our grieving process, but it works for the time needed.  

This year is 5 years since my love left.  And for some reason the memories are floating back again, and again.  I have often heard a song and been reminded of our love.  Allow the comfort to aid the journey.
God bless, J

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