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Post by krystaabrams » Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:32 pm

Ok, so this is my first post to this forum, I have been checking it out for the past few hours, and need some advice you guys!

For years now I have had "abilities" that I'm not sure if they are abilities or just intuition?........ here is a list of things that keep and continue to occur to me, as recent as last night!

1: dreams come true, not all dreams, but i can tell if it will come true or not. I can feel how "real" the dream is, and I get a gut feeling upon waking, and then within a year, it has come to pass. Which almost makes me feel even crazier.

2: I get intense gut feelings in the waking world ALOT, that also always turn out to be true. Normally I get these feelings about a week before the event or decision takes place.

3: I can hear things, not clearly, and not all the time, but when im alone in my down time, or by myself, I can hear people whispering. Its always whispers, and sometimes I think I'm just going crazy, Sometimes it gets as bad as me having to tell whatever it is to be quiet.  I can feel the breath of a person by my ear, feel my hair move, and get the chills.

4: I see shadows out of my peripheal vision ALOT! Especially in my homes (everyone I have had) and when Im alone at night before bed. It kinda scares me, and sometimes i SEE things, Im not sure if its real or not. Its not like the shadows, its normally in front of my face, like a person or an outline, for just a second, then i blink, and of course its gone. Ive been told I am bipolar, have PTSD, and all kinds of other stuff. THe meds they give me dont stop this stuff, so I stoped the meds. Now im looking at other possibilities.

5: I feel like I can "sense" people in the room when nobody is there. normally accompanied by seeing a shadow or hearing a whisper

PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT CRAZY AND NEED MEDICATIONS! I FEEL LIKE SOMETHING IS GOING ON........ I need advice, this has been happening since I turned 20. IM 25 now. and it almost seems everywhere i move to, there are some sort of spirit or spirits, and i am always target #1.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:09 am

PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT CRAZY AND NEED MEDICATIONS! I FEEL LIKE SOMETHING IS GOING ON........ I need advice, this has been happening since I turned 20. IM 25 now. and it almost seems everywhere i move to, there are some sort of spirit or spirits, and i am always target #1.
I both feel and believe without first giving you a formal reading and without me being a qualified doctor, that you are neither crazy nor in any imminent danger of becoming crazy any time soon.

With regards to the medications question these phenomena which you are experiencing are very unlikely to be caused by a medical condition in my opinion, so medications with the intention to stop or treat them are likely to be totally ineffective.

However it is still possible that you may also unknowingly have an underlying and totally unrelated medical condition which could require proper diagnosis and medication by your doctor. The really important thing is that if you are currently taking medications or are put on medications by your doctor that you do not see what is happening to you as a sign that you should stop taking your meds without your doctor knowing about it. It is possible to be both psychic and ill at the same time.

These abilities do not make you immune to getting sick. Indeed it has been observed that psychics may often have more than their fair share of illness and other hardships in their lives. Perhaps this makes them develop more empathy for the suffering of others, when compared to someone who has never been short of money or good health.
1: dreams come true, not all dreams, but i can tell if it will come true or not. I can feel how "real" the dream is, and I get a gut feeling upon waking, and then within a year, it has come to pass. Which almost makes me feel even crazier.  

This shows that you have the psychic gift of prophecy, or of predicting the most likely future. It often first happens in our dreams because our everyday always questioning everything conscious mind is temporarily out of the way, allowing the comparatively weak psychic signals to get though when they would not have otherwise. Some psychics dream their genuinely prophetic dreams in vivid colours, which their average non prophetic dreams are in black and white. The closer to the actual event, the more frequent and stronger these psychic echoes from the future will usually become.

2: I get intense gut feelings in the waking world ALOT, that also always turn out to be true. Normally I get these feelings about a week before the event or decision takes place.

The main receptor for our psychic sense of feeling (clairsentience) is located in the region of our solar plexus. This is roughly to be found half way along an imaginary line drawn between your belly button (navel) and the sheet of muscle called the diaphragm at the base of your rib cage. Because this is very close to your digestive tract and intestines (guts), a gut feeling is a good description for you receiving psychic feeling information. Your clairsentience also has an extra prophetic element or twist to it, which is not found in all psychics with this ability. Usually their psychic feelings are more related to the present moment, or to a current situation.

3: I can hear things, not clearly, and not all the time, but when im alone in my down time, or by myself, I can hear people whispering. Its always whispers, and sometimes I think I'm just going crazy, Sometimes it gets as bad as me having to tell whatever it is to be quiet.  I can feel the breath of a person by my ear, feel my hair move, and get the chills.
Clairaudience is your gift of psychic hearing. You do not want to hear those inner voices all the time, or it could drive you crazy. They may or may not be the voices of spirits talking. You do need to set limits and sometimes tell them to shut up, first politely and if they will not take any notice of you with much more force. Any spirit who speaks to you should only do it through your main spirit guide or doorkeeper, so the first to bringing this under your control is to establish a working relationship with your guide, who will also help you to learn certain ways of protecting yourself from being overwhelmed by it all, and teach you how to close down and seal your personal energy field or aura, when you need to get on with the rest of your life, without them always interfering at the worst times.

You ended this part of your posting describing more symptoms of you clairsentience (clear feeling). It is highly unusual for only one psychic sense to be functioning at any given time. Other psychic senses include psychic vision (clairvoyance/second sight), psychic or clear tasting (clairgustance), psychic or clear touching (clairtangency), and clear smelling (clairscent), but there are many more.    
4: I see shadows out of my peripheal vision ALOT! Especially in my homes (everyone I have had) and when Im alone at night before bed. It kinda scares me, and sometimes i SEE things, Im not sure if its real or not. Its not like the shadows, its normally in front of my face, like a person or an outline, for just a second, then i blink, and of course its gone. Ive been told I am bipolar, have PTSD, and all kinds of other stuff. THe meds they give me dont stop this stuff, so I stoped the meds. Now im looking at other possibilities.
This sounds more like a mixture of the beginnings of you developing clairvoyance as well as mediumship (the ability to communicate with spirits). When everything around you is reasonably quiet any noise or other perception becomes highly magnified.And more so when you start relaxing as you hopefully do before settling down each night. If these are really spirits then they exist in a reality quite separate and different from our own shared physical one. In our dimension or reality they are not real, but in theirs they definitely are real.

You meds were never meant to stop these symptoms, so stopping the meds which as I said could be dangerous would not therefore be expected to stop the phenomena. But it will mean that if really you do have bipolar or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which has been diagnosed by a doctor or specialist that they are no longer being properly treated which automatically means that any psychic impressions which you have from now on are completely unreliable as being genuine.

No responsible and reputable spirit guide or teacher would be willing to work with you, until you go back on your meds and go though a healing period to re-stabilise your medical condition and general health. If you persist doing this it is your right and free will to do so, but none of us on Mystic Board can help you any further until you do go back to your doctor's treatment.
5: I feel like I can "sense" people in the room when nobody is there. normally accompanied by seeing a shadow or hearing a whisper  
Clairsentience (psychic feeling) clairvoyance (psychic seeing) with some possible mediumship (spirit communication) and clairaudience (hearing someone who is not physically in the same room as you are, whisper in your ear). As I said before it is highly unusual for one psychic sense to function in total isolation from all of the others. Each of us has one or two psychic senses which are more strongly developed than the others, but if we are willing to make the necessary effort for long enough, our less developed psychic senses can be heightened, using certain well established psychic development techniques.

At the moment your main problem (other than the serious negative consequences of stopping your medications) is NOT that you are not sensitive or intelligent enough to be able do this spiritual work. I see your problem largely as one of you being TOO SENSITIVE AND ALWAYS OPEN TO EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE (DEAD OR ALIVE).


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Post by jounai » Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:07 am

I will agree with EoT that you indeed are not crazy, at least in the context you refer to. You simply have a more clear sense of the experience of spirit and the very natural psychic abilities. I have met people similar to you that have been diagnosed bi-polar that have a heightened sense of feeling spirits and kinda hearing them. In my perspective the bi-polar diagnose is a very human way to explain something we don't really understand and then try to medicate it so we don't have to deal with the unknown. With this I do not mean however that you should ignore the doctors advice and don't take the medicine. What I mean is that with the correct training and willingness the experience of bi-polar can be just as nice and exciting as a so called "normal" experience.

Do what you need to do to help you manage your condition; take medicine, meditate or whatever. I would not however recommend that you give the "sickness" more energy than you already have given it. Just as I tell my bi-polar friend; you are alright so stop worrying so damn much. ^^ She rarely seems to listen to me though but I guess that is where free will comes in. :)

In a bit of a sidenote; I'm a bit jealous about you having such an easy time to feel stuff of spirit while I myself has to really focus on it to actually have such an experience. :) All experiences has its challenges I guess. ^^

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:41 am


You have made a very interesting point here about certain mental and emotional disorders including bipolar making the patient more sensitive to spiritual energies.

Looking at this another way, I wonder how many cases there are of people with strong mediumistic abilities having been misdiagnosed as mentally or emotionally ill when they were not.

Also it is unfortunately possible for an individual to be both strongly gifted as a medium, as well as being mentally or emotionally unbalanced.

When you consider how people with strong psychic abilities have been mistreated and made to look like they are all working for the Devil in the past, and what terrible experiences some of them have had during their lives, it is hardly surprising that some of them may become damaged by what other people have done to them out of a fear of the unknown.

Great to have you aboard as an active contributor to this forum,


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:52 pm

Spiritualism has its own literature on mediumship.  One of the most interesting reads I found was 30 Years Among The Dead.  As a psychiatrist Carl Wickland felt there was more going on than the mind.  He would use a bit of shock treatment to call out the spirit and his entranced wife would talk them on their way.  Very interesting concept.  

Yes, EOT I think there is a lot of spirit connection with people who have other emotional or mental issues going on.  That is why it is so difficult to medicate them for some relief.  They would soon call them back for discourse.  

Personal responsibility dictates that the individual decide for themselves what is real and what is spirit and what is in need of medication.  All that is quite a journey!  And yes, a lot of psychics and mediums have been misdiagnosed along the way.  A friend of mine was taken to a mental institution and all but admitted before she was allowed to go home.

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