New to psychic readings...I really need some guidance if anyone can give me a reading please

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New to psychic readings...I really need some guidance if anyone can give me a reading please

Post by beach2bay1 » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:43 am

Hello.  My name is Amanda and I am 34 years old and live in FLorida though I am from Pennsylvania.  I am married to my twin flame and I do have some abilities though I cannot even say exactly how to classify them.  I can sense spirits and I have channeled spirits, done automatic writing and received some information about my potential past lives from spirit.  I have been falling lower and lower the past few years after enduring a demonic haunting along with other things. My health is failing and I am going in the wrong direction.  Can someone please help me to get myself back on track and realize my destiny and past lives?  I will be so grateful for any help.  Thank You.  I am looking forward to a change this year!!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:04 pm

When we accept such theories as past lives, twin flames, etc. we tend to live them out.  A re-evaluation of some of your sacred held thoughts may be in order.  A spiritual focus does not allow any other focus to come forward.  

If it isn't broke, don't fix it.  If it is broke, fix it.  Self awareness helps us evaluate where we are going, with whom, and how. It is only through self, that self can change.  

I am enclosing the following for some much needed evaluation tools:
(Visualization, Meditation, Affirmation)

We have been given the tools of strength and balance in our body, mind and spirit connection.  We do not require any outside stimulus to open and expand our state of consciousness to include the sensitivities of empowerment within our humanity.

Using prayer to connect to the highest source of all qualities allows the spirit to grow and be within a framework of love.  It solidifies the connection between human frailties and the God of our own understanding.  Opening and closing all our efforts with spirit, in prayer solidifies the covenant we seek with the guiding force of all life.

As you can program your computer to its language, so can you program your universe to the language of love.   With this programming in place, the universe will resonate with the highest frequencies of ‘life force energy’, ‘God’, ‘Light’ that resonate at this frequency.

When you focus on this frequency your being becomes attuned like a musical instrument and will bring it into harmony in every cell of our universe.  When you focus on fear, it creates disharmonic frequencies in your being.

We can neither create nor destroy energy, we can only change its form.  As we create something, we do not create the energy, but take energy that already exists and change its form into that which we desire.

The human existence is a series of many electrical systems.  We call them body, mind, and spirit connection, functioning together as one reality.  When we create our thought forms, send them through this maze of electrical systems, which is then sent to a universal consciousness, this energy is then returned to manifest our desires.

If the electrical systems within the individual existence are fragmented, dysfunctional or distorted through fear and negativity, the thought form is sent out and returns distorted.  If the electrical system is blocked, the thought form may never have the opportunity to be completed.

As the individual creation takes the universal energy already in existence and exercises creative mind, giving the energy meaning and direction with thought, the most powerful energy in the universe, creative manifestation is now set into motion.  You have been doing this your entire life.

Thought is energy set into motion. What your mind creates, your body and spirit can manifest.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:05 pm


Our mind can be encouraged to think upon the lines of positive empowerment that we instill.  To begin affirmations, it must be noted that it is important to use one that you can believe.  Paying lip service to action will not get the job done.  Even when it does not make sense to you at the present time, your consciousness can be exercised (like any muscle in the body) to accept this new thought.

Affirmations will be freeing us from the conscious thoughts that ‘life is pain’ and therefore to be endured.  When we begin our affirmations, if this thought is embedded in our consciousness, we will not succeed in our efforts.

Not all in life is pain.  There are many joys and it is our responsibility to accentuate the positive, finding the joys of life as we learn and grow.  Life is not all black and white, the joys of life can be found even in our sorrow.

In nature, all is seeded in a soil of comfort and security, but to grow also requires fertilizer.  The manure we put on our plants, while waste in another aspect, can nourish our flowers to blossom.  Sit back and enjoy the results as the end product of the lessons of life.

On waking, to begin your day, turn your thoughts from chaos and confusion to peace and harmony with a simple affirmation.  Without the calming exercise, you begin your day in hurry and bustle, which is designed to create chaos for your entire day.

During the stresses of your day, take a moment to repeat your affirmation and calm any loaded situation.  Make it the last thought before sleep at night to ensure a peaceful dream state.

The affirmation that works for me:  

Flow spirit flow, and all my fears release
I am a channel for thy love and peace
Heal spirit heal and all myself renew
I am expressing my perfection true

Protection Exercise:

Visualize a bubble (similar to one blown from a child’s soap bubble pipe complete with the rainbow patch – rainbows are mystical symbols of connection, communication, love and they complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end) and see it expand to cover your whole body – you are floating in this bubble.  Affirm that it is a filter of all negativity from within and without.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:06 pm


Using the mind to visualize in conjunction with a meditative, peaceful state is our ability to calm our consciousness for stress relief and health.  Our imagination can picture anything in our mind we choose.  Keeping it positive and of nature is an important aspect of manifesting peace and calm within, when it is needed for life.

All energies flow from the source, the creator of all life.  Beginning all exercises of our consciousness with a prayer puts the spiritual aspect we are seeking for ourselves into all our efforts for ourselves as well as others.  From the spirit allow the greater spirit to guide and protect you through all activities of being, so that service is the watchword of a loving life.  Be a part of the spread of energy of peace, calm and harmony throughout a troubled world so that you can remain a part of the raising of consciousness of all life.

Sit comfortably, close the eyes to distraction and breathe gently.  Take note of your breathing and allow it to slow and calm, releasing tensions from the body.  Let go of the stresses causing tension within the body, blow out several times to get in touch with your deeper breathing.
Picture water lapping on a shore (the scene can be one of your own choosing, either from memory or produced for this purpose).  With the ebb and flow of the water, feel your whole being flowing, in and out, relaxing and enlivening your whole body, mind and spirit connection.  

The beach has warm sand beneath your feet and a warm sun upon your shoulders.  You are peaceful and calm as you walk along your secluded, private personal space.  Listen to the ebb and flow of the tides.   Feel the calm of this sound.  

When ready, enter the cool waters to refresh.  Flow again with the tides of the water as you enjoy it over, around and through your whole being.

When ready, leave the cool water and return to the warm sandy beach.  You will feel energized and full of warmth that seeps deep within your body.  To share it, visualize someone you know of who could do with a calming thought and send some of your new- found peace along to them, as well.

You are ready to return to your conscious state and bring this peaceful, calm energy into all you think, do and be for the coming hours.  It is important to say a prayer of thanks on completion of any exercise that calls on the universe to re-energize, renew and refresh your being as you work to also send peace and calm to others.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:06 pm


The literal interpretation of Meditation is….To think upon.  Using visualization, sound, music, etc. we can concentrate and retrain our mind upon a single purpose.

Contemplation and meditation are so important to our consciousness.  We can unlock hidden, spiritual potential within our own being.  There is only one spiritual center for each individual.  There are many methods and purposes to reach this spiritual center.  There remains only one motive “Service” to all in spirituality.
Meditation is used for many purposes and in many ways to produce energies and feelings of calm and peace.  When we are in need of personal energy or healing, meditation can bring awareness to our body, mind and spirit connection.  

It is also used for attunement for the gifts of the spirit (spiritual healing, clairvoyance, inspired speaking, inspirations, etc.) bringing enlightenment of the spirit.  Therefore there will be different techniques for different purposes.
For the purpose of stress relief and relaxation, inner peace is found in a simple meditation upon a calm, beautiful place of peace.  It can be a beautiful object such as a flower, or music can set a tone of relaxation.

In a moving meditation we are uniting the body, mind and spirit through such exercises as tai chi, yoga, labyrinth walk or any repetitive activity.  This can also be washing a floor, painting a wall, dusting, jogging or power walking, in fact, any activity that causes all outside thoughts to fall away.  When this puts us in the present moment, we are meditating.

To attune through meditation to spirit guides and teachers for the purpose of mediumship gifts (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, trance, inspiration, etc.) it is important to reach our guidance with a symbol of our own choosing to personalize the contact. It is effective for the symbols we use to come from nature, as this is such a living, thriving source of energies.  Flowers neither reap nor sow, they offer the beauty and scent of their being for all to be uplifted and enlivened in spirit.  

Each time we make attunement with our guiding forces, we strengthen that partnership of spirit.   With each exercise it becomes easier to make the connection we desire.  The results of this attunement are the manifestation of all mediumship gifts on a spiritual level of our consciousness.

Knowledge is the foundation upon which we build.  Training of the consciousness at many levels is the exercise to seek knowledge.  Meditation will cultivate the understanding so that knowledge is absorbed by us and applied in our everyday living.  We have the opportunity to take knowledge on a personal basis, expand and refine it to our needs individually.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:09 pm

Meditation is a wondrous adventure and can be an important step in our spiritual awareness.  As spirit here and now, everything in this universe is open to our use, there is no limit to what we can learn, only the limitations we impose upon ourselves.

The mind is the greatest tool or instrument that we own.  It is unfortunate that most of us are not aware of the great potential of our minds.  The opening and expanding of our consciousness not only touches our spirit, but also opens a whole new world of spirit for our exploration and growth.

We can form a partnership with the spirit guardians, guides and teachers who touch our lives.  We can work with them to make this experience of a more spiritual nature.  We will be getting in touch with a more complete aspect of which we are as a human being now in this material world of existence.

Once we empower our body, mind, and spirit connection with these tools of strength and balance, we will find our consciousness opening and expanding to another dimension of awareness, generally referred to as the psychic.

We have been using our 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) in a material world and can take these onto this other level of awareness and add intuition and I know (from the heart…it neither sees nor hears, it just knows).  It is important to be open to all the senses to manifest, not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual level.  Warm and cold feelings are two of the symptoms from energies that are frequently felt during meditation.

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ThankYou for your help and information

Post by beach2bay1 » Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:19 pm

Thank you for all of that useful information.  I agree about the power of love and healing.  I know these things deep down inside but yet I still seem to lose focus and fall into bad and negative habits which then just make everything worse.  I will try working with everything that you sent over and give it everything I have to make those changes.  Do you not believe in reincarnation and twin flames?  I didn't for a long time but I cannot deny a deja vu about many things and the strongest about ancient egypt.  I will keep you posted on how I am progressing.  I am truly grateful for the time you took to respond.  Thank you again!

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Please do not regard any of this information and advice as being a reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:52 pm

Hello Amanda,

You have been offered some excellent information and advice by one of our most respected team members, but could I please draw to your attention the fact that readings are NOT given on this forum?

All reading requests and readings and feedback from those readings must only be posted on the Psychic Reading forum, which is a sub-forum of this board.

"Please Read Before Requesting a Reading" (forum rules) ... hp?t=73424

Medical, third party (a direct reading about someone other than yourself) and mediumship readings are not allowed, and past life readings are no longer available.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:41 am

Sorry EofT I didn't realize I was out of line in the reading.

As to is a theory that seems to give comfort to so many people for the foibles of life.  I am a firm believer in personal responsibility and feel reincarnation is a bit of a crutch to taking responsibility in our lives.  At any rate we have only this life in which to make changes or live our lessons as we learn and grow.  That, to me, keeps me busy enough without trying to figure out where any challenge may have come from - I am too busy trying to see what needs to be done to handle it in the most spiritual fashion.

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I am sorry

Post by beach2bay1 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:49 am

I apologize about that.  I saw the sticky after
I had posted the question.  I will not do it again. I was just at a crossroads and I told myself that 2014 was when I was finally getting ahold of my life and my destiny.
I am in agreement and feel blessed that I received the response from spirittalk as it seems she definitely knows a lot and gave me some helpful information.   I hope to be a member of this board for a long time.  There is a lot to learn here.  Thank You!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:51 am

Dear Amanda,

Please continue to ask questions and get help and support on this forum with your psychic devlopment. It was only your subject heading that made it into a reading request.

You never actually requested a reading in the main body of your posting, so it was merely a misunderstanding and therefore there is no need to apologise to anyone here, least of all to me.

I also hope that you will continue to be an active member of this forum for many more years to come and that you will make many new and lasting friendships along the way.

Sincerely yours,

EoT . :smt002

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