Natural born psychic or am I thinking into this too much?

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Natural born psychic or am I thinking into this too much?

Post by icaughtfire » Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:49 pm

I've had so many experiences in life that have left me feel as though I am a natural born psychic. I recently had a very important event happened that I predicted but ignored and I'd like to share my experience and see what everyone thinks.


I've had premonition dreams my entire life. I had dreams of airplanes crashing all through childhood. I was never really startled by them and would simply point up to the sky and say "look" and see it crash, or I would be in the plane. I've never actually been on a plane in real life. Shortly after 9/11, I never had those dreams again.

As a child, I remember sitting out on my curb in front of my house crying. My best friend and neighbor came over and asked me what was wrong. I told him I just felt like someone did something very bad to me - I felt like I was raped. About 12 years later, I called him because I actually had been raped at a party. He agreed with me that it was very strange.

One day about 4 years ago, I went for a job interview. When I walked in, I immediately caught eyes with a man who I had an instant connection with. I didn't remember anyone else in the office but I remembered him very distinctly as if I had met him before. We would constantly catch each other looking at each other and immediately got along. Everyone warned me to stay away from him but I felt like I knew him already and I ended up dating him for about a year. He told me the same feelings I had about feeling like we've known each other already are the same he had. He was very religious (Christian) and prayed every night.

The first time I ever slept over at his house, I had this dream where I felt sort of paralyzed but awake. I was laying in his bed. His room looked exactly the same except where there is really a wall, there was an opening to a kitchen. I saw a woman walk in who looked a little like me, but she had a few different facial features. She was walking from his kitchen carrying a lemon to the bed. She saw me and shrieked and either I woke up or she disappeared. It took me hours to go back to sleep but when I woke up there was a lemon between my leg and his. I asked him where the lemon came from and he told me that sometimes he sleepwalks and since he always drinks lemon water he probably got up and got a lemon. I thought that was the most bizarre thing ever.

Those are just a few instances. I've had several others, especially about him.

My car accident

A few months ago on a Thursday, I woke up and searched on my phone's internet for the dream symbols: jail cell, police, kitchen. I couldn't really remember the dream, but I remembered those symbols. The next night, I was fighting with my current boyfriend and my friend convinced me that I should go out drinking with her instead of crying all night. I wasn't really into it - in fact I barely drank more than 3 sips of my drink that night. But prior to going out, we originally planned to go further into the city for the night but I felt like it wasn't a good idea, like something bad might happen. We stayed close to home.

I got into a car accident on the way home. I don't remember most of it, but I remember some distinct points such as the police, seeing smoke, saying I was sorry and I didn't mean to hurt anybody and when they asked me who was with me I kept saying my other friend's name for some reason. They handcuffed me and I don't remember the ride to the hospital for blood work or being taken to jail. I woke up in the jail cell asking why I was there and if this was a dream. I couldn't remember anything. My friend was in the hospital, in a coma.

I wasn't admitted to the hospital that night (which is crazy, because I ended up having a concussion), so when they released me the next morning I went to one (my friend dropped me off but had to leave). I was in the waiting room hysterically crying, shaking, couldn't breathe. I felt like it was a huge nightmare. This woman who I swear appeared out of no where was sitting across from me holding two kids heads on her lap. She asked me if I had anyone there with me. I said no, and explained that a lot of people were mad at me for a car accident where even though I had only drank a few sips, I was drinking. She told me that I had her and to give it to him (pointing up). I calmed down shortly after that. People around me were looking at me like I was a lunatic, as they should when they had no idea what was happening.

As I was sitting int he hospital bed waiting, I was looking through my phone and clearing out the history to save space. I noticed I had searched those dream symbols the day before: police, jail cell, kitchen. I totally forgot about that dream!! Apparently, kitchen means "life altering situation - abort plans". Now I'm incredibly creeped out.

It gets weirder

I know someone from high school who was in this situation last year. He put a woman on life support for months from his accident. His first name is the same as my best friend growing up who also has the same name as my current boyfriend. Let me just state that it is not a very common name.

I looked up his court documents online to see what I was up against criminally. The documents show his birthday - March 26th. It dawned on me just now as I was reading my journal from the past that I had a dream where my ex boyfriend that I had those experiences with wrote down "3/26 until forever". Back then, I thought it was a special date for us. But NOW - I feel like it's a symbolism of what happened to me. Forever meaning I can't change it - it happened and I will forever have this with me, knowing I hurt my friend in that way. Ironically, a few months ago I talked to my ex on the phone because he told me he decided to stop drinking & driving because he totaled his car. Also ironically, even though my car was totaled, the olive wood Cross that I bought for both of us at an Italian festival was in my car and perfectly fine. I was mostly ok - I had some bruising and bleeding on my liver but it subsided after a while. I had a seat belt on, my friend did not (unfortunately).

Am I going crazy? Do I think into things too much? Or do I really have some type of psychic ability that I just can't deny even if I wanted to? I'm 99% sure if I told anyone else about this they would put me in a mental institution, so I'm here hoping for some clarity from people who have experienced similar situations in their life. I believe in Angels, and I believe that they talk to us through dreams, symbolism and numbers. It's almost as if I was being pre-warned this entire time that something life altering was going to happen.

My friend

My friend is out of the hospital. Her coma lasted less than a week and was actually medically induced. She had to go through physical rehab but she is okay and has back all of her memory. That's all I know - I'm not allowed to talk to her (per my attorney) and she actually called me and told me she hates me and wishes I would go to jail for a long, long time and is going to sue me. I lost a friend I hung out with just about every weekend and who was like a little sister to me, but at least I know she is okay.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:12 pm

Prophecies are best described following the incident.  To have a good effect there must be some way to change the outcome.  In other words, those who 'knew' about 9/11 had no way of doing anything about it.  Why use all that psychic energy for something we can do nothing about?  

My have spirit guidance.  Perhaps suggest to them that your wish is to glean information you can do something about in a real way.  Blind prophecies usually end up scaring people more than helping any situation.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:18 pm

Am I going crazy? Do I think into things too much? Or do I really have some type of psychic ability that I just can't deny even if I wanted to? I'm 99% sure if I told anyone else about this they would put me in a mental institution, so I'm here hoping for some clarity from people who have experienced similar situations in their life. I believe in Angels, and I believe that they talk to us through dreams, symbolism and numbers. It's almost as if I was being pre-warned this entire time that something life altering was going to happen.
No you are not going crazy or imagining these things which have been happening since you were a child. You are also not making any of this up to get attention,  although it is common to feel that you are imagining all this because the psychic information comes to you through the same imaging powers of your mind as fantasies and wishful thinking.

This and other sites like it were created precisely because people with genuine psychic abilities are often thought to be insane. Perhaps this is because we humans as a species tend to fear what we do not understand and by denying that there is anything real to this we can avoid having to be proven wrong.

Not everyone on Mystic Board believes in angels, but that does not really matter if your belief in them works for you. We all need to respect each other's rights to hold these different beliefs, and not try to force our own beliefs on each other. Which as you correctly state is what often happens in the general population who would never think of coming here.

Not everyone has had the identical experiences to your own,  so your chances of finding someone else anywhere including here whose experiences have mirrored your own are ridiculously low. This does not mean that nobody has shared at least some of those same experiences,  so I hope that otherm embers will share their own stories with you. If this helps you to validate what has happened to you psychically,  then this forum has served its intended purpose which is always to help and support good and decent people like yourself.

I wish you all the very best with your psychic development and life in general.

Over time we can analyse each of your experiences one at a time,  but the overall message behind this posting is that all of the things you have described are solid evidence of genuine psychic ability. Only time will tell whether you are amongst the psychic superstars,  or a natural born psychic when compared to your family and friends.

Not every person's lessons in a particular lifetime include the awareness and development of psyhic abilities, so just as you would not wish to be disciminated against for having your spiritual gifts,  do not discriminate or make fun of other people who are neither believers nor interested in these subjects.

Here you will always be among friends.

God bless,

EoT  :smt002

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Post by icaughtfire » Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:51 pm

Thank you everyone for responding. It certainly helps a lot. I'm often told I over analyze things, but I feel like now it's just all adding up and I just realized it.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:10 pm

You are very welcome for any assistance rendered, and please do not beat up on yourself for over analysing everything or living too much of your life in your own head, as many of us (myself included) do exactly the same thing.

I speak to you from painful first hand experience of the long term self confidence, soul destroying negative consequences of my learned addiction to punishing myself for being this way.

Be kinder to yourself, which in turn makes us feel better about ourselves as well in solidarity with you.


EoT  :smt102

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