Query for Eye of Tiger?

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Query for Eye of Tiger?

Post by astiIYA » Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:49 pm

I hope that you are well?
You will remember me from awhile ago http://mysticboard.org/se ... id=newpost
I have been unable yet again to log into the previous account, I have no idea why.
I was wondering if I could ask a follow up query. Please don’t worry if it is too much to ask. I was wondering, given that I have tried everything over a 13 year period to help my subconscious stop ruining my life and creating seemingly endless rejection (hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Neuro Lingustic Programming, EMDR) – this pattern doesn’t stop.
I am 30 now and have never had a relationship. Exactly what you outlined in terms of people advising me that they find me attractive and vice versa and then disappearing immediately after that, has continued to be the case.
Do you mind me asking, given that none of my concerted efforts have to date to avoid the above have ever changed my situation (i.e. mitigate/undo my subconcious’s negative attempts to make my life miserable and a fast becoming spinster) – then I don’t understand how/why this would ever change in the future?
I ask as I have officially run out of therapies, and options for help. I have to date tried over 40 different therapies, healing methods etc – absolutely nothing changes. I fully acknowledge that the site doesn’t provide predictive advice, and this is certainly not what I am asking for, for clarity. I just ask as you made mention of the fact that there is no reason why things will change in the future in regards to my love life, however I am confused as to how/why given the above. To give you an example of how timely/accurate your calling of the situation is, I joined  dating site 3 weeks ago. Every man that has claimed they find me attractive on there has messaged me once or twice. I have sent normal responses back (i.e 2 sentences max) and each has disappeared. Perhaps I misunderstood the meaning of your reading that things would ever change for me… maybe it is that I should just accept that there is no way of controlling my subconscious and I should jst make peace with the situation and stop having ideas above my stations (i.e. ever attracting a relationship) ? I was wondering if you could advise me/issue me your wisdom. Many thanks and again, don’t worry if this is too much trouble/too much to ask.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:48 pm

Unfortunately your link leads nowhere, so I am no closer to knowing who you are which makes the task of further advising you incredibly difficult.

As this is not actually a reading request as such, I am moving it to the main board.

EoT  :smt017

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:19 am

When we want a friend, we become a friend.  The fact is that the dating sites are fraught with a lot of nonsense and the expectations of those posting seems to be limited at best.  I have experience with the dating sites (several) over the last 5 years and can honestly say there are too many games.  

No one falls in love on the internet.  Be wary of anyone coming on too strong before you have even met.  That is a ploy of the scammers and will eventually lead to them wanting something from you (usually money).

If you have a hobby or talent for something (like music, learning, reading, etc.) perhaps find yourself in places to meet like minded people.  Those met in person will come through and you will not be led astray with many promises, never fulfilled.

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:44 pm

Hi Astiya

Your name in Greek means ''joke'' :)

Anyway, the fact is that you are putting yourself out there into the wide world to be seen and opening the doors for possible friends, meetings and, eventually, a partner. You are not doing anything wrong. As much as there are time-wasters within the on line dating realm, there are also charlatans in real life whether you meet one in a social circle, at a party or wherever. I would not totally write off the on-line dating potential. Neither would I write off the potentials of meeting someone elsewhere. Times are such... on-line plays a big part in our life and let's make use of it by being cautious and meeting in a public place.. etc.... am sure you know all this.

As a woman, you probably feel more than men once you hit a certain age and start counting down the body clock...

But.... I also feel PERHAPS you are putting too much of an effort in trying to  meet someone and the process has made you doubt your own subconscious mind, your own state of mind and so on that it has led you to have all those therapies. I really feel for you and you should not have to go through any of those.

With respect, could it also be that every new person you meet, you, in your own psyche, are seeing him as a potential partner?

I have not seen whether you have been given a reading by my friend EOT in the other forum and I write this being totally unaffected by your reading.  I hate to say that you have fallen into a vicious circle of self-doubt; meeting someone and then nothing comes out of it and then you go to the next cycle and it continues until it causes you to feel unworthy and you even start doubting yourself.

**I have many friends (including myself at some stage) who have found partners on the internet and those who have found them in real life** Whether the real life ones lasted longer than the internet or vice versa is not a point of debate here. The most important issue in this case is the precious YOU.

In my humble opinion, I don't believe you need any more therapies.

What you need to do is live your life with or without a partner. In your search for a partner you may be burning all your energies on one item instead of living the gift of life that you have been given, albeit with family, friends and possibly not a lover for the time being. The world does not come to an end, eh?

I would just stop looking. If it makes you feel any good, do not delete (or delete) your on-line dating profiles, but do not go every day checking to see who's messaged you or who has been visiting your profile. Just let things be what and when they will be.

Ask the universe and forget about it.

Astiya....just live life my dear friend :)


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Post by astiIYA » Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:16 pm


EOT - The post I was referring to was in relation to the post written under the name Asti last month.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:02 pm


Oh yes you mean the one where I specifically asked you to post the following question on the main psychic forum, leaving out any personal reference to yourself as I felt that a reading either then or in the future was not going to be of any further help to you in finding that someone special in your life?
Why is it that some people who apparently come from the exact same damaged, abusive on all levels childhood/background as each other (which often results in them having dysfunctional behaviours and situations in their adulthood), while other people seem to be able to largely shrug off the negative effects of their past, and be able to find love and happiness through their close relationships in spite of everything which has happened to them up until then?
I can hardly improve upon the excellent and wise counsel which you have already been given by my friends Spiritalk and Cedars. If you go looking for a friendship or relationship with the attitude that it is not happening because destiny has for some unfair reason decided that you are meant to remain alone for the rest of your life presumably because there is something wrong with you, then that will become your reality.

But if on the other hand you take the alternate approach that it is not happening for the reasons explained to you above my my two respected colleagues who BTW have considerable life experience to back up their qualifications to offer such advice about the need for you to get out of your home on a regular basis and mix with people of a similar age group and common interests to your own, then I believe that you will have a significantly greater chance of success sooner rather than later.

The ball as they say is now squarely in your court. Taking the first negative approach will have it's inevitable consequences. Taking the second much more positive and practical approach is likely to give you a completely different and infinitely better set of results.

It is your life to live as you best see fit to do so, so you get to choose your approach and the results associated with it.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT :)

Bree 54
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Answering your question

Post by Bree 54 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:20 am

You need to do your homework, explanation of homework with come later.

I waited 56 years to find my partner in  life, and thought I would never get married.  Never dreamed about it or thought anything related to marriage until I moved my newly divorced mother (72) to where her family lived & it was 3000 mile away.

When we got to where they lived I realized that I would be on my own a lot because my mother, who was also my best friend would be spending most of her time with loved ones & since they were strangers to me I would be alone most of the time.  I realized that was not what I wanted. So I hit the dating sites. Got critique by some ruthless people, saying I'm not Barbie and I won't find Ken. Well, I am Barbie & Ken is my husband.

But what happened is that they made me re-write my profile & I worked it till it said exactly what I was looking for. This is your homework.

You will not find what you don't know you are looking for!  Until you Think, Say, & act on what you want, the universe has no way of making it happen.  This is the Co-creation part of life, not the I want it now part of life. It never happens just because you think you are ready..... now! It happens when you're ready and you know all the specific of the partner you would like to be with.

Best of creating to you & Bless your journey.



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:05 pm

Hi Bree,

You have offered our member some very wise and deeply thought provoking advice in your above posting.

This message is to let you know how valued and appreciated your contributions are to the site helper team, as well as to so many of the membership who really need to hear what you have to say.

I sincerely hope that you will not feel that it is patronising of me to say to you well done, and keep up your good works.

Love and Light to everyone,

EoT  :smt020

Bree 54
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Oh Joy!

Post by Bree 54 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:28 pm

Dear EOT,

Thank you for your approval I have sitting on needles that I might have overstepped my boundaries.  Like you when it comes to helping other that channeling ability just kicks in and other times you are just connected to someone due to a similarity in circumstances.  I seem to learn more through instances like you and the people you help as well as being led to those who need it.

I am so please to have had found this place and all it's learning.

Thank you all & many, many Blessing to you all,


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