Hello Eye of Tiger

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Hello Eye of Tiger

Post by CuriousKat12 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:56 pm

Great readings on here- i really admire your style. So glad I found this site. Wondering if I could ask you to take a look at my love life, and obviously answer the question in whatever way suits you. And of course don't worry if you are too busy, or I am asking too much.

Many thanks


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:17 am

Welcome Kat,

Thank you for your kind comments and I am similarly glad that you found our online spiritual community, and decided to become an active member.

Before I look at your love life through a reading, there are a couple of matters which I first need to bring to your attention.

Although this is not your first posting on these forums, I noticed that you have not yet introduced yourself on the Introduce Yourself forum.


Without giving away any personally identifying details who are you and beyond wondering about being given a reading, what lead you to becoming a registered member of Mystic Board? What are your hobbies and other interests?

The second barrier to me helping you with your love life through an intuitive reading, is that I need to establish to put it politely, whether you currently have a love life and are in a reasonably long term face to face relationship for me to give you a reading about.

I can hardly offer you a reading about a relationship which might not yet exist, and readings are not designed to make predictions about either current or future relationships. Readings given here are only thought to approximately apply to the period of the next six months.

Instead my readings are meant to assist you and your partner in creating a more positive, happier and more satisfying for the both of you relationship  and future, mainly through your own efforts to help yourselves. I cannot do it for you. I can only point the way.

Once you have introduced yourself on the other board, please come back here and read the forum rules which can always be consulted in the forum sticky entitled "Please Read Before Requesting A Reading". This document is sometimes updated, so it is a good practice to check this each time a request is to be made. These rules apply equally to everyone who uses this forum (readers and non readers alike).

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=73424

Then could you please answer the following questions so that your reading can be customised to your particular situation, feeling loved or loveless?

1. Are you male or female?

2. Straight or gay? Answering this question is optional as there is complete acceptance of you exactly as you are, regardless of your sexual preferences.

3. Are you currently in a reasonably stable long term relationship of more than six consecutive weeks in length?

4. Are you presently in a face to face relationship where you regularly go out on dates with each other, in contrast to a relationship which up until now has only been conducted entirely over the telephone or via the internet.

5 Have you been in such a relationship as was described above within the last twelve months, which is now over for whatever reason?

Looking forward to hearing from you again once these formalities are out of our way.

Take good care of yourself,

EoT (male) Image

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Post by CuriousKat12 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:09 pm


I hope you are having an enjoyable weekend, and that I didn't interrupt it.

I have introduced myself - http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 390#330390

Answers below:

1. Are you male or female?

I am female

2. Straight or gay? Answering this question is optional as there is complete acceptance of you exactly as you are, regardless of your sexual preferences.


3. Are you currently in a reasonably stable long term relationship of more than six consecutive weeks in length?


4. Are you presently in a face to face relationship where you regularly go out on dates with each other, in contrast to a relationship which up until now has only been conducted entirely over the telephone or via the internet.

I have only had telephone/internet 'relationships' and brief ones only lasting a few days. So I consider this more 'engagement' vs a 'relationship' to be honest, and not anything tangible.

5 Have you been in such a relationship as was described above within the last twelve months, which is now over for whatever reason?

no, answer the same as above.

In summary, I am sort of loveless, and annoyed with myself for being reliant on male attention/wanting relationships to fill a  void. Just wondering if you can provide me with any words about my situation and how I can help myself. I have a busy. active social life, great friends and own my own home. I am  not miserable. I would love to have a stable, happy relationship, but men tend to lose interest in me after a few days and im sick of the pattern repeating. To be honest, even though I am happy with my life and my happiness is not completely contingent on a relationship, I don't like that i dont really have the choice ither way when it comes to men, as they always leave anyway before I decide either way if I want to end it or not.

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To give love and receive love, you must first learn to love (value + appreciate) yourself more

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:03 pm

Very well answered. Thank you so much.   Image

It is never an interruption for me to find a new friend.

The need to express the love which we feel in our hearts and to be truly loved for who we are already is without doubt our greatest and most urgent spiritual need. This burning need to be loved as we are warts and all is our greatest strength, and not our greatest weakness as you appear to believe it is.

Love does not mean total dependency upon anyone or anything.

So if you are annoyed or embarrassed for wanting to love and feel loved by a man who is worthy of your love as if it was a sign of weakness to fill an empty space in your life then you are punishing yourself for being who you are: a spiritual being having a human experience.

Falling in love is not a substitute to replace something else which you believe is missing in your life. Falling in love or feeling loved and lovable is what was missing.

Everyone is to some degree is reliant on other people. No man or woman is an island unto themselves. Human beings are social creatures. We need the company of others to remain happy and healthy. Indeed it is the fact that we need their company and that they need ours which has allowed humans to survive for at least a million years. There is strength in numbers and a genetic and evolutionary advantage to us remaining in groups.

You have a busy, active social, great friends and you own your home (no mean feat for someone who is only 30). Overall you feel reasonably satisfied with your life in general, although like every other person on the planet you will always have your bad days when it feels as though it would have probably been better not to get out of bed. On a material level you are not seriously lacking in anything and by the world's standards you have everything and everyone in your life which or whom you could possibly want, but what is the point of having all this and more if you do not have anyone to share it with?

Happiness is not completely contingent on each and everyone of us having a life partner. Some people's life paths are such that to have a partner would tie them down and prevent them from fulfilling the purpose for which they have come here. But your reading tells me that you are not currently following a life path where having a partner would be an impediment to your growth and development as both a spiritual and human being, and that which your happiness should never be entirely contingent of you having a special man in your life, in order to reach your full potential it certainly would not do you any great harm, and will be a distinct advantage in  making you whole.

To make a person whole is to heal them, and your reading strongly indicates leaving no shadow of doubt that learning to love yourself more (self love means to value and respect yourself and has absolutely nothing to do with vanity or you having a superiority complex) over time is the only way for you to fully open the path to your goals, ambitions and and dreams. People who choose to remain single and unattached can obviously learn to better love themselves without always having a partner at every stage of their life, but once again you do not fall into this category, and your self healing will continue to evade you if you begin believing that you do fall into it.
I don't like that i dont really have the choice ither way when it comes to men, as they always leave anyway before I decide either way if I want to end it or not.
The belief that you are destined to forever remain single or unattached combined with the belief that you do not deserve to be loved or that no man would want you may be combining with each other to unknowingly sabotage your relationships with men. Most of these relationships so far have been fairly short term and conducted over the telephone or internet, so it is not your body language which is sending them mixed signals. In your case it is much more likely to be what you say about yourself and how you say it.

If you always mainly unconsciously put yourself down in your conversations with men (many of us are trained during our upbringing to do this as we are taught that to be happy with whom we are is something to feel guilty about) when the reality is that you have so many things to be justifiably proud of about yourself so that any man who has your love would be a fortunate one, then why should you feel surprised when they decide to end the relationship prematurely?  

People often tend to agree with our assessment of ourselves. If you assess yourself through the words which you use in your conversations and the ways in which you express those words as being unworthy of him or not wanting to depend on or be tied down by him, eventually he will get the unintended message that he is not welcome and go to someone else instead.

The reading is not telling you this with the purpose to make you feel even more hopeless about the possibility of ever having a fulfilling and satisfying face to face with a man who deserves to be loved as much as you do. It definitely is not meant to give you more ammunition for you to use as your own self appointed harshest critic, or judge, jury and executioner.

It identifies the most likely source of your problem in having any of your relationships with men which are not only for friendship last the distance, but does not replace the possibility that if these lacking in self confidence and self love behaviour patterns have become a well practised and reinforced habit of behaviour with you as I suspect that they have, that you might at some stage in addition to what help I can offer you through my readings require professional assistance from a doctor or counsellor in helping you to tease out the individual threads which together make up the rope which is presently wrapped around your woman's heart.

How can you give or share with a man what you are either unable or unwilling to give to yourself?

Love and acceptance, in spite of their weaknesses and mistakes.

Do you want to or can you learn to increasingly love and accept yourself, work to strengthen your weaknesses and give yourself the permission to make your own mistakes, and to deal with their consequences in a mature and balanced manner?

Your answers to the above questions, plus what you do of a positive and practical manner with this new knowledge and appreciation of yourself in your daily life will largely it is felt determine whether you will be able to turn this loneliness and emptiness within yourself into true love, sooner rather than much later.

Love, Light and Self Healing,

EoT Image

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