The Surprising Truth about Astral Projection

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The Surprising Truth about Astral Projection

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:16 am

"The Surprising Truth about Astral Projection"

By Robert Bruce ... tion-easy/
If you are at all interested in examining and comparing the many different techniques for consciously inducing an Out Of Body Experience (OOBE) which is almost the same thing as Astral Projection, the above article puts a new slant on things by suggesting that up until now we have become overly dependent on visualisations to accomplish this, but that we now need to instead use feelings (or the absence of feeling our physical body), as a starting point or launching pad to make things much easier for us in this area than ever before.

Check it out for yourself!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:19 pm

Looking at the Astral as a state of consciousness is important.  When we alter our consciousness in psychic or mediumship work we can find ourselves in this low level, non educated level, instead of reaching higher into the spirit realms of spirit guides and those that love us more.  Astral projection (as written about in Far Journeys) is so much more than remaining at this consciousness level.

An article I found on the Astral Plane:


I often see articles and comments referring to the astral plane and using this term synonymous with ‘dreaming’, ‘O.B.E.’, and ‘spiritual’ plane.  This is very misleading and incorrect.  

The main difference between any of the dimensions is the vibration frequency.  The highest frequency there is: the Eternal Unconditional Love and Light of the First Source and Centre: The Creator of All That Is.  Although all is one, the farther one gets from the Central Source, frequency drops until eventually you encounter the lowest frequency of energy – dense physical matter.

The astral plane is the lowest frequency non-physical plane.  It is where all the low vibration frequency thought forms, energies, entities exist, because they can literally only rise to the level that matches their vibration frequency.  This is also why it is relatively easy to astral travel.  

One does not need to raise their vibration frequency of Love and Light to do it, although it does help.  The problem is, the astral plane is basically the lowest of humanities negative thought forms, emotions, discarnate beings who passed away in an unconscious mindset.  This is why so many people report having problems there.  Yes, you can learn how to protect yourself, but then again, why play at this level?

Wise men throughout the ages have diligently raised their Love and Light quotients through a worldwide variety of disciplines in order to leap right over the top of this plane for the exact reasons mentioned.  Once you do this, you can and will begin to consciously work with the higher beings of Light on a personal basis.  I can guarantee you the higher dimensions are where the beings of Love, Light and Divine Wisdom reside, not the astral plane.

For all those people who have become adept at astral travel, I promise you, there is so much more beautiful ‘stuff’ in the higher dimensions awaiting you – with open arms.

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Post by oriel » Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:15 am

what frequency is the akashic records?one time I was lucid dreaming and then when i realized I was dreaming I asked my guides to take me the akashic records..I saw  a white bright light door and it opened up for me and then there's this glowing book inside..then my body began to wake up because of noises ,I felt I was being brought back down to my body,it was sort of vibrating then I fully woke up..

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Every soul has its own unique frequency which is the same as the frequency of its Akashic Records

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:40 pm


Every soul and every soul's own Akashic Records has it's own unique frequency, according to several sites on the internet. And they match each other exactly like a lock and key.

Here is but one of many sites which mention this topic..... ... ccess.html

Note that this is a promotion for selling a book and four meditation CDs. I have no connection financial or otherwise with either this site or the author. It was just that the following words stood out so well in response to your question.
Exclusive Audio Alignments-These audio alignments are like mini-meditations created for the sole purpose of aligning your energetic frequency to the frequency of your Akashic Records, making it easier for you to access your own information.  These alignments were channeled from the Record Keepers, intertwining their energetic vibrations with my voice in order to pass those alignments to you. (immediate access through mp3 download)
While I do not know if there is any way to accurately and reliably determine your own particular Akashic Records frequency, I get a distinct feeling that the vibrational rate would be far above frequencies commonly encountered on this relatively slow, heavy and gross physical level.

But this lack of information should not in any way prevent you from attuning to that unknown (to you) frequency, with the help of your guides and other ascended master spiritual beings.

A soul's vibrational frequency is like a unique energy signature which identifies it amongst all others. When the attunement process is complete it is like two tuning forks automatically resonating in harmony with each other, but in this case your soul is the first tuning fork, and your Akashic Records are the second. This is called spiritual resonance.

The fact that you cannot remember anything about the contents of your Akashic Records after waking up does not mean that the attempt was a failure. This information is normally transferred at a very deep, core level of your unconscious mind (the soul level which  lucid dreams can give us special access to).

Only if it is felt that it would be in your best interests to know what was transmitted during this energy exchange and apply it to your daily existence will it be revealed to your waking consciousness a bit at a time (which does make this exercise very frustrating for genuine but equally impatient spiritual seekers like us). :smt018

Even if your Akashic Record frequency was known and you raised your vibrations to match it (with help from above), it may be a waste of your time and effort, as the information is already within your unconscious.

You may be able to help it to rise closer to the surface by meditating before falling to sleep on the real reasons (you must be completely honest about this) why you would want to know what your records contain, and these reasons will subsequently be judged on their individual merit to be or not be valid ones for giving you the information that you are seeking (this time consciously).

Hoping that this helps,

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Post by oriel » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:23 am

Hello EoT as usual you always give detailed information :smt005  :) Thank you  I didn't know that each one of us had a unique vibration frequency to access our akashic records..I thought if we had raised our vibrations that's the easiest way to access it. :smt005  :smt003
You are right the answers lie within us,when I started trying to meditate and I used amethyst to my 3rd eye chakra this happened..I kept asking my guides if they could show me my records ,then this happened..  :smt005 will check that link, thanks so much EoT  :smt006

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Raising your vibrations is not the easiest way. It is the only way!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:11 pm

I thought if we had raised our vibrations that's the easiest way to access it.

You are very welcome for the detailed information.

Raising your vibrations is not only the easiest way to attune to, resonate with or access your Akashic Records, but IT IS THE ONLY WAY!

It is the only way your spirit guides know of bringing your soul frequency and the identical frequency of your Akashic Records into alignment with each other once again.

When we are going about our daily activities our working frequencies are lowered well below our soul frequency, with the purpose to allow us to function reasonably effectively at this physical level.

During meditation or spiritual healing without the critical step of raising your energy frequency to that of your soul frequency (often with outside help from your healer), you would be permanently locked out of gaining the healing and information which can only be fully accessed when both of them are resonating in complete harmony with each other.

Always a pleasure,

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Post by caithiggs » Wed May 07, 2014 1:11 am

Awesome! All week I've been ridiculously exhausted due to my sleep schedule, and napping in the late morning. So I've been consciously leaving my body, and since I have never had the visualization thing down, I so relate to this. It's totally physical for me. I remember when I started trying to astral project years ago it was all about moving out of the body in the most effective manner, and how it felt to do so.

But since I wasn't even aware that visualization was involved, this has peeked my interest! Any good sources where I can find information on this?

I'm actually unsure I have ever successfully astrally projected since once I leave my body I'm just hurtled into a lucid dream. Even if I'm dreaming I'm near my body or in my bedroom, I'm never visualizing my surroundings, it's more like I'm make believing where I am. I feel like I'm on a different vibration all together where things are only distantly related to physical appearances, because my mind is perhaps too lazy to try and get appearances right. I'm so curious what is behind this, and also what higher vibrations would look like and how they can be achieved.

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Consciously means deliberately

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 08, 2014 11:46 pm

When I began this topic I was referring to an article about how to consciously induce an astral projection using an alternative method involving the absence of feeling stimuli instead of the usual visualisation route, but in the light of Spiritalk's wise cautioning us about the potential dangers involved with deliberately attempting to project our consciousness out of our physical body, I have had a major rethink about this.

I have come to the conclusion that the safest way is not to force things, but rather to use lucid dreams as a springboard or launchpad to both raising one's spiritual vibrations as well as creating the best conditions for a projection to happen, but only if it is meant to happen and spontaneously.

There are many methods suggested on the internet for achieving the out of body state, but honestly most of them are either terribly outdated, or they involve depriving the body of its basic essentials such as food, water, air, good quality sleep and other major stresses to shock the spiritual body into temporarily vacating its physical vehicle, and I would not therefore recommend or want to promote such methods amongst my internet friends as valid or indeed safe.

The environment you are describing is what you would expect to observe on one of the other vibratory planes which intersects our own on a slightly different and higher frequency. It looks much like our physical world, but not quite. There may also be some normal dream elements woven into the experience itself, which would make it seem even more unreal.

So in summary the best method for having an OOBE which is not exactly the same thing as an astral projection(see Spiritalk's explanation) is NOT TO CONSCIOUSLY INDUCE ONE, BUT RATHER TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS THROUGH MEDITATION AND PRAYER AND THINKING POSITIVE THOUGHTS.

This in turn should with regular practice promote a suitable dream or lucid dream state from which an Out Of Body Experience (which I would always prefer to having an astral projection) will eventually happen if your Higher Self feels that it is in your best interests to have one at this particular moment in your life, taking into account what else might be happening at the same time in other life areas which will possibly require you to focus on  them instead of this.

If for example you are already under large amounts of stress for one of many reasons, your body needs a lot more deep healing sleep instead of dreams for the immediate future. There are without any doubt many more serious and important things to achieve in one's life than having an OOBE. Many people go through their entire life without remembering having an out of body experience, and perhaps it is not part of everyone's journey in a specific lifetime to have one.

Our Higher Self knows when it is the time for you to learn these lessons, so trying to make it happen before our HS thinks we are ready is not only likely to be counter-productive, but it could distract us from why we are really here. In other words in most people having OOBEs is very low in priority of importance in comparison to all the other lessons and experiences which that soul needs for its optimum growth and development.

Finally some souls use projection of their consciousness as a form of escape from reality or from confronting and dealing with their life's challenges, which is never healthy or a good thing. IMHO


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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 24, 2014 3:41 pm

There are a couple of books that are manuels to the process:  Far Journeys and another by the same author, whose name escapes me at the moment.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 24, 2014 11:07 pm

Thanks J,

The author's name which you are looking for here is Robert Allan  Monroe.

His two books "Far Journeys" (1985) and "Ultimate Journey" (1994) are regarded as being classics on the subject of astral projection.

I have his original 1971 book "Journeys Out Of The body" in my private collection. If the later two titles are classics, this one could be seen as the first practical handbook for those people wishing to deliberately induce an OOBE.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 31, 2014 3:54 pm

And I still offer the astral projections cautions (as above) as we are fooling around with consciousness levels and can sometimes not return from the journey.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 31, 2014 11:03 pm

spiritalk wrote:And I still offer the astral projections cautions (as above) as we are fooling around with consciousness levels and can sometimes not return from the journey.
Dear J,

Your cautions towards deliberately inducing an astral projection have been duly noted and are understood and respected by all of us, but could you please expand upon the possible reasons why astral projectors "can sometimes not return from their journey"?

Assuming that it was not their time to pass over any way?

Can we be certain that it was not their destined time to go, and that it was just a coincidence that they chose to consciously project around the same time?

Another point which comes to my mind is if they do not return from their self induced journey, how does one know that they did not choose to stay on the astral plane, and therefore did not want to return?

This seems much more likely to me than any potential danger of the silver cord spontaneously separating mid journey, and stranding the astral traveller permanently from returning to the physical world and their body.

Your commentary concerning the above questions would be much appreciated, as part of this increasingly interesting and revealing discussion.


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:50 pm

Astral projection is very much taking you from point A to point B on the earth plane.  There is no spiritual component (just as the astral plane is not a spiritual component).  And it would eliminate the need for air fare.  Its that simple - a physically induced, physically produced exercise to take the mind to another place and time.  If we are 'living' our earth life there is no need for such escapism (just my opinion).  

Hypnotism, Mesmerism, even psychic and mediumship exercises all hold the ability to alter our consciousness from the material focus to another level of consciousness where we can understand there is more to life than the material/physical world.  The success of sites such as this one, certainly attest to that thought.  

We can all live or play in our own consciousness as we see fit. Knowing more about that type of thing may be a healthier approach.   I happen to concur with the article in that the astral plane is certainly the garbage dump of the universe.  There is way too much uneducated and unlearned activity to make much from it.  If we truly want to know we have reached places like the Akaishic records, etc. we must learn to attune at a higher level.  The spiritually aware and advanced simply do not roam there.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:53 pm

As the astral projections are strictly for physical/material projection, it is the mental health we are talking about not our death.  I have witnessed many an astral journier whose psychic and mediumshistic abilities are compromised by this level of input rather than enhanced.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:37 pm


I have no doubt that there are certain individuals who are seriously mentally compromised or unbalanced by repeated attempts to astrally project.

Although it does suggest that they could be less mentally stable in comparison, before attempting their first astral journey.

Unfortunately mediums are not immune to mental or emotional disturbances, at least as much as any of the rest of us who are not mediums.

Some might go so far as to say that their profession/calling could potentially make them more vulnerable to these illnesses than the rest of us.

but could you please expand upon the possible reasons why astral projectors "can sometimes not return from their journey"?
You have not in my opinion yet expanded upon the reasons why astral projectors can sometimes not return from their journey.

Or are you saying that the ONLY reason that they do not return is that they use it as an extreme form of escapism from the challenges which life and this physical plane offers us?

In other words are you saying here that they deliberately choose not to return and either themselves or someone else permanently breaks the cord for them, in order to ensure that they cannot ever return to their bodies presumably by accident?


EoT  :smt017

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