Is it true angels only help if you ask?

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Is it true angels only help if you ask?

Post by revangabriel » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:19 am

Is it true angels only help if you ask them for help? It seems a bit unfair to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:06 am

The words "fair" and "unfair" are both relative to that particular person's point of view, or perspective. Would it be fair if the angels decided who they would like to help, and someone who needed them more than you missed out because you felt your needs were more important or urgent than his or hers? Fair to someone, often necessarily means unfair to someone else

It is probably not quite as simple as angels only helping if you ask them to, but it is true that often one condition for helping a person is that they first ask for that help to be given to them. Then to be willing to accept the help when it appears (if it is recognised as help), even if it appears in a form which is completely unexpected or we would prefer it to be given in a different manner.

Now it is my understanding that to a large extent angels act as messengers between people living on Earth, and the higher spiritual planes. They act mainly as a go between God and us.

Do not confuse angels with spirit guides, although the fact that some people call their main spirit guide their guardian angel does add to this confusion.

I do not believe myself in the concept of each of us having a personal angel exclusively to ourselves throughout our entire lifetime.

I believe instead that if the situation is so serious or urgent that angelic help is required, that they will drop what they are doing and come to our rescue.

But as is also the case with guides, angels are not allowed to interfere in our lives beyond certain well defined limits, as this would deny us the opportunity learn our lessons and to live our lives as we best see fit to do so.

An angel cannot force us to accept his/her/it's help if this is against our own free will.

In most circumstances you must personally ask for angelic help, although it is quite acceptable for someone who really cares for and is concerned for your health and safety to request angelic assistance for you on your behalf.

Asking for their help does not guarantee that you will receive it, as this may be seen by more advanced spiritual beings as against your best interests at the time of your request.

But if you never ask for that help, your chances of getting a boost from the angels will undeniably decrease significantly.

Is that unfair?

Maybe it seems that way to you.

But to the other person who has been continually pleading for angelic help and for some reason unknown to him or her that help has been denied, your complaints about the need to ask for help from angels are likely to fall on deaf ears, and attract very little sympathy from an individual who is far worse off than you are.


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Post by firefly43210 » Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:31 pm

there are too few angels for too many people .
Dorosith Volmaya

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:29 am

firefly43210 wrote:there are too few angels for too many people .
That would be true only if it was a rigid rule of one person per angel, or conversely one angel per person.

Which would in my opinion be a highly inefficient method of distributing angel energies, in order to positively influence our lives and our planet.

BTW this is one of the main reasons why I do not have a strong belief in personal angels.

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Post by revangabriel » Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:49 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:BTW this is one of the main reasons why I do not have a strong belief in personal angels.
What do you mean by "strong belief"?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:24 am

What do you mean by "strong belief"?
"Strong" meaning "definite".

While I am still deciding about how much I believe about the existence of angels in general and am keeping my mind open to the possibility, I feel that the idea of every human being currently living on Earth having their own unique personal angel following them around 24/7 is much less likely.

I am much less definite in my beliefs about personal angels, when compared to my beliefs about the existence of angels.

Note that I do not regard a spirit guide as being the same thing as an angelic being.

But other people clearly do.

To them a guide, especially one which appears during times of great personal danger and emergency must seem to be like an angel of mercy, but without the fluffy white wings.

People calling their main, permanent guide their guardian angel only confuses the issue in my opinion, but I respect their right to use their own definition of what an angel is to them (as I hope that they will equally respect mine).

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When is yellow not yellow? At least the same *yellow*!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:43 pm

This is a rather interesting thread of discussions and sharing of personal perspectives (viewpoints).

The common theme being the utilization of terms (terminology) for realms (zones?) that span the spectrum of physical to etheric.

Being a thread based in physical realm, it is natural that terms, or words that represent personal viewpoints and understandings would be used and are being used! Unless the terms mean exactly the same to two or more discussants (?) there would be confusion, potentially disturbed or even disrupted communications. Such happens even in more concrete areas of science, or even technical aspects of divinatory crafts such as astrology where terms tend to be somewhat better or more concretely defined. And it would not be technical if the terms were not more or less well-defined.

Now, terms and words are essential at the physical level of communication. What I call yellow more or less means yellow to most with similar colour vision abilities as me, although even something as concrete as that is riddled with variabilities and I am not even considering those with well-defined colour visual deficiencies (colour blindness). Were a series of colour swatches of different hues of yellow shown to us each privately and individually, we would probably not pick the same swatch as the ideal or true yellow! Yet we all think we kind of understand/know what is *yellow* and uniformly so!

TERMS are essential even without their being exact since same word does have different connotations, since even a simple term has a halo which is anything but simple or precise. What is 'good' for the goose is not necessarily 'good' for the gander, metaphorically speaking.

However, when we use concrete terms for ethereal realm *objects/entities*, we sooner or later run into distorted and even disturbed communications.

When we begin to utilize concrete words to define realms and indwellers thereof it could be, crudely put, trying to add wings to an automobile in order to obtain a bird's eye view then it can only be done through visualization as well as some experience with how aerial views appear!

The spiritual and ethereal realm of entities such as spirits, spiritual guides, angels and higher is one where despite our experience and verbal prowess, terms become inadequate and often fail when we are trying to explain or describe our perspectives and understanding to another person, even one who is willing to listen and try to empathetically understand.

Such is the make-up of our minds, that we tend to 'physicallize' realms that are beyond the physical! Hence we view instances of anthropomorphing the spiritual to fit in the constrained box of physical realm. Abstract concepts make many of us unsettled and so we strive every which way we can to bring it down to concrete realm where words and terms are most fitting and comfortable, and so are we!

Our cultures, backgrounds, conditioning in other words too play a significant role, even when we through learning and effort become better cogniscent of different cultures and the terminologies used by those: their similies and metaphors etc.

We can, and many do, but the fact of the matter is that when we are trying to bridge the enormous gap between realms that are physical and those that are spiritual, often the adage, "if it walks, quacks, seems and sounds like a duck, then it can ONLY be a duck", fails miserably! Sometimes leading to discord where none should ever had arisen!

Sadly, the categorization and classification systems that we often see in religions, spiritual scriptures, all of which utilize the MIGHTY word and someone's conceptualization (the scholar, the priest, the custodian, etc), at times would be better served to halt in its pacing and ponder thoughtfully: When I say and mean *yellow*, does my friend visualize the same colour...?

Just a thought!

Love, Light, Perception and perspective,


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Post by revangabriel » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:23 pm


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Post by joker » Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:03 am

I believe everyone has garden angel and believe there angels in human forum on earth

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Is it true Angels only help if you ask?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:35 am

Happy Supermoon, everybody! Showing up at suppertime (east coast), some have dubbed it as Supper-moon this year! ;-)

It is well known that in order to develop speech, infants need to have intact hearing! The more developed the hearing is, the greater chances of normal speech developing. Helen Kellar comes to mind!

My belief is that the physical is a gross replica of the ethereal which in turn is shaped on the mold of astral and thus, of other subtle *bodies*

My other belief is that Angels do not *speak* in a conversational sense, just as a human would, for example when we ask for directions at a gas station or ask a question and someone responds (as we all do, here or in the physical world, on the bus, in the street, at work, etc.

Likewise, angels do not listen only when we speak or pose a question to them!

It is only when we work on our listening skills that we ask questions properly and when we are capable to hear their response, which unlike physical 'voice' is constant, ever-present!

But, we need to be able to LISTEN, before proper guidance can be received and followed?

And yes sometimes (often? Always??), Angelic wisdom arrives through human voices, spoken or at times written...

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