Arrested without handcuffs and dancers consumed by flames.

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Arrested without handcuffs and dancers consumed by flames.

Post by marlena » Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:23 pm

Was inside this building/housing for kids. The guy in charge was arguing with them and stood up and busted a pipe that started leaking flammable gas. I tried to get everyone out and make sure no one was left.  A cop shows up and arrests me for doing it because I was the only one still there. No matter how much I tried, no one believed me and while I was under arrest,  the cop never put handcuffs on me. He told me to just keep my hands behind my back.

He walks me out of the building and to his home.  He has to get his car out of the garage, but because it is stuffed with Christmas decorations and things, he has one of his daughters help him dig the car out. The other two daughters are with me in the living room and are watching TV.

I am then taken to a train station (very similar to Grand Central Station in NY). Mind you, still not in handcuffs! I turn and see these modern dancers dressed in these peachy-coral drape like robes, very similar to the Buddhist monk robes.  As each one finished dancing, they then burst into flames.

The last dancer is this curvy, medium sized dancer. Her moves look as though her very soulis coming out of her feet as she dances. Once she bursts into flames, I find myself feeling awed. The singer Fantasia from American Idol comes running up to me and tells me that she had to curse out the cab driver for taking to long to reach the station. She didn't want to miss her chance to say goodbye to me!

As she says that,  I started weeping, saying I am so sorry. I woke up in real tears this morning from this. Right now, I feel as though something has been moved within me. I just don't know what it was.

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Post by Rook » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:50 am

Hi Marlena

I suspect this dream is strongly related to current internal processes, and an internal conflict.  Its very spiritual in nature, what with the Buddhist dancers, and the repeated symbol of flame/fire in the fire threat to the building initially, plus the dancers being engulfed in flame.

The start of the dream seems to be around an internal conflict between your "inner child" and some part of you that is in a position of authority.  I believe that this angry man is related to your logical / intellectual side.  This is because he is male firstly (intellect) also the gas = air = intellect in tarot (by my novice understanding - I wouldn't mind getting into tarot symbolism more incidentally...)  It is this argument in itself that has led to the gas leak.  Taken as a symbol I suspect that the gas is representative of a "volatile thought" that could lead to an eruption of fire or spirit.

This fire when placed in context to the rest of the dream - particularly the dancers - seems related to a baptism of fire.  Fire in itself is a symbol of death and renewal, sort of like the phoenix that is consumed by fire and then grows from its own ashes.  This seems to be the type of fire in this dream especially given that the burning dancers is not related to emotions of horror, fear or pain, but rather to awe.

Going back to the gas leak then the thought is there to initiate this baptism of fire as a result of the conflict, but something - again something of authority in your life (the policeman ) - has come in and interrupted the process.  At first I thought this may have been symbolic of an external person, but it might be an external influence - ie something from society influencing you as a person - as it takes you out of the building to another house.  What is this influence - I believe it is related to Christian religion as the garage is filled with Christmas decorations.  From this I feel that this is not organised (I get the feeling the decorations were a bit chaotic considering how the policeman and his daughter have to dig the car out) and not overly serious (decorations as opposed to full on Christian symbolism ie Jesus on the Cross etc).  Is there some sort of religious feeling of what is right and wrong effecting your spiritual nature?  There is further evidence that there is conflict here given that the dancers that are filled with soul and experiencing the baptism of fire are dressed in Buddhist-like regalia, not Christian.

And why are you not handcuffed even though you are under arrest?  Well - because this influence is not controlling or limiting your actions (arms).  You are still free to do and act as you want, but this religious thinking is influencing the direction of your life (driving you to the train station).

I believe the train station is where you are currently at in your life.  Usually I see trains as being something you get on where you don't control where it takes you - but you can decide when and where to get on and off, sort of like fate.  I regularly see trains in related to people's career opportunities where they can not control the work that they are allocated and the experiences they have, but they can get on and off different trains through working in different jobs.  Yours is not related to career though, yours is a different train.  But you are now facing a choice that will influence the direction of your life and the fate (train) that you will end up following.

Enter Fantasia.  She wants to say goodbye.  Again this is the symbol of death and rebirth associated with fire.  The end of something and start of something new.  Fantasia is a very interesting symbol.  She could be representing a "fantasy" world (linked to the inner child?) that you are now leaving behind, perhaps as you head down a path of "thought" driven by Religi-cop?  Whatever it is, you feel sad to be leaving it behind.  Having looked into Fantasia I saw some of the lyrics for her music that seemed quite relevant - especially "I Believe" ... tasia.html - quite an appropriate song for this dream.

Now note: you have not yet gotten on the train.  There is still those dancers that so awe you.  The choice still lays before you, what train are you going to get on?  Are you going to follow the direction of the Religi-cop, or are you going to move independentally given that your actions are not restricted, and take a different train?

Okay, now that I have done all that, does that make sense at all?  I could be wrong lol, but all that revealed itself pretty clearly to me and seems to fit.  But it might not fit with what is happening in your life.  Only you will know that.


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