What happens to people who commit suicide?

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What happens to people who commit suicide?

Post by revangabriel » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:14 am

Is it true that people who commit suicide get sent right back to Earth again?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:38 am

Sometimes but not necessarily always, and rarely if they are going to be sent back straight away.

What happens to a particular soul or spirit of a person who has become so desperate to take his or her own life is treated on an individual in their best interests basis.

If they are to return to Earth it is not as a form of punishment, but it is usually to finish previously unfinished lessons which were cut short by their premature departure.

Until the next part of their journey is decided, they are placed in the hands of highly capable and compassionate spirit doctors and other healers, who specialise in this sensitive area.

These people are often sick enough in their minds, bodies and spirits and suffer quite enough excruciating emotional pain when they realize what they have done to themselves and to the people whom they left behind but cannot reverse the damage, without any extra need for someone up there wielding a big stick who derives sadistic pleasure from punishing them for breaking one of the ten commandments by sending them back here to do it all over again.

EoT  :smt114

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:46 am

People on the other side wielding a bunch of big sticks, ready to send me back to earth to do it all over again is exactly how it feels like to me.
If you did take your own life and believed the above, especially at first your experience would accurately reflect your expectations. If you believe that all people who commit suicide are bad people and therefore need to be punished then when you first passed over you would find yourself apparently surrounded by people who are out to punish you.

On other spiritual planes our thoughts are immediately translated into our personal reality. On this physical plane mercifully there is often a delay between the thoughts and their corresponding effects.

And the same thing applies to if you regard life as an annoying obstacle to be escaped from ASAP on this level. Your life will as a consequence increasingly appear full of obstacles instead of opportunities. If you are already having a hard time of it (and many people are), then you really do not want to add this on top of your existing challenges.

Some churches have used the fear of after death punishment for suicide and any other action which they do not approve of as a way of stopping people from doing those things. But the evidence clearly demonstrates that using spiritual emotional blackmail and fear tactics to get people to do what you want them to do is only likely to make the person do these wrong things more often, or do even worse things.

To be honest, I have thought about suicide myself, but the main thing holding me back from actually planning and doing it was that I could not carry with me into the other world the knowledge of what terribly devastating emotional and psychological effects it would have on the family who I would leaving behind me.

I believe that they do not deserve to feel ashamed or guilty because of what would have be my own selfish act. NOT because of any belief by me that suicides are automatically consigned to burning in Hell for all eternity, as just punishment for their sickness.

Last edited by eye_of_tiger on Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by revangabriel » Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:23 am

Sometimes the law of attraction can be so damn counter productive. Can't we just be left alone with our thoughts? Trying to reverse years of negative thoughts, all the mean while having life chuck boulders and more problems my way. So counter productive.
On other spiritual planes our thoughts are immediately translated into our personal reality.
Seriously, whats the other side like? Can you imagine whatever you want and then have it happen? Say If I wanted a bowl of fruit, I can just have a bowl of fruit pop out in front of me? Sounds awesome.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:35 am

Can't we just be left alone with our thoughts?
Thoughts are another form of energy, so we are never truly left alone with our thoughts as we are each a small but nevertheless important part of the energy exchange web of life. Part of physical existence is learning to use and give out these energies responsibly in a way which does not harm either yourself, or other people with whom you come in contact.
Trying to reverse years of negative thoughts, all the mean while having life chuck boulders and more problems my way. So counter productive.
It is true that life is rarely easy and smooth sailing, and that it is easier for some people than it is for others.

Life can be difficult enough without us knowingly or unknowingly doing things which will only add to our existing stress load. The boulders and problems are disguised (often heavily disguised) opportunities for our optimum growth and development as both spiritual and human beings.  

Unfortunately life is a package deal where you cannot always have what you want, as soon as you want it. You cannot really fully appreciate joy and love unless you first experience the complete opposite of them.

Or so we are taught.

Counterproductive is a highly subjective label which you are giving to how life works, and it is only your personal opinion or way of looking at things.

While I know and empathize with you that your life's challenges can be intensely frustrating and discouraging much of the time, from the cosmic classroom perspective it is absolutely essential and therefore not counterproductive for you to have to encounter these obstacles in your path, in order to help you to exercise and build up your spiritual muscles for whatever lies ahead with the aid of increased faith and hope.
Seriously, whats the other side like?
But I am being DEADly serious! :smt002  :smt002

The only people who truly know what the other side is like for them are already dead to this world. The only person who will eventually know what the other side will be like for you when you eventually cross over, is you.
Can you imagine whatever you want and then have it happen?
It is not always quite as simple and straight forward as that.

Even on the other spiritual planes there are rules of protection put in place to ensure that whatever you visualize would not unintentionally or intentionally harm another soul, if it was instantly materialized on that plane in their vicinity.

There are many other rules as well, but you would need the maturity and wisdom of an ascended master to be able to understand how they work, let alone understand why they are necessary.

I presently lack both the maturity and wisdom of an ascended master, so I really cannot help you much more than that to understand and appreciate the full complexity of every single one of these thought manifestation other worldly rules and restrictions.

When I suggested that our thoughts over there are instantly translated into apparently solid objects, I was comparing the relative ease of it when compared to the frequent difficulty and longer delay when trying to do the identical same thing while we are still living on Earth.  

Consequently I was speaking in relative and not in absolute terms, when I suggested that there is instant manifestation of our thoughts after death.


EoT   :)

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Post by revangabriel » Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:35 am

I knew what you meant by the delay in the law of attraction on earth compared to the other side. Its just that the other side seems like such an awesome place. To be carefree and do whatever you want. Thats half the reason I want to die. I can't wait to go there!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:30 am

Its just that the other side seems like such an awesome place. To be carefree and do whatever you want.
:smt009  :smt009  :smt009  :smt009  :smt009  :smt009  :smt009  :smt009  :smt009

Unfortunately being on the other side does NOT mean that anyone will be care free, or be allowed to do whatever they want to do.

There will always continue to be challenges and cares and concerns for us, on whatever spiritual plane we exist at that moment.

Without the protective delay between our thoughts and their effects in the other world, we are actually more restricted and made more responsible for the potential harm which could be done to others by our careless thoughts.

So if you are looking for a plane on which you will be entirely free of cares and concerns, and one in which you can do whatever you want to do without ever having to consider the needs and feelings of others around you, then you will certainly NOT find it on the other side of life, OR ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER.

According to your definition there are no "awesome" planes or places. With the incredible power of our thoughts to either destroy or heal, comes the mandatory responsibility to use this power positively, and never to intentionally do harm either to oneself or to another soul.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you think that taking your own life or passively waiting to die and escaping into a world where you believe that you will be carefree and bear no responsibility for what you have done or are doing now, then you are about to make the most serious, fatal and irreversible mistake of your current lifetime.

If you think that living here is difficult, you do not even want to begin to know how much more difficult it will be for you over there, and to make matters much worse your options to do anything to make it less difficult will be significantly reduced by you no longer having a physical body. The painful regrets which you will feel for having done this added to your inability to make it up to those loved ones you have left behind, are a much more accurate picture of what living in hell feels like.
Thats half the reason I want to die. I can't wait to go there!
What I am asking you is the other half reason?

EoT  :smt009

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Post by revangabriel » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:59 am

Im sorry, but  I was kind of being of sarcastic. You said the other side would reflect our expectations, so I thought I'll just start imagining it as some cool place. :)

And you said a lot about not hurting others on the other side, I have no intention or desire to hurt other people. I find it crazy that its even possible to hurt people on the other side. Crazy stuff.

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Suicide is never a solution to anything

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:24 am

Not a problem, but I wanted to clear up any misunderstandings about the message which I was trying to get across to you which might give you the badly mistaken impression that I am encouraging potential suicides and promoting taking your own life as an easy way out of your problems, or selling the Spirit world to you as an attractive holiday destination.

Suicide is neither painless for the person, nor for the people he or she leaves behind, loaded down with endless feelings of guilt for not having seen this coming and for not having stopped someone whom they love from making a fatal mistake. The other side is anything but being a "cool" place, even without the fire and brimstone nonsense.

What I said was that "especially at first your experience would accurately reflect your expectations. If you believe that all people who commit suicide are bad people and therefore need to be punished then when you first passed over you would find yourself apparently surrounded by people who are out to punish you".

This immediately after death state of being punished by everyone around you would only be attractive to someone who enjoys being punished and likes pain (a masochist).  

The really big difference with the pain which we feel on the other side as there is also plenty of pain in this life, is that over there it is effectively never ending, and that you can seemingly no longer do anything to get some relief from it.  That ability was lost along with your physical body.
And you said a lot about not hurting others on the other side, I have no intention or desire to hurt other people.
Because there is even more potential for us to do serious harm to other people on the other side because of our thoughts quickly translating into reality, it is necessary to have much stronger and more restrictive protective mechanisms in place to prevent this from happening there.

Only if you prefer more or even tighter rules than those which operate on Earth, would anyone find this particularly welcoming.

I recognise that your comments were said tongue in cheek (sarcastic) and I personally use a lot of humour to help me to deal with my life's challenges, but on a site like this one where many of our members are desperate enough to be thinking about suicide as an easy exit strategy, I feel that treating this subject as a joke is rather insensitive to their suffering.

I would consequently prefer to make it crystal clear to everyone that suicide is never a solution to anything, but instead brings with it many more and bigger and infinitely more difficult to treat problems, when compared to those problems which you had while we were still alive on the Earth plane.

Take care,


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Post by smcsw2000 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:17 am

As EOT said, suicide is never a solution.  Suicide is like a stop in the lesson of life.

Life is like going to school. We go through each grade(plane) and try to learn the lessons to continue on. But unlike school, there is no pushing you onto the next grade if the learning is not complete.

At the end of the life you (your hardest critic) will assess your life with higher beings to decide on the success/failure of whatever we were supposed to learn. Whether you are ready for the next lesson(plane) or do you need to repeat that lesson.  Then prepare and do it again, until we are successful, or move on to the next lesson.

We will continue learning lessons through the different planes until we are successful and can move on to the final plane/reward/goal.

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Post by love&light » Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:29 am

Consequences of Suicide

Questioner: What life form does one take when he or she commits suicide? Do they take the form of a bhoot (ghost) or pret (spirit without body after death)?

Dadashri: After committing suicide, one’s spirit or soul wanders around. In fact, by committing suicide one invites more problems. If a person commits suicide just once, the repercussions of this act are such that he will have to do the same for several lives to come. When a person commits suicide in this life, it is not a new suicide. The suicide of this life is the effect of suicide
committed in the past. It is because of such effects, that one continues to commit suicide, life after life. When one commits suicide, he has to wander around without a body. A ghost is a different thing altogether. It is not easy to become a ghost; it is an incarnation in the celestial life form. One becomes a ghost when one has performed severe penance and austerities in ignorance.

Questioner: Why do thoughts of suicide occur?
Dadashri: A person is alive because of his sense of being and self worth. His awareness of ‘I am Chandulal’ is called vikalp. ‘All this is mine’, is his sankalp. This sense of ‘I and my’ is the basis of his worldly life. Once he loses this sense of being, he loses all worldly awareness and that is when thoughts of suicide arise. So this sense of ‘I am’ is necessary and helpful.
When natural and spontaneous thoughts cease, negative thoughts begin. He becomes immersed in complete internal darkness and is not able to ‘see’ anything. Sankalp means ‘my’ and vikalp means ‘I’. When both these stop, a person will think about dying.

Questioner: What is the cause behind a person’s tendency to contemplate and complete a suicide?
Dadashri: The root cause of suicide is that in one of his past lives he had committed suicide, the effects of that act is carried forward through seven more lives. When you drop a ball from a height of about three feet, it will bounce back up and with each subsequent bounce, the height it bounces up is reduced and eventually the ball ceases to bounce. That is a natural process, a natural principle of motion. Similarly if a person commits suicide
just once, then this act is perpetuated for seven more lives. The intensity of the effects carried forward is not visible but they decrease each time and eventually coming to an end.

This is from book  "DEATH Before, During and After"  by DADA BHAGWAN

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:53 pm

This is from book  "DEATH Before, During and After"  by DADA BHAGWAN
This book is only a statement of Dada Bhagwan's beliefs about the consequences of suicide.

What are your own personal beliefs about what happens to people who have committed suicide, when they reach the next world?

EoT :smt024

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Post by Bree 54 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:27 pm

There are so many that have been & still are in your shoes. I was one of them & I to wanted to die through most of my un-adult life.  Four out of five supposedly close family members made my life miserable constantly.  Sexual molestation several times made me dirty. Dirty minded family members came between me & my first best friend, a boy, & we were all of three years old. This made the neighborhood reject my interactions with their children. This then carried to school.

One day I had a stern talk with God, if this is what my life is going to be I don't want it. What you think you can do in Heaven you can do here, just not as fast. I went to book stores (as the internet wasn't something everyone had then) & in the self help section started learning how to be a functional person.  I acquired tools to change the energy of my life, & healed my wounds.

Now I live my dream here, manafested by me & how do I thank God for all the books that jumped off the shelf at me? I give help to the people that ask for it. If you want to learn how to manifest your heaven here or on the other side you must first learn how to manifest & you only get that by doing!

And let me tell you, I have a real man that loves me & I him, I own a horse that most people only dream of, I have a custom home that I feel safe in for the first time in my life, I have friends that never let me down.  This is what I created.  THIS is what you can create if you so desire.  Yes it is hard work, but it is no less a HEAVEN.

Wishing you many Blessing


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