pic reading

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pic reading

Post by guria » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:25 pm

I want to know is it possible to know when will I get a job and when will I come out from this depression period by reading my face..please tell me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:40 pm

Hi Guria,

I do not believe that any type of reading can claim to be able to predict exactly when you will get a job, or when you will come out of your depression.

Picture readings included.

You will probably not fully come out of your depression until you get a job, but there are practical things which you can do in the meantime to help reduce your understandable and perfectly normal feelings of depression.

I think that even though predicting the future is a big ask, that giving you a picture reading would still be a good idea.

Make sure that your photo is relatively recent. Taken within the last month would be best.

Look at the forum rules BEFORE posting it as a response in this thread.

Especially the preferred format and maximum file size allowed.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=47454

How long have you been looking for a job, and what type of job?


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Post by guria » Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:20 am

for now I am trying for banking sectors and govt jobs.
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:57 pm


If I was asked to provide one key phrase to describe the impression which you give to other people around you, it would have to be EFFICIENCY IN EVERYTHING.

Your tightly closed lips scream efficiency, and over seriousness!

In your photo you come across to me as someone who always likes order and routine and predictability in her life, so a government or bank job should satisfy these needs quite well.

But having everything ordered and predictable can also quickly get boring, so if you do get this type of job, you will need to ensure that you balance the order and predictability of your job with some fun and spontaneity in the rest of your life. All work and no play will make for a very boring and lonely Guria?

You make a lot of effort in keeping up your appearances or looking attractive and calm (nothing wrong with that), dressing smartly and projecting a sense of being efficient and reliable to your prospective employers.

Unfortunately however this outer mask which you wear to the rest of the world is a poor cover up for your low self confidence, which is currently taking quite a battering as the days and weeks of your period of unemployment gradually turns into months.

Fortunately your date of birth which I used in addition to your picture to help me calculate your most likely personality strengths tells me that you are highly adaptable to rapidly changing circumstances, and possess a great deal of inner strength which you can draw on in times of need to keep you going.

As I said previously I do not think that you will fully come out of your depression until you get a job, and that all of your depression is directly related to you being unemployed. You often set such unrealistically high standards for yourself that you are almost guaranteed to be disappointed with yourself most of the time. Disappointment with yourself and depression are not exactly the same thing, although one can lead to the other.

Do you feel that you have let both yourself and your family or partner down by not being able to get a job sooner rather than later? When finding a suitable job for you these days is frequently an exercise in extreme frustration and not having enough money to live on for a large proportion of young people like yourself?

And it must be a factor that as a woman in your culture, you need to be seen as outperforming most men competing for the same position as you are, in order to be recognized as being employable and a valuable asset to the business in question. In other words whether you like it or not (why should you like it), your gender often counts against you in competition with male applicants.

Now please do not take this the wrong way, but you are stunningly attractive young woman. If you can get past your low self confidence any red blooded man would feel that he is the luckiest man in the world to be loved by you. You would be seen at high risk by an employer of leaving your job early in your career to get married and have children, meaning that all the time and money they invested in your training could be lost.

So in summary what the reading is suggesting on top of you continuing to apply for these jobs and attend any interviews and getting professional career counseling and advice, is for you to balance this with doing things to make you feel better about yourself. The best person for a job these days is not always the most efficient, well ordered and methodical candidate, but rather the one who has the most well rounded or balanced personality.

Efficient, well ordered and methodical is good, but without being able to comfortably get on and work well with other people, your main personality strengths will probably not be enough by themselves, to get you over the line. Please do not try to make yourself unattractive to men to keep your potential employer confident that they will not soon lose their investment in you by you getting married and having to leave almost as soon as you begin. But do dress conservatively, while at the same time gaining maximum benefit from your natural beauty and womanly charms.

Without you ALSO having a reasonably happy and successful personal, social and love life, all your order and efficiency will most likely get you nowhere fast in the employment stakes. Many women these days make the mistake of indefinitely putting off relationships and starting their own family until their career is established, only to discover perhaps too late that they have left most of their opportunities for true love and happiness behind them.

The most likely to be successful and fulfilled career woman these days does not focus exclusively on her job to the total exclusion of all other equally important areas of her life, and her well rounded and properly balanced personality development. Feeling good about yourself must never be confined only to how good you believe that you are at your job/career. There is so much more to you as a person, than simply being a bank or government worker.

Properly balanced personality development through you finding success and satisfaction simultaneously in many areas of your life is the enemy of depression. Increased self love and self respect and self acceptance in spite of your human weaknesses and mistakes are your main weapons against this formidable opponent of depression, in all of its many different disguises.

How well or otherwise you apply the above insights during the next six months covered by this reading to your daily life will it is felt largely determine how quickly you will come out of your depression, and/or get a job.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt024

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Post by guria » Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:14 am

thank you soo much, yes you are right, I am very much depressed because I am not getting a job and because of my financial problems. and this is also true that I have very low self confidence.
Last edited by guria on Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:15 pm

guria wrote:thank you soo much, yes you are right, I am very much depressed because I am not getting a job and because of my financial problems. and this is also true that I have very low self confidence.
btw one correction is there, my birth year is 1991 not 1992, as you said you used my DOB with this picture.  :smt004
You are welcome for the reading and thanking you in return for your feedback.

Please ASAP correct your date of birth as shown in your forum profile, as by leaving it wrong as it is you will keep getting somebody else's readings in the future, instead of your own.

Click on the following link which leads to your user control panel. Scroll down to your DOB and change the year to 1991 using the drop down menu. You must also get the two very easy mathematics problems 4+4= and 5+2= right as a security measure, before it will allow you to save your changes by clicking the SUBMIT button at the bottom of that page.

http://mysticboard.org/pr ... ditprofile

I looked back into your reading (which is never easy) and the correction means that you have a numerology life path number of 5, instead of the previous 6 which was based upon your incorrect information.

One part of the reading which is affected by this change is as follows.
Fortunately your date of birth which I used in addition to your picture to help me calculate your most likely personality strengths tells me that you are highly adaptable to rapidly changing circumstances, and possess a great deal of inner strength which you can draw on in times of need to keep you going.
This should now read..........
Fortunately your date of birth which I used in addition to your picture to help me calculate your most likely personality strengths tells me that you are always more than ready to meet any significant challenges with which life presents you head on, and enjoy trying new things and new and spiritually strengthening life experiences. You are an humanitarian - a person who loves feeling needed and helping other people who do not have the same advantages in their lives as most of the rest of us frequently tend to take for granted. In order to be strong and stand up for the rights of others, you possess great inner strength and natural wisdom.
Another difference between you as a LPN 5 and a life path number 6 person is that you may not be as comfortable with routine and predictability in your life as the first line of your reading lead me to believe that you would be.

The reading is NOT saying that a banking or government job is no longer suitable for you, but it IS saying that you will need to balance the routine and predictability of your banking or government job with the spontaneity and relative non predictability of all the other areas of your life (personal, social, love, spiritual life).

You will need a balanced and well rounded personality and life both to get and to keep your banking or government job over the longer term (sound familiar?)  :smt002  :smt002


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Post by guria » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:30 am

thank you soo much

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:47 pm


It was my pleasure to be of service.

Until next time.

Take good care of yourself,

EoT :smt041

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