How to get in contact with my spirit guide

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How to get in contact with my spirit guide

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:36 pm

This question comes out of a thread posted by Artisgood in the Mediumship: Questions and answers forum. Please see the following link. ... 922#334922

For now I am leaving this open for anyone who feels that they can help Artisgood in this direction, without them posting links to external websites on the forum, which is not allowed. And without directly copying copyrighted material from those same sites to Mystic Board. Expressing it in your own words is generally OK, but it is always a good idea to give the author of the article his or her deserved credit (if indeed the original author of the material is known)

Artisgood has indicated to me a fear of meditation in general, so we are basically looking here for gentle progressive relaxation techniques as a lead in or preparation for meditation/visualization exercises for contacting and communicating with your spirit guide. This is not the first time that this has been done on this board.

Could you please therefore treat this from now on as if Artisgood had posted it instead of me? From now I will take the role more of an observer and contributing member. You will be speaking to Artisgood, and not to me.

Thank you everyone,

EoT :smt020

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Post by Artisgood » Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:19 am

I would like to clarify that it's not that I'm afraid of meditation, it was the unexpected results that meditation seemed to bring me. Meditation has certainly been effective in unlocking me in seemingly psychic ways, so, in fact it's probably a preferred method for spirit guide contact. I just need to know how to effectively ground myself and keep the negative entities or spirits from antagonising me in my dreams.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:42 pm

It is critical for entering the correct meditative state for you to be able to relax and to fully let go of some of the normal level of control which you have over your state of consciousness. This is often what developing mediums fear most - losing control of either their body or mind (or both).

If you fear the outcome or consequences of entering that particular meditative state (which you admit that you do), then you would only be expected to find it difficult tending towards impossible to enter the light trance state, which you are seeking for the purposes of spirit communication.

Therefore whether you fear the relaxation and letting go process or alternately its possible consequences of the mediumistic variety, you have a fear of meditation, which is an obstacle to your development as a medium or channel for spirits.

Grounding and protecting yourself are basic essentials, but preventing negative entities or spirits from antagonizing you in your dreams is a much more challenging order, because you are already more relaxed and therefore more open or vulnerable to a mixture of your most deeply held beliefs and fears about spirits, fantasies and wishful thinking, as well as any genuine spirit communication.

This of course assumes that your dreams are purely the product of such a communication, when the reality is that there are probably  both psychic and psychological or symbolic aspects to your dreams, which would need to be sorted out from one another.

For example the dreams which you have reported having could equally be interpreted symbolically in their individual meanings to your unconscious mind. This is not saying that there is therefore no possibility that spirits are really attempting to contact you through the dream state (your mind is making it all up), but it does mean that you cannot automatically assume that every element of your dream is what it first appears to be - a visitation from and communication with a disembodied spirit entity.

It is felt that if you can be conditioned or reprogrammed to not fear the unexpected results of your meditation as much as you do now, that this will allow you to more reliably and comfortably enter into the experience, and your increased level of confidence in your own safety while under the supervision and extra protection of your spirit guide will eventually (hopefully) translate itself into you having significantly less antagonistic or upsetting dreams, as time moves forwards.

Try not to restrict the help which you can be given by continuing to to oversimplify what is clearly a complex and deeply personal process. "I just need to know how to effectively ground myself and keep the negative entities or spirits from antagonizing me in my dreams" means that you have already effectively ruled out any other suggestions for making the transition from your waking state smoother and easier.

This is what is often referred to as throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Ignoring or automatically rejecting any information which does not fit in with your highly restrictive rules about what of the advice given is acceptable or useful.

This would be highly counterproductive to you making any further progress with your development as a medium, and it sounds very much like the impatience of your youth in wanting the bare facts and nothing else could turn out to be one of the biggest obstacles of all for you to get around in the future.

EoT  :smt003

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Post by Artisgood » Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:24 am

Perhaps I haven't expressed myself clearly:

I am not saying that I am not open to any and all suggestions. It would be highly arrogant and dare I say ungrateful of me to reject any advice or input simply because it doesn't fit into a certain idea or paradigm that I have.

I do think that setting spiritual boundaries (the idea would be to make contact with my guide in order to more effectively facilitate this, but again, I'm very open to all types of suggestions) could not be a bad idea or skill to learn when embarking on any psychic work. Learning skills like effective grounding are not only important for mediums but for other meditation reasons as well.

As for the possible negative entities antagonising me in my dreams, well at this point it is still yet to be determined by someone with expertise if that is what it is. All I can I say is that I felt something was amiss because of characteristics of those dreams that made them exceptional to me. Since they kept reoccurring I couldn't just ignore the possibility of them being spirit contact but I'm not in a position to say they absolutely are. So again, in my mind grounding or any other method or technique ( such as raising my vibration as suggested) or even knowing how I should respond in these dreams (because they are lucid dreams) would greatly reduce the fear factor. Just brainstorming ideas to help myself.

I certainly see what you're saying about conditioning or reprogramming myself to not fear the unintended outcomes of meditation. In my first response I felt I was making it clear that I see it in the same way, but knowing myself personally and knowing my fears and why exactly I fear them leads me to feel I could condition or reprogram myself more effectively if I learned how to set spiritual boundaries and effectively ground myself. While fear can obviously hold one back from reaching an effective meditative state, fear can be surpassed. I have continued my chakra meditations and am finding improvement, albeit slow, but still progress in reaching the trancelike state I had previously worked daily for a year to attain. I will not seek out spirit communication with any spirit but my guide at this point because that is not only what I'm comfortable enough to try to do but what I feel is the most responsible.

Regarding the mixed nature of my dreams: I totally and absolutely agree that there is a hodge podge of experiences happening here. I have, by nature, very vivid and highly symbolic dreams, I have all my life. Like everyone else sometimes these dreams are subconscious manifestations of my mind. Sometimes they are premonitions and it is still up for debate of some of them are spirit contact. Since I don't think I can find someone to interpret my dreams and sort them out for me at this point (and I will keep trying to find an experienced medium) I am left to do the best I can with logic, intuition, and the advice of knowledgable non-mediums.

I really do entertain all advice with an open mind, if I wasn't prepared to hear many different perspectives I wouldn't ask for input. I am sorry that I must have not expressed that clearly above. I certainly have no restrictions on what I judge to be valid. However, like any rational person, I will keep an open mind and listen unbiased to all views, but at the end of the day I have to choose what resonates with me intuitively and logically. No matter what happens in the end I do understand that this is highly complex and any "solutions" will take a great amount if dedication and years, perhaps decades, of sustained effort.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:34 pm

Artisgood, :smt103

I am glad that we have had this discussion, as it has hopefully cleared up many misunderstandings by the both of us.

Encouraging you to keep an open mind does not automatically mean that I felt you were at any time being closed minded or arrogant. :smt009

I completely agree that it is going to be extremely challenging to sort out what is genuine spirit communication from the rest of it, but in the absence of a qualified medium, I feel that this is your best option for making some sense of it all.

Thrown into an already complicated mixture of different types of dreams, I believe that you may also be experiencing lucid dreams - where the dreamer suddenly becomes aware within a dream that he is dreaming.

This particular altered state of consciousness is thought to give the dreamer immediate and direct privileged access to his own soul or Higher Self, so there is always the possibility that what you may be recognizing as your spirit guide is not.

Or that you may be in contact with both your spirit guide and Higher Self simultaneously, if indeed they are separate from each other and completely independent of or external to us.

Many spirit visitation or communication dreams also contain large amounts of symbolism, the meaning of which may be unique to you. Dreams are written in the language of that person's unconscious dictionary of meanings? The presence of these symbolic elements in your dreams neither proves nor negates their validity.

Especially as both genuine spirit communication and dream symbolism use the identical, same imaging powers of your unconscious mind in order to be able to manifest.

How are we doing?

EoT  :smt002  :smt002

PS: I really do hope for your sake that it does not take you decades to get a reasonable understanding about the true meaning of your experiences.

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Post by Artisgood » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:38 am

I agree with everything you said. I have been continuing with my chakra meditation and focusing on specific chakras that I feel are obstructed. My hope is that by clearing the chakras and slowly building back up my comfort with meditation I can provide a good "blank canvas" for contact with my guide.

Although I do think I've seen my guide in a few dreams, like you, I am not entirely sure due to the nature of the symbols in the dreams and the feelings I had during the dream. Nearly 100% of my dreams are lucid and I don't have to try and provoke that, in fact I used to assume everyone dreams that way automatically. Now, that being said I do try to be a "conscious observer" of my dreams and let them present what they will present while maintaining a conscious level of observation (hope this makes sense). So, in the dreams where I've seen the woman I think is my guide it is plausible she could be a higher self. For instance in one dream she brought all the matriarchs of my family (the women in generations above me, none deceased) and sat amongst them, peeking out from the back row. In another dream, the first I saw her in, she embraced me and the feeling was overwhelming relieving. These elements could symbolise guide or partnership, partnership could mean guide or higher self, so I highly agree with you on these points.

I have asked my guide to appear to me in a dream and for a certain symbol to accompany the dream. I am still waiting on a response , however I know that there can be a sort of "processing time" with my dreams and I do think I have some unconscious blocks to overcome concerning dreaming.

So the chakra meditation continues and I will hopefully gain more comfort in both my meditative and dream states. The restart of meditation has brought back the image flashes I get while awake and not meditating so this would lead me to believe I'm making slow progress.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:17 am

I have been continuing with my chakra meditation and focusing on specific chakras that I feel are obstructed. My hope is that by clearing the chakras and slowly building back up my comfort with meditation I can provide a good "blank canvas" for contact with my guide.
I feel that you have every good reason to feel hopeful, through using such a positive and practical approach. Although I understand what you are attempting to communicate to me, your canvas can never be blank.

Rather it is an approach of simplifying everything as much as possible, and a getting back to basics. Just a note that it is not only which specific chakras you are clearing, but also the order in which you clear them which will ultimately determine your chances of being successful.

If you take the root chakra as number 1 and the crown chakra as number 7, always begin at number 1, then progressively work upwards to the chakra with the highest number which you intuitively feel needs to be cleared.

Some teachers of meditation take this further, and discourage anything other than a sequential clearing of chakras 1 through 7. The jury is still out about whether a full clearing of all the seven main chakras is required each session. In the end we have to find out what works or doesn't work for us, and go with that.

Only very advanced lucid dreamers can "provoke" one. Things can be done to increase your chances of having a lucid dream on that particular night (like repeatedly asking yourself if you are actually dreaming), but it is usually more promote instead of provoke.

I often wonder whether our main guide and our Higher Self are simply two different aspects of the same, identical personality. In other words I wonder whether the distinction between a guide and our HS is an illusion, instead of a reality.

We should probably judge the value of a message by what good it does in somebody else's life (or our own), rather than becoming too obsessed with its most likely source. Is a message from a spirit guide automatically more valuable and more likely to be true, when compared to if it had instead come from our HS?
I have asked my guide to appear to me in a dream and for a certain symbol to accompany the dream.
This strategy can work well IF (and only if) your guide has not already chosen his or her personal calling card (or identifying symbol).
I have some unconscious blocks to overcome concerning dreaming.
Nobody here is lacking in any number of frustrating unconscious blocks to voluntarily giving up some degree of control over their level of consciousness. It can take time and a lot of trust in our guide or HS, in order to allow this to happen smoothly and safely.
The restart of meditation has brought back the image flashes I get while awake and not meditating so this would lead me to believe I'm making slow progress.
Meditation often leads to these increasingly intense flashes of images and sound, in our daydreams as well as in our night dreams. Slow but sure progress in your meditation is always safer than pushing yourself too much and too early.

Sweet lucid dreams,

EoT  :smt015

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