Has anyone ever predicted something.. strange.. like death?

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Has anyone ever predicted something.. strange.. like death?

Post by PeopleWillBeYou » Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:17 pm

The only reason why I asked is because when I was very young, I had felt that my mom friend son was going to die. I felt evil an satanic when I said that to myself. (I was very weird back then) and a few years later, my mom got the news that he was shot. I told my mom that I knew something was going to happen to him. Yeah.. a very strange story. :/

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:26 pm

Yes, I have.  I to did not find it any fun.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:53 pm

We never attempt to predict the future on Mystic Board, as the future is constantly being changed mainly by what happens in the present moment.

See the following sticky which explains in more detail our reasons for not making predictions through our readings.

"Why it is often difficult to predict your future"

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=83713

But even if I was able to predict that the person sitting in front of me was about to die, for ethical reasons I would be extremely hesitant to come right out and say it exactly in those terms.

There is always the possibility of false negatives, and the shock of hearing this doom and gloom could cause a premature failure of any feeling of hope in that person, which in turn has been known to kill otherwise healthy individuals.

I would need to decide if or how much I would tell that person, according to my reading of how they are likely to take the grim news. In other words I would need to look at each case on an individual basis.

Drawing the death card in a Tarot reading rarely means that the person is about to physically die. Instead it usually represents the end of an old and stagnant major phase of a life, with a new moving forward again phase just beginning. It is therefore normally interpreted to mean the "death" of a phase of a life, rather than the end of that life in the physical sense of the meaning of the word.

"Dying" to your old ways of life and being born again into a new and exciting phase of your life which filled with new positive opportunities for growth and development can be stressful enough, without in addition being told by some misguided psychic even with the best of intentions to want to prepare you for the event, that it is your last day on Earth.

I was intuitively told (I am a psychic hearer) my  future wife's name approximately eight years before we met, but I doubt that you would regard this as strange unless you did not believe in psychic abilities.

During late 2011 the same inner voice told me that my wife (who I have now been married to for over 36 years) was in mortal danger of dying from cancer, unless I immediately alerted her doctor to the symptoms which I had been observing over the previous 12 month period. The tumour was soon diagnosed as a stage 3B or 4, the difference being that a 4 has already spread to other major organs, particularly the liver.

Fortunately it turned out to be a 3B (still very advanced, but localized) and the cancer went into complete remission after an intensive course of chemo and radiotherapy, the remission having lasted over 3 years so far. So in a way I did predict the possibility of her imminent death, but my quick actions over the telephone to her doctor's receptionist lead to her being successfully treated (you can never say cured), and she is still with me today. So maybe that inner voice gave me a glimpse of her most likely future, if nothing had been done about her illness. I believe that most predictions of death are of the most likely future if nothing changes or we do nothing to change it, instead of an absolute unchangeable future.

Finally there are people who are highly gifted in accurately and reliably foretelling the future (psychic prophets), but I am not one of them. Whether you would regard possessing such a gift as a blessing or a curse is a matter of your personal opinion. Having such abilities would place a huge moral responsibility on the prophet which I can well do without. Being able to predict the future, but recognizing that it is too late to change it or having my prediction ignored or even ridiculed would be a torture of the most extreme kind.


Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:35 am

Dear EoT, I had no intension of predicing anything, ever again.  I hope you didn't think I would.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:10 pm

Bree, :)

We do not attempt to consciously or deliberately set out to predict the future through our readings on Mystic Board.

Whether or not you attempt to predict the future through your readings anywhere else other than on Mystic Board is entirely up to you.

Our site policy only applies to readings given on this website.

Sometimes during a reading I am spontaneously (without intending or wanting to do so) given insights into what that person's most likely future will be, if nothing changes between now and then.

In such cases, I will include these insights in my reading without breaking any rules.

The rule only covers conscious or deliberate attempts to predict the future.

Spontaneous future insights are neither conscious nor deliberate.

EoT  :smt020

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Post by Bree 54 » Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:28 am

EoT, thank you so much for the clarificatoin.  I also don't believe it is beneficial to anyone in general.  This rule will be followed with out question.  

Thank you.


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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:04 pm

I myself have dreamt of death of others, i felt it was out of my control, being that the first time it happened I was ten, then again at 15, it unsettled me to the point, and I worked hard at not acknowledging it at all.. as Unless I can do something about it, (Like EoT with his wife) I dont wish to know these burdens..

since opening up more spiritually, some of the dreams came back, but I have learned since it is almost like a volume switch, to turn it down and I only acknowledge things that are necessary and for others future good like predicting pregnancy in friends and what gender they will have. If I am doing an online reading. I dont tell when reading them, what future things I may pick up, instead I try and help guide them in the now, with Tarot, or my own intuition. as future changes, free will can alter so much.

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