So here I am. Now what?

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So here I am. Now what?

Post by nighthawk » Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:14 am

This is a long and difficult story, but bear with me.
I had a horrible abusive childhood, married young, had an abusive marriage, 4 kids, ugly divorce, was homeless, no car, no education, no money no nothing. Moved in with my parents which was not easy or good, but at least the kids were better off. I worked hard, got a job, got an education, bought a house of my own, and I was on my way to better things. Met a nice man, got pregnant, got sick, nearly died twice and still might, my oldest son is in and out of mental hospitals and I have not been able to work since having the baby 15 months ago.
I know I am a nurse, I have worked long and hard in the field. I am good at it and I love it. It even pays well and jobs can be found even in this economy.
but my life seems to keep getting in the way of me being employed. I don't think I am shooting myself in the foot, and the obstacles seem to be larger than what anyone can figure out what to do about. So. What do I do now? Should I try another field, or try harder to make this work out?

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Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:50 am

Your situation is pitiful. but that cannot stop you from working and earning. if you feel that you cannot go to your workplace anymore, start searching for jobs that you can do from home. you can work as a freelancer. you can freelance as a writer. you can work as a freelance photographer or reporter also. in that case you may have to travel, but that is not regular or that hectic. I've seen clients in different sites, looking for writers with experience in nursing. give it a try and don't lose hope.

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Post by nighthawk » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:20 am

Childcare and my health have been the major obstacles to my going back to work. There is simply no childcare availible for a 15 year old psychotic boy, and then there are the other 4 kids too. I do like the idea of writing, I have written most of my life and have a book in the works right now. Getting published and paid for it is another matter!! I would love it if you could point me in the direction of those sites you spoke about. You may have found the perfect solution for me. Thank you very much!!!

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Post by ConfusedMind » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:07 am

I understand that getting a book published and getting paid for it are not the same thing. why don't you try the freelance writing sites. you bid for projects, win a few contracts and get paid after you are done with the work. it may take time at the initial stage. keep trying. you will succeed for sure. it is not very tough to find freelance writing sites. a little bit of online search will let you know dozens of them.

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Post by nighthawk » Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:35 pm

Thank you so much for the great idea! I will try it!!! I didn't know where or how to start. I sit here writing on the computer all day anyway, might as well get paid for it!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:01 am

while you write to earn from your freelance work, you can give yourself a good mental relaxation by listening to some good music online. it'll calm both your mind and body down so that you won't feel stressed.

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Your search is meaningful.

Post by JackEdward » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:51 pm

You are searching and creating a new world for yourself. This in and of it's self is a meaningful pursuit. You are working it out, but don't forget to breathe.

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Post by mmartin » Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:58 pm

nighthawk wrote:Thank you so much for the great idea! I will try it!!! I didn't know where or how to start. I sit here writing on the computer all day anyway, might as well get paid for it!!! Thank you thank you thank you!
You should look into and They're just two that I can think of.  I have considered freelancing myself but haven't gotten around to giving it a shot yet. If you love writing that's a great option!

Also if you know how to use a computer, why not try affiliate marketing? If you try multiple things you will figure out what works best for you and could build up to make money from multiple online sources.

Just stay in a positive mind frame. Easier said than done I know. But you will be putting out positive energy into the world that will just keep coming back to you, so keep trying to be positive. Good luck!

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Please always check the date of the original posting, before responding

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:23 pm

Dear Members,  :smt060

Please always check the date of the original posting, before responding to any discussion thread.

This one for example was posted way back in June of 2010, and the member called Nighthawk has not visited this site since August 6th of the same year.

For this reason I am progressively closing off old threads including this one, in order to stop our generous Light Workers from wasting their valuable time and energies trying their best to help someone who is no longer listening, at least one no longer using that particular user identity.

At the same time as I am doing this, I am acutely aware that because of the very low number of postings currently being submitted to these forums that my doing this does not leave much new material for you to work with.

At the moment I am not coming up with any new ideas as to how we can fix this, but I also do not believe that answering expired postings is the solution.


EoT   :smt102


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