Tarot Request from Cedars ?

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Tarot Request from Cedars ?

Post by nifal6696 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:20 pm

Hi Cedars

If I could humbly ask you for such, would you mind a reading for me?

I ask as I really like your style of readings and find them realy impressive.
Please of course, do not worry, if this is too much to ask.

Love and Light


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Post by nifal6696 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:30 pm

Hi Cedars

I meant to phrase it ' A reading in regards to my general life , spanning the next few months' ...

Many thanks in advance

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Post by cedars » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:15 pm

Hello Nifal

I will try and post a reading for you tomorrow UK time... :)


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Post by cedars » Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:29 pm

Dear Nifal6696

As promised, here is your reading based on the spread that I have set out for you by way of general energies around you for the present and the foreseeable future.
I am using the Rider Waite deck.

The present energies around you:
Ten of Swords & Five of Pentacles.

The current energies around you are one of despair where you may find yourself at your lowest with regard to a situation(s) which has been causing you anguish, hopelessness and a general sense of doom and gloom. The ten of swords, whilst depicting a sinister picture with a man lying on the floor having ten swords piercing his back, has reached the lowest that a situation can drive someone and in a way ridiculing the universe if things could get any worse. But… as every down has an upward trend, this one is no different. The next step can only be up, as the number Ten signifies the end of a journey and the next step – in tarot terms – can only be a new beginning and a gradual revival. Similarly, with the Five of Pentacles, it is depicting a similar picture to that of the Ten of Swords, whereby a situation has been dragging on for a while, whether in finances, home and general well-being, there is always the promise that with good faith for the future, there is always a light that shines though from the darkness – light at the end of a tunnel.
This is your current situation as these two cards have shown.

What challenges and/or energies might you be encountering in the foreseeable future?
Page of Pentacles. Five of Sword. The Star.

Things are on the mend and the move towards a more positive trend, with the slight niggle of a Sword again.
The Page of Pentacles is a young energy or a thought and an idea springing up in you which usually deals with matters of finance and new investments. The Pages can also be people – teenagers – or adults with the energy of a young one coming up with ideas of sowing the seeds for a better future. This new energy is most probably geared towards money matters or even a small project for which either a fresh, young idea will be trigger point or someone coming into your life presenting you such ideas. However, there are still challenges on the way by the presence of the Five of Swords where you are advised to know your surroundings and the people you deal with, whether this is a matter of trust or certain disagreements going on around you and the people you may be dealing with. There is a temptation that, for reasons of self-preservation, you may take some bold actions and challenge those people or obstacles and towards the end, am afraid, there will be no losers or even winners for that matter. There is a possibility that you may come out of this victorious whilst another one or two may experience some losses, but that very triumph may not feel all that important for you. Deriving from that lesson, The Star card (a Major Arcana) promises hope for the future, provided that you nurture what you wish to achieve like a mother nurturing her offspring by looking after them, as is the case in this card whereby a woman is taking water from a pond with one hand and pouring it on to the soil to bring up new life. The message of this card is with hope, if you search in the proper waters, you will find your answers that you seek. The Star is mainly a card for hope and nurturing that hope with action rather than just sitting and wishing for it to happen.

Your Strong points:
Two of Cups. The Moon.

Cups belong to the element of Water and they are volatile at the best of times and also strong with emotions. Whilst you may not be a water sign yourself, but the Two of Cups represents your ability to reconcile and make new friends and associations whether in your private life or in business. You are able to make new pledges and new partnerships and stick to them to move forward in your quests. The Moon, on the other hand, is your strong intuitive ability whereby you judge not necessarily by your mind, but what you feel within. Whilst the Moon put us through periods of doubt and melancholy, but your intuitive qualities usually make you see  things for what they are and help you choose the right path.

Your vulnerabilities:
Two of Wands. Ace of Pentacles.

The Two of Wands is about making choices. We see here a man standing on a platform with a globe representing the world in one hand making a decision; making a choice. Are you perhaps a procrastinator rather than a decision maker? Do you wish to think it over and over until you make that choice? Are you perhaps scared to make that choice/decision lest the outcome was not to your liking? Why not use some of your intuition when you find yourself in such a state? As for the Ace of Pentacles, such a positive and promising card signifying financial opportunities and possibly new employment, why would this be a vulnerability for you? Are you perhaps scared of success, especially when it is a financial one? Do you or have you in the past turned down such opportunities because it would perhaps involve making a choice – Two of Wands?  Please be aware of these vulnerabilities of yours and when the time comes, perhaps view them as a weakness of yours which needs to be conquered rather than give in to their influence.

Advice/Message from the Tarot.
Nine of Swords. Temperance.

Here we have the sword again – element of air which could possibly be typical of your star sign- Libra?
In the Nine of Swords we see a woman sitting in her bed with nine swords hanging above her and she has buried her face between the palm of both hands, shaken by a bad dream or even worrying about something that she, in the darkness of the night, cannot help or find answers to. This kind of situation is typically at its worse when we feel lonely and vulnerable which results into pushing things out of context and worrying about what is not really there. This is a matter of driving things out of proportion and seeing the negative in everything. This is simply in your mind and not actually happening around you. The message is get hold of yourself and see things for what they and not blow them out of context. The help that is coming to you from the Universe by way of healing and finding equilibrium of mind and body is the archangel by way of the Temperance card which blends the mental, physical, the emotional and the spiritual to being peace, calm and serenity. This is something that only comes from the universe and in moments such as the Nine of Wands ask the universe to send you healing on all levels and it will be given to you.

I hope this reading resonated with you and met with your expectations as a general reading.

I will be happy to hear from, should you wish to get back to me.


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Post by TarotModerator » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:18 pm

Hi Nifal

Your request for a reading has been swiftly responded but I don't see any form of acknowledgement, feedback or even a Thank You to the reader.

It is always good to give feedback and, least of all, thank the reader for the time and energy they spend responding to requests.


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