kanta rajju

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kanta rajju

Post by saranya1522 » Sun May 03, 2015 5:11 pm

I with raasi Hastham and nakshatra Kanya(15-12-1987, timing not sure). My Boy friend with raasi Maharam and nakshatra Thiruvonum(26-08-1988, 07.00 AM). We see in most of the website this match have kanta Rajju Dosham so marraige is not compatible. We are in relation for about 3 years. Can you please suggest us if any dosha parihar or about our compatibility

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A compatability score is not a reliable guide to whether a marriage will work

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 03, 2015 11:33 pm

Can you please suggest us if any dosha parihar or about our compatibility
I will leave that question to be answered by the Vedic Astrologers, but could I please remind you that any readings or advice given to you with the best of intentions on Mystic Board are "for general interest or entertainment purposes only"?

What this means is that you cannot measure how compatible you are with your boyfriend, based ONLY upon either your own or somebody else's information coming out of a reading. It definitely does not necessarily follow that because on most of the website this match has kanta Rajju Dosham, that you and your boyfriend would not be compatible as marriage partners.

To be able to use the information coming out of a reading properly and respectfully, you must ONLY use it along with any other information coming from any other non intuitive sources, which could equally affect your decision. You would be most unwise to give up entirely on the idea of marrying your boyfriend, simply because an astrology chart (especially someone else's) says that you are not 100% compatible with each other.

Finally I know of many relationships where according to a couple's compatibility score they should have lived happily ever after as a married couple, but their relationship failed miserably within the first year which they spent together.  Similarly I know of several couples who according to their compatibility scores should not have been able to stay living with each other for very long, but who are now celebrating their happy 60th wedding anniversary.

Compatibility scores, whether they are based upon astrology charts or on any other method for calculating them are not very good at predicting whether or not a couple's marriage will be a long and relatively happy one.

True love, genuine caring and a sense of mutual commitment to making your relationship work in spite of your differences, are far more reliable than any compatibility score in successfully predicting the chances of your marriage being a long and relatively happy one (as no long term human relationship is without its challenges and disagreements).

Blessings in abundance to you both,

EoT  :smt008

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon May 04, 2015 12:58 am

I think underlying this anxiety and sometimes worried outlook in many from different 'generations' is the false understanding and expectations from what 'married life' constitutes. Many assume that it must be a lifelong or at least vastly extended honey-moon. If astrologers or any other soothe-sayers or divinators have a role in propagating such thinking then they are doing the wrong thing. Sorry for being terse! And those that are breaking up forming matches based on inexperience or worse, are probably doing worse.

Marriages are serious matters and I mean all forms of marriages and not just those formalized and blessed in the local abode of God, by the ?representative of God!

Of course in our modern "cut your losses and run" mode of thinking and other forms of escapism, these words must be falling on deaf ears or since this is being written and read, on blinded eyes! Blinded by what? THAT I shall leave the divinators to divine! ;-}


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 04, 2015 2:30 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:I think underlying this anxiety and sometimes worried outlook in many from different 'generations' is the false understanding and expectations from what 'married life' constitutes. Many assume that it must be a lifelong or at least vastly extended honey-moon. If astrologers or any other soothe-sayers or divinators have a role in propagating such thinking then they are doing the wrong thing. Sorry for being terse! And those that are breaking up forming matches based on inexperience or worse, are probably doing worse.

Marriages are serious matters and I mean all forms of marriages and not just those formalized and blessed in the local abode of God, by the ?representative of God!

Of course in our modern "cut your losses and run" mode of thinking and other forms of escapism, these words must be falling on deaf ears or since this is being written and read, on blinded eyes! Blinded by what? THAT I shall leave the divinators to divine! ;-}

Dear Friend,

I could not agree more with all that you have said above.

Especially the part about this generation (only one of many) having unrealistic expectations about marriage meaning happily ever after.

What horrifies me are those stories which you see now and then in the media of a couple who have been married for 50 or 60 years, and who claim never to have had any conflicts of opinion or disagreements during that time.

Who are they trying to fool into believing this?

Putting aside the storybook fantasy of love being all that you need to make any long term relationship into a heaven on Earth, something is definitely wrong and unhealthy about such claims of marital perfection. IMHO

EoT  :smt017

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue May 05, 2015 1:20 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:I think underlying this anxiety and sometimes worried outlook in many from different 'generations' is the false understanding and expectations from what 'married life' constitutes. Many assume that it must be a lifelong or at least vastly extended honey-moon. If astrologers or any other soothe-sayers or divinators have a role in propagating such thinking then they are doing the wrong thing. Sorry for being terse! And those that are breaking up forming matches based on inexperience or worse, are probably doing worse.

Marriages are serious matters and I mean all forms of marriages and not just those formalized and blessed in the local abode of God, by the ?representative of God!

Of course in our modern "cut your losses and run" mode of thinking and other forms of escapism, these words must be falling on deaf ears or since this is being written and read, on blinded eyes! Blinded by what? THAT I shall leave the divinators to divine! ;-}

Dear Friend,

I could not agree more with all that you have said above.

Especially the part about this generation (only one of many) having unrealistic expectations about marriage meaning happily ever after.

What horrifies me are those stories which you see now and then in the media of a couple who have been married for 50 or 60 years, and who claim never to have had any conflicts of opinion or disagreements during that time.

Who are they trying to fool into believing this?

Putting aside the storybook fantasy of love being all that you need to make any long term relationship into a heaven on Earth, something is definitely wrong and unhealthy about such claims of marital perfection. IMHO

EoT  :smt017
It is a human tendency to learn things better through some hardship and even mild to moderate adversity. It should not become excessive and overwhelming of course. But human beings vary in their tolerances too. So it can end up being a fine balance in the end.

I do not intend to make that too rigid though and younger members must not feel that their entire generation is being painted in a somewhat derogatory colour. I see examples in the younger folks too some of whom have shown exemplary strength and real gumption in the face of adversity, disease, disability etc. They raise my hope in the permanence of the fire that burns in the bellies of the human beings of all age groups (generations). However, many of them have had fairly softer times overall. Sadly, the global canvas seems to have changed again, most would say -- for the worse. Unrest, healthcare, finances, markets are showing a turbulent time, and even nature is not letting many folks off easy. Growing scarcity forces human beings towards ways more frugal hunkering down for difficult times ahead.

All that aside, a lesson that mankind learnt during past adverse times -- albeit in relatively-speaking localised cohorts was perhaps not good enough and would need repetitions until we globally *get it*: United we stand (as mankind); divided we fall!

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