Psych Meds and Psychic Abilities

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Psych Meds and Psychic Abilities

Post by Birdy » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:56 pm

I want to know if my psych meds could be interfering with my psychic abilities.

I take lithium, invega, and ativan as needed.

Does anyone know anything about this?

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Balancing the risks of one option against the other

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:20 am


Potentially any medication or other substance which affects your ability to focus on what you are doing at the time and function mentally could also to some varying degree affect your psychic performance, but not the abilities themselves.

Lithium(carbonate) is used for the treatment of bipolar depression

Invega is for treating schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder

Ativan is prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, or anxiety associated with depression.

By itself each of these three psychiatric medications could have some measurable impact on how your nervous and endocrine systems work, but when combined together in the same patient I would be very surprised if the effect was not significant.

But the important point which I want to make here is that this is never to be used as an excuse or reason for you to stop or suddenly alter the dosages of your medications, without your doctor's or specialist's knowledge and supervision.

If you continue your treatment and medications there is the potential for it to have some negative effect upon your ability to perform psychically and consistently.

But if you stop your medications, or suddenly reduce the dosages of each or all three drugs, the potential exists for you to become so depressed and desperate that you may choose to end your life.

Balancing the risk of clinical depression, psychotic attacks or death through suicide against some reduction in your psychic performance, which can BTW be minimised by careful consultation with your doctor in an effort to reduce any troublesome mental symptoms, I do not think that I need to spell out to you which of the two options holds the greatest dangers for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and your life.

There are some articles on the internet which make unsubstantiated claims that if you take psychiatric medications you cannot work psychically at all. While this may be true in some extreme cases, if everyone who was taking antidepressant, anti-anxiety or mind altering medications or other substances (lots of black coffee or alcohol etc.) were automatically prevented from using their psychic abilities, then psychics would soon become an endangered species.

It is quite possible for anyone to be anxious, depressed, psychotic or have suicidal thoughts, and still be psychic or function psychically, but usually the psychic information which is coming through is to some extent less reliable.

This reduction in the person's psychic efficiency can be minimised by them getting proper medical treatment, and by them continuing to take their legally prescribed medications under the care and supervision of a qualified medical practitioner who is also sensitive to their emotional and spiritual needs.

Someone who sees them as a whole person, and not just as a patient number or collection of unrelated symptoms. Or a team of professionals who do what may not be possible or affordable with one doctor. Your own holistic health team? An important part of mine is our local pharmacist who knows more about drugs and drug interactions than most of the doctors put together and gives excellent advice.

Take care,

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:32 am


Medication is changing your thought process.
Psychic abilities changes your thought process.

Personally I don't believe it is good to mix the 2.  Take some time to heal.  The psychic sensitivities will always be there.

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Short term vs chronic depression

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:16 am


As you can plainly see there are widely differing opinions about whether or not it is either safe or advisable to work psychically, when taking these particular mentally and emotionally altering medications (opinions which need to be respected), and in the end you are the only one who can and has the right to decide this for yourself. For you must take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions, and what harm you could potentially do to others if you go ahead and do it.

When you are severely depressed it is unlikely that you could do this type of work any way, so the decision to wait until you are well on the road to recovery has been effectively taken out of your hands.

But on the other hand what if your depression is chronic and intermittent, and lasts essentially a lifetime?

Waiting until you are no longer depressed at all could mean that many people whom you could have otherwise helped with your psychic abilities and the extra empathy and compassion which your condition can offer you for people who are similarly depressed, would be lost.

Over the years of working on spiritual websites including Mystic Board I have observed that many of the gifted people whom I feel privileged to work beside have what appears to be more than their fair share of chronic and serious health problems (including cancer) and other major life challenges to cope with, but that this in no way seems to reduce their ability to offer guidance, inspiration and healing to people who come to them looking for help.

In many ways I believe that unless they are currently going through an especially bad day or more extended period when there are much higher priorities to have to deal with offline, that knowing what it is like personally to be depressed and then know what you did or did not do in order to get over it could be extremely useful in both healing that person and giving them the feeling that you learned all this from your own first hand experiences, and not second or third hand from a book or somebody else.

A person who has known depression but has managed to control it to some extent, is perhaps better equipped to be offering practical advice and compassion to the depressed, in combination with medical advice and the appropriate treatment (with medications) from a qualified doctor than a person who has neither been badly depressed or who has lived close to someone who is or was.

But it all comes back to the golden rule that as much as is humanly possible, treat others as you would like to be treated, if your roles had been reversed.   If you were feeling unusually sad and were looking for something positive to give you a renewed sense of hope for the future, would you be likely to entrust your life and future happiness to a severely depressed person who is currently so heavily medicated that he or she may be losing all contact with reality, and could be experiencing suicidal thoughts?

Not me!

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Psychic Readings

Post by jenny12 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:59 am

A psychic can see beyond the boundaries of the “normal” world, into the future, with their special ability. And suggest what the future holds to us, and how we can improve on our current situations. A Psychic thus helps us to balance life.

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Re: Psychic Readings

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:23 pm

jenny12 wrote:A psychic can see beyond the boundaries of the “normal” world, into the future, with their special ability. And suggest what the future holds to us, and how we can improve on our current situations. A Psychic thus helps us to balance life.
Dear Jenny,

Are you suggesting that people who are truly psychics -- meaning have developed such abilities to a high degree -- would necessarily have balanced lives (physical, mental, spiritual, functional)?

Is that truly the case and predominantly so...? There are many examples of instances where folks have taken psychotomimetic drugs to induce and amplify their psychic abilities including their mediumistic abilities. Many shamans and their equivalent counterparts in India, for instance and of course the great Nostradamus himself who used large doses of nutmeg to induce a similar state during which he penned his famous and mesmerizingly uncanny quatrains...!

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Post by jenny12 » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:35 am

Psyschic is a special ability that helps people to see what will happen in the near future. Since centuries, Kings and the common people have sought help from Psychics and won battles and resolved problems.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:48 pm

jenny12 wrote:Psyschic is a special ability that helps people to see what will happen in the near future. Since centuries, Kings and the common people have sought help from Psychics and won battles and resolved problems.
I am not a history scholar so cannot say if such was indeed true for these (?) kings, dictators, common people etc but if you are right then it would imply that future can be changed and is not destined!

But if not destined then what were the psychics *seeing*? If victory, then that must be destined, and if defeat, then that too must be destined?

Would love to hear some good facts about these matters (Fate vs free will) rather than assumptions etc of which there always seem to be a lot and plenty?   :smt017

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:01 am

I feel that this discussion is going nowhere fast, and is getting bogged down with your very different interpretations of the meanings of the same words and phrases.

For example the word psychic simply means of the mind. Psychic is not an ability. Nor is it anything special. Psychic can be used either as an adjective as in psychic abilities, or as a noun to denote a person who chooses to use his or her mind's abilities to help other people. Being psychic does not necessarily mean that the person consciously attempts to or can accurately and reliably predict the future.

Psychics often see the most likely future. But they cannot guarantee that what they saw as the most likely future will ever happen exactly as they sensed that it might.  This common misunderstanding about the meaning of psychic is spread mainly by means of the internet. Psychics are not identical to fortunetellers.

Some psychics do however have this ability to predict future events more developed than the rest of us. They are called psychic prophets. The subset of mental abilities which we usually refer to as being "psychic" such as for example clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience are merely the senses of our spiritual bodies.

Therefore psychic abilities are spiritual abilities or they are more precisely a consequence of the several different sensory channels of our spiritual body, which coexists with our significantly denser physical body. Our physical body has only five main senses (sight, hearing, feeling, touch and taste), while our spiritual body has many more senses than only five.

Further, if a person is able to intuitively rather than logically or deductively predict the most likely future outcome of any cause, it says nothing about whether or not part or all of that future can or cannot be changed. I am sure that both of you while reading this are thinking feverishly about how you could each disagree with the points which I am making, but I feel that this constant personal debate detracts from the original question being asked.

Which was "I want to know if my psych meds could be interfering with my psychic abilities".

Could I please suggest that a new subject requires its own separate thread? Adding your own posting about a different subject to another member's existing thread only tends to confuse matters and makes the original poster feel that their right to get personal help is not being respected. It is like you are interfering with a somebody else's discussion, as if you believe that your subject is more important or deserves an answer more than theirs does.

Start every new subject as a new thread with an appropriate subject heading in the most relevant forum, and this type of thing should not happen as much as it currently does. If you realise with hindsight that this has already happened without you planning or wanting it to happen please let me know about it through a private message, as the forum software has a facility which allows any moderator to split multiple posts away from one thread, and move them into another thread, and if felt to be more appropriate, also onto another entirely different board.

Salutations to the three of you.

EoT  :smt083

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:57 pm

I agree! Intuitive and psychic are two terms that get interchangeably used by folks -- and not just since the 90s when internet seems to have been replacing education, schools, libraries, etc.

There might be some overlaps etc, hence the loose interpretations and claims.

Certainly worth a thread if participants are serious and sincere...

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Post by Talia » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:15 pm

Our physical body has only five main senses (sight, hearing, feeling, touch and taste)

No sense of smell? I read recently that near death the sense of smell disappears.

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Re: Psych Meds and Psychic Abilities

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:39 pm

Birdy wrote:I want to know if my psych meds could be interfering with my psychic abilities.

I take lithium, invega, and ativan as needed.

Does anyone know anything about this?

Hello Birdy,

It is useful to remember that in this scenario, three complex factors would be interacting:

1. Psychic apparatus/faculty of the mind
2. The disorder that leads one to utilize #3
3. The medications

Though just three, each of these is anything but simple and while a lot of clarity and knowledge might exist for #2 and #3, the #1 is not and relies on suppositions, assumptions etc.

Furthermore, different disorders of the mind can involve different areas and degrees of severity and can vary from day to day, week to week, etc.

Similarly, 'psych meds' is a large groups and can include treatment for anxiety, for emotional or affective disorders, or thought disorders, etc. Treatment can vary between severity of the disorder too.

It is safe to assume that medication that is contraindicated or invites caution in or avoiding altogether the operation of  an automobile or machinery must be a powerful chemical! It definitely would affect a subtle function of the mind such as psychic ability! In addition to the temporary or more lasting damage caused to this subtle and sensitive and largely unstudied faculty of psychic abilities.

Neuropsychological research has been generally sketchy in the area of psychic perceptions and abilities. Part of this is due to inavailability of true psychics with highly developed skills and experience, lack of interest in the area by researchers and funding agencies (research costs MEGA-moolah!), ill-defined paradigms and designs as well as lack of sensitive technology such as f-nmr etc. Thus urban myths and assumptions exist aplenty!

Some simple common-sense conclusions: The mental symptoms and treatment of those are of primary concern and must be attended to FIRST!

Relying on ones intuitive and psychic abilities to make important decisions for oneself while ones disorders/symptoms are acting up and one is taking psychoactive medications would be not advisable.

And as a general thought beyond what you asked since others might be reading this, as well, if one is a professional psychic and gives advice to others (reads for others for free or charges) while afflicted with mental problems or taking medication for those would be irresponsible and I think unethical too!



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:42 pm

Talia wrote:
Our physical body has only five main senses (sight, hearing, feeling, touch and taste)

No sense of smell? I read recently that near death the sense of smell disappears.
Common cold and even more strongly, flu would do that long before death!  :smt004

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