Love reading?

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Love reading?

Post by FairyTalee » Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:03 pm

Im very confused as to what is presently happening with my love life. Could somebody please do a love reading for me?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:12 pm

You need to be at least 18 years of age to be given a reading on this forum.

While I cannot give you a reading under international law could I please offer you some general advice instead, concerning the current state of your love life?

Clearly this area is a source of great confusion and frustration to you at present.

It is not possible to read his mind, and even if it was possible it would not be ethical to do so. Invading the privacy of anyone's thoughts without their knowledge and permission is definitely off limits.

So if you cannot read his thoughts and intentions towards you and try to work out from there as to why he is behaving as he is, probably the next best way is to ask him.

So many otherwise good and worthwhile relationships come to grief simply because both men and women are on average very poor at communicating their true thoughts and feelings to each other. Whenever honest two way communication begins to break down between lovers, our vivid negative imaginations tend to want to fill in the empty gaps left by a lack of real information.

If we do not hear the truth from our partner we frequently imagine the worst about why they could be behaving strangely, when this may or may not be based upon reality.

So my advice for what you feel that it is worth is not to try second guessing about exactly what is going on his mind and heart, which is making him behave in such an uncharacteristically insensitive manner towards the very person whom he claims to love most in this world.

Even if it turns out that there is something going on do not instantly assume it is because of something which you did wrong, or that it necessarily means that he no longer cares about you. This is real life and not a romantic fantasy where people live happily ever after and never make mistakes or never intentionally or unintentionally hurt the people who they love.

If you cannot start communicating again and neither of you is willing to be the first person to say sorry and let go of your human stubbornness and false pride and admit that neither of you are anything like perfect, then you should not need a reading or reader to tell you that the days of your relationship are numbered.

Unless he is willing to admit that there is a problem with your relationship and you and that both of you are equally responsible for fixing it as a partnership (that is of course if he wants to fix it), then there is little that you can do by yourself, other perhaps than to wait for the inevitable day when you decide to go your separate ways. Or when you decide that enough is enough, and that you deserve much better than he appears to be able to give you.

I cannot tell you how much longer you should try the above advice and if or when the time has arrived for you to give him his marching orders. If he is physically, psychologically  or sexually abusing you the the decision has already been made for you.

If this is the case get out of there as soon as it is safe for you to do so.

But if your current situation with him is not as serious or straight forward as this, then you must use whatever information is available to you at the time to make your mind up about whether you should stay or leave this relationship.

You need real information and not negative fantasy to guide you in order for you to be able to make a balanced and informed decision. The best place to get this information is usually directly from the other person concerned, and not indirectly through a psychic or through one of your shared friends or acquaintances.

If he is not open to giving you this information or you are not willing or able to ask him, then the chances of you both remaining together as a couple after the next six months have expired will be looking perilously low, tending towards zero.

Love and Light,

EoT :smt059

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