Need some pointers in life

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Need some pointers in life

Post by cakewalk2000 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:03 am

Hi all,
 I hope someone can give me some guidance, I'm feeling very lost. Thank you in advance. I entered the phase 2 of my SadeSati Nov 2014, and everything fell apart.. Had a bad breakup in mid Nov 2014, and then a new boss that i dont get along with in Dec, my apt was invaded by rodents in Feb 2015. All of the stresses led to me quitting my job in April 2015. I had some good job interviews between Jan-May 2015 but nothing materialize. I feel stuck and depressed, with no direction in life. I really hope someone can give me some pointers. See attachment for my birth chart. Will someone help me please.... Thank you in advanced...

Updated (7/29/2015):I have applied for numerous jobs recently but had not heard back at all... will someone give me some pointers?

Will someone help me this? Below are my birth details.

Birthdate: 2/20/1979
Time: 22:30
Place: Kota Baharu, Malaysia
Gender: Female

I'm also wondering if i'll ever get married, I have always been quite unlucky in relationships. Just really frustrated with life lately, just input will be appreciated
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Last edited by cakewalk2000 on Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by cakewalk2000 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:41 pm

Will someone please help shed some lights on my situation please, will I ever get married and will get a job soon? I'll really appreciate it.. thank you.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:16 pm

Astrology is not my area, and attempting to predict future outcomes is often fraught with difficulties, as we are constantly changing what that future is likely to turn out to be by what we are doing in the present moment to make improvements to ourselves.

Your DOB tells me using numerology  that you are walking the number 3 life path. People with an LPN of 3 are on average very sensitive souls who tend to wear their hearts upon their sleeves. When their feelings get hurt they frequently retreat into a dark shell of their own making, and adopt a depressed and overly negative way of looking at what their life is challenging them with.

Because of this pessimistic way of interpreting everyday events which happen to most of us, this can make any situation feel considerably worse than it actually is.

One of the main challenges for such an individual is to eventually learn to deal with both their emotional highs and lows, and progressively attain a level of relative emotional stability which will then allow them to more effectively deal with their many life stresses in a much more healthy and practical and realistic manner, when compared to how they coped in the past.

According to how able and willing you are able to accept and learn to deal with these common human weaknesses in your personality will go a long way towards determining if you will soon get another job, or if you will begin a new relationship which might further down the line result in you getting married.


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Thank you

Post by cakewalk2000 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:50 pm

Hi Eye of Tiger,

 Thank you very much for your suggestions. I agreed with your description with life path number. I know sometimes my emotion get affected heavily by the environment, even by the moon phase. However, i really need a pointer as to where to get a job... I have been applying for more than 4 months.... no positive news, actually, almost no news at all... am not sure what to do next.... sometimes i wish i dont have to wake up and face the world... I pray for a lead but nothing happens... Is there an astrologist here who can shed some lights? Thank you and I truly appreciate someone getting back to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:18 pm


You are welcome, and I wish you well with your astrology reading.

While the natural vocations and careers for life path 3 are entertainer, dancer, actor, musician, performer, beautician, clothing designer, floral designer, cosmetologist, hostess, salesperson, resort or club host, promoter, advertiser, imaginative writer, illustrator, photographer, work with children, kindergarten director, boutique owner, caterer, social secretary, jeweler, manager of restaurant, virtually any career/job where you are able to freely express your spiritual essence and acquire knowledge in many diverse areas of information at the same time (making you more flexible and adaptable in being able to more effectively deal with complex challenges) would be compatible with your particular personality structure, as well as with your life purpose(s).


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Post by cakewalk2000 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:30 pm

Dear Eye of Tiger,
 Thank you for your suggestion. My training was in microbiology. However, I have tried applying for lots of different jobs, like office assistant and all that, but i'm not getting any response. It has been like that since March. :(((

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