Relationship update reading request for Cedars

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Relationship update reading request for Cedars

Post by Marsy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:38 pm

Hi Cedars!

I would like a updated reading on the relationship I have with the Knight of cups that you did for me last December. Unfortunately things have progressed very slowly but a part of me feels I'm right at the finish line and I shouldn't give up but at the same time I want some clarity on whether or not this relationship will go the distance or is the happily every after I want not capable of coming from him.

Thank you so much for taking time out to do a reading for me.

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:00 am

I will be happy to post your reading either later this afternoon or tomorrow - UK time.

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:43 pm

Hi Marsy

May I say there are some contradictions in your statement:
Unfortunately things have progressed very slowly… And then you say, part of me feels I'm right at the finish line and I shouldn't give up… And then you go on….but at the same time I want some clarity on whether or not this relationship will go the distance..
Please don’t get me wrong. This is not a criticism of your situation but more of a reflection of the uncertainties and somewhat the limbo state that you find yourself in.  

There has been no progress since December and you are the best judge to determine what that ‘progress’ might or should be.
Despite that, you have a certain element of optimism (?) to wait and see till the Finish line. Is this where things may come into fruition or is the Finish line actually The End of the relationship?

I will go to the reading now. I am using the Rider Waite deck.

What are your expectations of him? (The Knight of Cups, hereinafter called Him)
Seven of Wands. Ten of Wands. Page of Wands.

Hmmm. All three cards are from the Element of Fire. Wands stand for energy, zest for life, struggle, strength, sexual energy, creativity and imagination- as its element –FIRE – signifies.
The question being  What are your expectations of him? and the appearance of these cards at first glance tell me that you are not getting any of those elements and qualities from him:
Seven of Wands: Fight and struggle against all the elements and against all odds. Defending what he has and stand up for his right when, in fact, he knows he’s got  the upper hand, but he does not seem to do much about it. This can be quite frustrating when you know he’s a winner and yet he does not do anything about it. To put it mildly, he knows he’s got you (or does he?) and yet he does not show any initiative of fighting for you. Does he perhaps take you for granted?
That brings me to the Ten of Wands where he is actually blindly following a path, with no clear vision ahead of him and not knowing where he is going. He’s got ten wands blocking his view ahead and he is almost burying himself under the weight of the ten wands, as if saying, Oh, life is so unfair on me and I cannot take this burden anymore.  But, in fact, is it or is he just using the ten wands as an excuse or overdramatising the issue?
The Page of Wands is the zest for life; the almost teenage-like energy with ideas and passion – both physical or mental. It is the new beginning for something that can be passionate, creative and fresh to start nourishing it. But, has he shown signs of any of these qualities?
The above are your expectations of him:
To fight for something he believes in.
To conclude his harvest and hard work and take those ten wands home to with him as the fruition of his efforts.
And, to use that fiery passion to start something new.
Are there any signs that he may fulfil these for you?

Do you believe in your heart he can actually offer the above to you?
The Sun

A new life as portrayed by the child on this card riding a horse with sunflowers behind him and the sun shining high above in the sky.
Within you, you are a firm believer that he can deliver the above to you, as there is nothing negative about the Sun that cannot be done.  But this is your own belief, Marsy; it does not mean that he will come up with the goods or that he is ready to make the sudden shift.

In your heart of hearts, what is the best you can offer to Him?
Five of Pentacles. Four of Pentacles. Queen of Pentacles.

This reading is turning out to be based on a firm belief of certain suits. Now we have three cards of the Earth element – the Pentacles, which stand for your material and physical needs, employment, income and finance.
The Five of Pentacles may herald some hard times in finances and certain hardships. In all these difficulties you could act as the  hope or catalyst that good times can still come by relying on your faith system which is portrayed by the stained glass of the church under which two destitute people are walking past.  And the next card takes us to another similar level about being careful with your finances and holding all your cards close to your chest, almost like a miser who does not want to give away what little he’s got. This can be prudent if preserving one’s finances is really necessary or if you are not willing to giving all of yourself, emotions, dedication, loyalty to someone else. It sounds harsh, but in tarot terms this card is viewed as the Miser Card and by that it does not necessarily stand for something negative. Sometimes we need to preserve our energies and what is important to us and not let others come close to it.
Apart from the Queen of Pentacles, which also showed up in your previous reading – but as someone in your life and not his – this time I get the feeling you can be a benevolent and supportive person to him, almost like a mother figure. Is this what you really want to be to him or do you want to share things with him? See Four of Pentacles again.
Marsy, in both of the above questions where it concerns you and him, the cards that came out were not extremely positive and nor were they extremely negative, except for your belief as portrayed by the Sun.
So, what is this telling us where both of you are concerned? Is neither of you willing to move forward in this relationship by expending your own energies constructively towards each other in order to make this work? I get the feeling here that neither of you is in a place to make or want this to move forward? Sometimes we come to a point where we have a wishful thinking and yet we are not pushed ahead through our gut feeling to do something about it. Is it worth standing and waiting at that turning point? Things will not change unless one of you makes a decision or takes the next step.

At this stage of the reading, I can only ask the Tarot what messages/advice there is for you to know from the Universe.
For that question I got – without let down by the cards – three Major Arcana cards as I was hoping to get:

Wheel of Fortune. The Tower. Judgement.

With Major Arcana cards, one really hasn’t got much choice. In that, the Wheel of Fortune will deliver whatever the universe sees fit at that time. This can be on upwards or downwards trend – no one knows. However, with The Tower, the message is clear that something has got to change and change drastically and soon,  for it is not working for you any more. An existing situation has to be toppled – similar to a non-performing system or an order, which must be destroyed with all its havoc and unpleasant repercussions. This is needed in order for a new order to come to surface.  Once the non-performing System is dismantled only then a new life from the ashes will arise in the form of the Judgement card where everything is new, free of debris, regenerated, pure and responding to the angel’s call for a new slate and a new beginning. This may not be a new start in your love life with Him or it may be. But the important factor in this is the Tower which is telling me that SOMETHING MUST CHANGE;  and that change will happen sooner than later whether you are willing to accept it or not – it is beyond our control. It is only after that change that a new life will begin a new- almost like the dead being risen from their graves with a new spiritual awakening.

Dear Marsy, I hope this somewhat complex reading will have certain messages for you and I am sorry if it was not what you were expecting to hear. I do wish you all the very best and look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes.


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Post by Marsy » Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:36 pm

What are your expectations of him?
To fight for something he believes in.
To conclude his harvest and hard work and take those ten wands home to with him as the fruition of his efforts.
And, to use that fiery passion to start something new.
Are there any signs that he may fulfill these for you?

Yes these are my expectations of him because this is what he's shown me in the past and what I've grown accustomed too. I was holding back initially however now I'm not so I'm confused as to why he's not excited that his efforts have paid off and he can finally have what he's been fighting for. Me! Why would he go through all that hard work and battle only to turn his back on the prize?

Do you believe in your heart he can actually offer the above to you? The Sun

Yes! I wouldn't still be holding on to hope if I didn't think he could but as you stated, he has to want to progress our relationship to that extent.

In your heart of hearts, what is the best you can offer to Him? Is it worth standing and waiting at that turning point?

Right now yes I think it is. I just feel we've come too far to turn back now and that we both need to put our fears and uncertainty of the future aside and just do it and take the risk. I've finally come to the point where I'm willing to take the risk but will he get to that point?

What messages/advice there is for you to know from the Universe.

This is why I feel we're at the finish line of this hardship and that I shouldn't give up! We've come to the end of this cycle and I feel the Wheel of Fortune is turning in my favor, I just need to keep going. The Tower proves that things will change because the state we're in now cannot continue because it isn't serving either of us and our old habits must be destroyed in order for us to move forward. I feel like we will be moving forward anew together because of the Judgment. The Judgment reveals what's at the heart of the matter and makes that the final decision and I know at the heart of the matter we care deeply for each other and we both want a future together. If it were me or him moving on and us going our separate ways, I feel the cards would have been different especially in place of the Judgment card. I feel the universe is telling me to not give up which initially was my question, do I give up and move on or continue to hang in there because things will turnaround for the better for us.

Thank you and I'll update you as to what happens, since the Tower influence usually happens swiftly things should have transpired at least a month from now. So I'll let you know what happens.

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Post by cedars » Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:58 am

.....since the Tower influence usually happens swiftly things should have transpired at least a month from now. So I'll let you know what happens.
This reading was given yesterday and the Tower influence cannot be looked upon in the past participle tense. Watch for it from here and now onwards.

I respect your own interpretation of the cards and the reading and I await to hear from you as to what transpires with this situation.

Thank you for your swift feedback Marsy.

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