Dream about cannibals?

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Dream about cannibals?

Post by Sladejake » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:39 am

I had a really screwed up dream last night.

I had a dream that me and this girl, that I don't know, were in Japan. I've never been to Japan.
We were outside on a bench in the middle of the city and a women that was dressed as a flight attendant handed us a magazine.

In the magazine there were photos of people's faces. And when you chose a person they would be killed and chopped up and their human meat would be put into sushi. We decided to just get normal salmon rolls. We didn't like the idea of eating people. We got 3 clear boxes with only one piece of sushi in each one.

We then took our sushi and decided to leave. We walked into this business type building, tall and made of glass, cause I believe she had to go to the bathroom. And everyone, even people that didn't know we were in the building, turned their heads and just stared at us.

I even shrugged my shoulders at a man with glasses on that was behind a desk and he shrugged his shoulders back. We then turn and walked down a hall with no one in it and there was a door at the end of the hall way. And it was so sad. There was this deformed little girl that walked out. Her legs were really stiff and she couldn't really walk. And her arm was curled and twisted and she had a pink night gown on. She was like 7 or so years of age.

Then I decide I was sick of this dream and I really wanted to wake up. So I did.

Please give me an interpretation for this really screwed up dream. It's a little frightening.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:47 am

Then I decide I was sick of this dream and I really wanted to wake up. So I did.

This suggests that while you were still dreaming that you were to some degree consciously aware that you were only dreaming, and that you had some level of control over when you woke up.

In other words this was a LUCID DREAM

Lucid dreams are thought to come from much deeper layers of your unconscious mind, when compared to the average nightly variety.

It is claimed that because lucid dreams come from such deep layers of our minds that they can provide us with access to information which is not normally available using any other method, which can make them especially useful in exploring a person's most strongly held beliefs, as well as their deepest fears and secrets. Many of these are secrets which even the dreamer him or herself does not know.

BEFORE going into all the detail and extra work of trying to interpret each of these symbols individually then build the most likely interpretation based upon them when taken together, let us FIRST look at the central theme, which is of course cannibals or cannibalism.

The eating or consumption of human flesh by another human being.

If you are ever unfortunate enough to become a cannibal's meal, SOMEONE IS EATING YOU.


From inside the deepest layers of your unconscious mind. No wonder that you would be feeling frightened and confused, if that is what the dream means. A good reason to want to wake up as soon as possible. IMO

Fortunately because lucid dreams are often unusually clear and the images used are frequently especially vivid and brightly coloured (some lucid dreamers comment that the contents of their dreams seem more real to them than the outer world does), this makes them easier to remember after we wake up.

-----------------------TO BE CONTINUED--------------------------------

***Anyone who wishes to complete this interpretation is free to do so***.  

It is always useful to have more than one possible interpretation for a dream, from which the member can choose or reject what are only after all friendly suggestions. There are no absolute right or wrong interpretations. Only alternative interpretations. It is only for the person him or herself to decide which if any of them feels right, or best at the time.

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Post by Sladejake » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:30 am

I'm not too sure if it was a lucid dream. I mean, I've always been a very vivid dreamer. I can remember dreams I had when I was 3.
But I think that it was at the last second that I realized that I felt awful seeing the little girl and I just wanted to wake up. But the rest of the dream I was pretty much on autopilot.

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Post by Rook » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:04 am

Hi Slade

Seems to me this is primarily a dream of going outside of your comfort zone.

You are in Japan - a place you have never been before.

You are being asked to try something you don't want to do - eat the people sushi (not saying you should try cannibalism, just highlighting how far this is out of your comfort zone).

The deformed girl certainly made you feel uncomfortable.

Being in the big glass building and having everyone look at you.

At this stage I can't see anything more into it than that.  Does that ring any bells to recent life events?


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Post by Sladejake » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:07 am

Hey Rook! It's awesome to see a response from you!
Nothing is ringing a bell or resonating with me. Lately life events have just been surrounded by writing music and such. Which hasn't been making me uncomfortable. I guess I am trying to be more confident and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. But I'm not doing something that I really don't want to do.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:52 am


One of your other postings on this board is saying that your comfort zone is staying home, and always being surrounded by people whom you know well, and whom you feel that you can always trust.

Moving outside of your home and meeting people who are strangers is causing you to have excessive and irrational fears.

The idea is not to rid yourself of all fears. Anyway, this is impossible. Your rational fears are an important part of your survival mechanism. Courage is not the absence of fear. The absence of all fear usually means a quick death.

Once again I want to emphasize that the central theme of this dream continues to be cannibalism. Emotionally eating or consuming you from inside your unconscious mind. The rest of the dream is trying to help you identify exactly what the problem is, and just as importantly what you can do about it.

The problem is that you ONLY feel comfortable and safe when you stay at home, and are with other members of your family. As soon as you move outside of your home territory and meet someone new, your irrational fears will resurface.

A big part of the solution (but not the whole answer) is for you seek urgent professional help and advice from a qualified doctor, psychologist or counselor. If you can afford it, and the queue is not too long. The answer may include, but not be exclusively confined to you taking legally prescribed medications in the short term.

To dream of a deformed baby or child represents feelings about something being wrong with a new or developing area of your life. When you are 16 you are in the process of moving out into the world to find your life purpose and reason for being alive, and to meet new people who will be able to help and guide you.

This is the new and developing life area to which the dream refers.

It is difficult to impossible for you to do either of these, if every time you begin to move outside of your home and meet these potential helpers and allies, that you are instantly paralysed by irrational fears.

Excessive fear of other people always looking at you is called paranoia. You also fear other people looking inside of you for the reasons why you feel so afraid, and them making fun of you or not liking you as a result. Being transparent makes you invisible to them, so they cannot keep looking at you or make fun of you. It is like you are no longer there to them?

Does any of this help?


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