Gemstone remedials...?

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:23 am

pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:A nice read indeed... :)
But I was expecting some discussions about gemstones to come up during the course which was not to be.

Also, speaking of Karma, even I believe the Law of Karma to be an irrefutable and an ultimate law as there are many questions about life that remain unanswered otherwise.


Gemstones have got a lot of recognition as remedials! Even in daily life.
For gemini sun sign it is mercury. But since lagna is so and so it is X.
Since born on the 6th. it is Y. Since life path is 7 then it is A.
Since vimshottari dasa is so, then A.

At best choose the common=Y maybe.

I can only state a belief on this, just as Karma is.
But which method of choosing gemstone or even karma is best?

Do share your (1)thoughts and (2)Experience


Hi RishiRahul ji,

Although lagna lord / rashi lord may play a role in deciding gemstones, I understand that an astrologer suggests a gem to a native based on the native's horoscope. I believe importance is also given to the functional nature of the planet. For a Sagitarrius ascendant (D-1), may be Manik be recommended as Sun is a functional benefic.

About recommending it based on Vimshottari dasha, I believe, it would be for a temporary period and that too after carefully considering both the positives and negatives indicated by the dasha lord. Although I do not have much experience about it, this is what makes sense to me.

Stating gemstone remedy just as a belief may be like undermining the science behind it. If an astrologer suggests something, it will be based on his / her knowledge and experience; not just a belief. It would rather be in the interest of the native that the astrologer does not suggest anything as I have learnt that the gemstones can have negative influence if wrongly chosen and no one would want to spend a fortune to attract negativity :)
So, recommendation based on belief surely would not be ethical, right?
That is why we novice learners reach to to you to gain some insight.

My question is, if functional benefic is the key factor (if there is something else please enlighten) and different varga charts have different functional benefics, how do we recommend a gemstone?
For marriage, if we are considering functional benefics in D-9 (correct me if I am wrong), they may or may not be appropriate in the context of other varga charts including D-1. Then, on what basis should the gemstone be recommended, if at all?


Do we also not see many wearing the same astrological gemstones for ornamental purposes? Particularly by the rich or very rich?....And their lives are not more disturbed than others.. or disturbed as others similarly?

Which possibly means or goes to establish that gemstone redials are not such a major factor as thought by many!

Gemstones for Lakshmithanas are best; and there are also other facors as mentioned.
K.P. way is different entirely.

Best to strike a balance with them adding experience & maturity to the choice.



I agree that gemstone remedials may possibly not be that major factor (but don't agree that they are not a factor), but speaking about those using it as an ornament, there is little that we can pinpoint at which clearly says their life is disturbed or otherwise. Basically, "being disturbed" is a relative thing.
A millionaire may possibly ignore (or may not even notice) if he loses his wallet containing a 1000 bucks but a pauper may be grossly "disturbed" even if he loses 100 bucks. So, getting disturbed is a relative term and the rich may also be getting the pinch of using a wrong gem as an ornament but don't realize it or may I say don't care... of course unless the damage is massive... may be health related or even life.
Again, as per my belief (and little that I have learnt yet), a wrongly chosen gemstone is disastrous irrespective of one's status in society. How disastrous it is, is the question... which decides how quickly the native realizes it...

Even if not a major factor, I hope, we (astrology readers) believe that it is a factor. For my question about varga charts, even if we temporarily speak of Lakshmistanas, every varga chart will have different ascendant (more or less), then how does one choose / recommend?
I have just begun gaining knowledge and lack both experience as well as maturity to understand the different angles and hence would like to know more from you all.

Thanks and regards,

Please see the sentence in bold above; which is, that You don't agree that they are not a major factor.


Is your belief on this based on 'experience', or 'heresay', or 'others example or explanation', or something else?

All I am saying is I don't know how major a factor they are.
I believe they are a factor as I just mentioned even in my previous post.
It is a belief for me and I have chosen to set its default value as 1 until proven otherwise.

It is purely based on the scientific explanations that I have read which I could not deny outright.
I am positively trying to make sense out of it by application of our science of Astrology.

Thanks and regards,
I have already given my view regarding remedial (refer my mention of Lakshmisthanas in this thread).

You chose not to mention if your belief on this based on 'experience', or 'heresay', or 'others example or explanation', or something else?

Okay how can the remedial belief be established/proved? or disproved?
I mean how would you like me to help?


I referred your post mentioning Lakshmistanas, actually I had the related question right there in my preceding and succeeding post... :-)

Different varga charts are likely to have different ascendants and consequently different functional benefics, how do we recommend a gemstone then?
For marriage, if we are considering functional benefics in D-9 (correct me if I am wrong), they may or may not be appropriate in the context of other varga charts including D-1. Then, on what basis should the gemstone be recommended, if at all?

You may also pitch in with other considerations (apart from Laksmisthanas) that you believe are significant so that I can explore them further.

And I did mention earlier that my belief is purely based on the explanations that I have read in books by renowned authors which I could not deny outright. I am too novice to have enough experience on this and the hearsay does not fit into my scheme of things.

Thanks and regards,

I am mentioning my take below:

Gemstones for Lakshmithanas are best; and there are also other factors as mentioned. For D charts, similar method
K.P. way is different entirely.

Best to strike a balance with them adding experience & maturity to the choice.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:03 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote: ...
Maybe. Or in two different planes/levels in the space time continuum;
and we think that it happens in the same plane.

Maya again.

... Source being: blind faith, faith, belief, guessology, knowing (experiential) or a porridge of it all (all of these being fairly common...!)?  :smt004

I just mentioned a possibility based on a logic arising in my mind; also heard some intelligent well versed and interested in philosophy & mathematics mention it to me.

Not knowing through experience.
blind faith = no. as its a possibility.
faith = some faith in the possibility.
belief= some belief in the possibility.
guessology = My & few others guesses.
knowing (experiential)= no experience

Perhaps more than *two* (as stated by you--which triggered my question-curiosity-probing)> One can be more or less certain about at least three although astro-fundamentals imply the 3 x 4 matrix...? ;-)

This is neither the laundry bag (faith-blind faith-belief-imagination = guessology by oneself or others), nor the neatly arranged wardrobe (experiential-verity), but a useful working solution in astrology).

Intelligence is desirable (the good kind not the cunning kind) but in the astrological arrangement an obvious reminder of the see-saw (binary duality) exists.

Personally, all these thoughtforms of fuzzy origins (belief, faith, guesses) can be useful as long as they are not mixed with the contents of the *wardrobe* or worse, worn innocently but rigidly? :smt004

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:34 pm

pranavg wrote: ...
Well!!! I am not saying that they are not related. They certainly are.
When I said mixing things, I meant the illustrative examples that I had put forth were getting mixed (extrapolated) unknowingly. And Newton...
Let us spare him here before he regrets stating the law  :smt002
Despite all the fantastic claims made by practitioners-sellers about colour or some other ray-radiations, it would perhaps be difficult to test their astro-karmic potential in a Newtonian paradigm, for the simple reason that human minds (quantum?) are needed to make the so called magic click! Without Newton(ian) we would perhaps be still living in caves and wrapping ourselves with the salad leaf leftover from lunch!
pranavg wrote: I am not insisting that these matters follow Newtonian laws... in fact the other way...kind of. The Newton's law is a translation (more or less) of the Law of Karma... but limited to the physical plane; i.e. a subset (in 1 plane) of the universal law of Karma which we discuss at the energy level.
As we see / hear / experience things in the physical plane, we could understand and believe the Newton's law but in the higher plane, we are struggling to make enough sense out of it.
Mind again...!
pranavg wrote: Regarding 'G' overpowering 'K', it is not about reversing or blocking the negative imprint as I understand (and believe :-)), it is about enhancing the positive imprint. Gems are known (as mentioned in texts on Jyotish) to enhance the powers of benefics as against lessening the influence of malefics. You may correct me if I am wrong here.
So, translating this in our context, I would not say 'G' can overpower 'K'.
I would rather say strengthening of positive imprint can empower us to deal with the negative imprint in a better way.
Much of modern astrology still follows this Newtonian (?) model of cause and effect which may not be the case of how astrology works. It makes things simpler to wrap our minds around but are we climbing the correct tree in doing so?
pranavg wrote: About mentioning it as science, I agree with you. We do not know how and when it came into practice and the study is also at a nascent stage to make any claim. But, if it is not pondered over we cannot expect it to evolve.
So, I believe, having faith and trying to make sense out of what is mentioned in fundamental texts on Jyotish (and not blindly believing astrologers for the reasons rightly mentioned by you) is certainly on cards. Of course, not looking at it yet as an ultimate remedy on past Karma.

Thanks and regards,
No harm in questioning so called ancient texts too. None of us really knows who spoke-wrote those, when and whether what we are reading bears much resemblance to the putative original! Mix into that all the secret-sacred cloistered material and nadis, tantric material and the ocean gets murkier still.

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Post by pranavg » Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:11 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
pranavg wrote:A nice read indeed... :)
But I was expecting some discussions about gemstones to come up during the course which was not to be.

Also, speaking of Karma, even I believe the Law of Karma to be an irrefutable and an ultimate law as there are many questions about life that remain unanswered otherwise.


Gemstones have got a lot of recognition as remedials! Even in daily life.
For gemini sun sign it is mercury. But since lagna is so and so it is X.
Since born on the 6th. it is Y. Since life path is 7 then it is A.
Since vimshottari dasa is so, then A.

At best choose the common=Y maybe.

I can only state a belief on this, just as Karma is.
But which method of choosing gemstone or even karma is best?

Do share your (1)thoughts and (2)Experience


Hi RishiRahul ji,

Although lagna lord / rashi lord may play a role in deciding gemstones, I understand that an astrologer suggests a gem to a native based on the native's horoscope. I believe importance is also given to the functional nature of the planet. For a Sagitarrius ascendant (D-1), may be Manik be recommended as Sun is a functional benefic.

About recommending it based on Vimshottari dasha, I believe, it would be for a temporary period and that too after carefully considering both the positives and negatives indicated by the dasha lord. Although I do not have much experience about it, this is what makes sense to me.

Stating gemstone remedy just as a belief may be like undermining the science behind it. If an astrologer suggests something, it will be based on his / her knowledge and experience; not just a belief. It would rather be in the interest of the native that the astrologer does not suggest anything as I have learnt that the gemstones can have negative influence if wrongly chosen and no one would want to spend a fortune to attract negativity :)
So, recommendation based on belief surely would not be ethical, right?
That is why we novice learners reach to to you to gain some insight.

My question is, if functional benefic is the key factor (if there is something else please enlighten) and different varga charts have different functional benefics, how do we recommend a gemstone?
For marriage, if we are considering functional benefics in D-9 (correct me if I am wrong), they may or may not be appropriate in the context of other varga charts including D-1. Then, on what basis should the gemstone be recommended, if at all?


Do we also not see many wearing the same astrological gemstones for ornamental purposes? Particularly by the rich or very rich?....And their lives are not more disturbed than others.. or disturbed as others similarly?

Which possibly means or goes to establish that gemstone redials are not such a major factor as thought by many!

Gemstones for Lakshmithanas are best; and there are also other facors as mentioned.
K.P. way is different entirely.

Best to strike a balance with them adding experience & maturity to the choice.



I agree that gemstone remedials may possibly not be that major factor (but don't agree that they are not a factor), but speaking about those using it as an ornament, there is little that we can pinpoint at which clearly says their life is disturbed or otherwise. Basically, "being disturbed" is a relative thing.
A millionaire may possibly ignore (or may not even notice) if he loses his wallet containing a 1000 bucks but a pauper may be grossly "disturbed" even if he loses 100 bucks. So, getting disturbed is a relative term and the rich may also be getting the pinch of using a wrong gem as an ornament but don't realize it or may I say don't care... of course unless the damage is massive... may be health related or even life.
Again, as per my belief (and little that I have learnt yet), a wrongly chosen gemstone is disastrous irrespective of one's status in society. How disastrous it is, is the question... which decides how quickly the native realizes it...

Even if not a major factor, I hope, we (astrology readers) believe that it is a factor. For my question about varga charts, even if we temporarily speak of Lakshmistanas, every varga chart will have different ascendant (more or less), then how does one choose / recommend?
I have just begun gaining knowledge and lack both experience as well as maturity to understand the different angles and hence would like to know more from you all.

Thanks and regards,

Please see the sentence in bold above; which is, that You don't agree that they are not a major factor.


Is your belief on this based on 'experience', or 'heresay', or 'others example or explanation', or something else?

All I am saying is I don't know how major a factor they are.
I believe they are a factor as I just mentioned even in my previous post.
It is a belief for me and I have chosen to set its default value as 1 until proven otherwise.

It is purely based on the scientific explanations that I have read which I could not deny outright.
I am positively trying to make sense out of it by application of our science of Astrology.

Thanks and regards,
I have already given my view regarding remedial (refer my mention of Lakshmisthanas in this thread).

You chose not to mention if your belief on this based on 'experience', or 'heresay', or 'others example or explanation', or something else?

Okay how can the remedial belief be established/proved? or disproved?
I mean how would you like me to help?


I referred your post mentioning Lakshmistanas, actually I had the related question right there in my preceding and succeeding post... :-)

Different varga charts are likely to have different ascendants and consequently different functional benefics, how do we recommend a gemstone then?
For marriage, if we are considering functional benefics in D-9 (correct me if I am wrong), they may or may not be appropriate in the context of other varga charts including D-1. Then, on what basis should the gemstone be recommended, if at all?

You may also pitch in with other considerations (apart from Laksmisthanas) that you believe are significant so that I can explore them further.

And I did mention earlier that my belief is purely based on the explanations that I have read in books by renowned authors which I could not deny outright. I am too novice to have enough experience on this and the hearsay does not fit into my scheme of things.

Thanks and regards,

I am mentioning my take below:

Gemstones for Lakshmithanas are best; and there are also other factors as mentioned. For D charts, similar method
K.P. way is different entirely.

Best to strike a balance with them adding experience & maturity to the choice.


I understand when you say similar method for D-charts, but the question is when all the D-charts belong to the same native, the gem recommended based on lakshmisthanas in D-1 may not be conducive looking at D-9 and vice versa because ascendants are different; similarly for other charts.

Now, when all these D-charts belong to the same native, this would imply that gem recommended for marriage (based on D-9) is going to strengthen a functional malefic in D-1, D-10 etc. just for instance.

So, are we saying that the native has to strengthen one area of life (D-chart that is referred while recommending) at the cost of other and bear the brunt in those areas?

Thanks and regards,

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Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:44 am

Post by pranavg » Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:22 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
pranavg wrote: ...
Well!!! I am not saying that they are not related. They certainly are.
When I said mixing things, I meant the illustrative examples that I had put forth were getting mixed (extrapolated) unknowingly. And Newton...
Let us spare him here before he regrets stating the law  :smt002
Despite all the fantastic claims made by practitioners-sellers about colour or some other ray-radiations, it would perhaps be difficult to test their astro-karmic potential in a Newtonian paradigm, for the simple reason that human minds (quantum?) are needed to make the so called magic click! Without Newton(ian) we would perhaps be still living in caves and wrapping ourselves with the salad leaf leftover from lunch!
pranavg wrote: I am not insisting that these matters follow Newtonian laws... in fact the other way...kind of. The Newton's law is a translation (more or less) of the Law of Karma... but limited to the physical plane; i.e. a subset (in 1 plane) of the universal law of Karma which we discuss at the energy level.
As we see / hear / experience things in the physical plane, we could understand and believe the Newton's law but in the higher plane, we are struggling to make enough sense out of it.
Mind again...!
pranavg wrote: Regarding 'G' overpowering 'K', it is not about reversing or blocking the negative imprint as I understand (and believe :-)), it is about enhancing the positive imprint. Gems are known (as mentioned in texts on Jyotish) to enhance the powers of benefics as against lessening the influence of malefics. You may correct me if I am wrong here.
So, translating this in our context, I would not say 'G' can overpower 'K'.
I would rather say strengthening of positive imprint can empower us to deal with the negative imprint in a better way.
Much of modern astrology still follows this Newtonian (?) model of cause and effect which may not be the case of how astrology works. It makes things simpler to wrap our minds around but are we climbing the correct tree in doing so?
pranavg wrote: About mentioning it as science, I agree with you. We do not know how and when it came into practice and the study is also at a nascent stage to make any claim. But, if it is not pondered over we cannot expect it to evolve.
So, I believe, having faith and trying to make sense out of what is mentioned in fundamental texts on Jyotish (and not blindly believing astrologers for the reasons rightly mentioned by you) is certainly on cards. Of course, not looking at it yet as an ultimate remedy on past Karma.

Thanks and regards,
No harm in questioning so called ancient texts too. None of us really knows who spoke-wrote those, when and whether what we are reading bears much resemblance to the putative original! Mix into that all the secret-sacred cloistered material and nadis, tantric material and the ocean gets murkier still.
Agreed that it is mind at work. But then that is the crux of our existence, is it not? That is all that we are provided with.
If we decide not to use it, then, well, I am not sure if that crowded place as space for more   :smt017

We should be happy that we are climbing a tree... will discover if it is the right one someday. If it turns out to be a wrong one, even then we will know what tree it was :-)
Anyway, there is no other tree in sight as well... at least for now.
So let us climb it for now. We may someday know if the round fruits on the tree are lemons or sweet limes.

Thanks and regards,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:43 pm

pranavg wrote: ...
Agreed that it is mind at work. But then that is the crux of our existence, is it not? That is all that we are provided with.
If we decide not to use it, then, well, I am not sure if that crowded place as space for more   :smt017

We should be happy that we are climbing a tree... will discover if it is the right one someday. If it turns out to be a wrong one, even then we will know what tree it was :-)
Anyway, there is no other tree in sight as well... at least for now.
So let us climb it for now. We may someday know if the round fruits on the tree are lemons or sweet limes.

Thanks and regards,
Of course, but could be sandal trees (chandan) with snakes wrapped around those...! ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:13 pm

pranavg wrote: I understand when you say similar method for D-charts, but the question is when all the D-charts belong to the same native, the gem recommended based on lakshmisthanas in D-1 may not be conducive looking at D-9 and vice versa because ascendants are different; similarly for other charts.

Now, when all these D-charts belong to the same native, this would imply that gem recommended for marriage (based on D-9) is going to strengthen a functional malefic in D-1, D-10 etc. just for instance.

So, are we saying that the native has to strengthen one area of life (D-chart that is referred while recommending) at the cost of other and bear the brunt in those areas?

Thanks and regards,
True. As you said above.

But if you read again....I am mentioning my take below:

Gemstones for Lakshmithanas are best; and there are also other factors as mentioned. For D charts, similar method
K.P. way is different entirely.

Best to strike a balance with them adding experience & maturity to the choice.


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Post by kandhan.t » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:43 am


I would like to share some of  my experience with using gemstones as remedies:

(i) "Does this remedy work?" -Yes.

(ii)  "I read that this stone does not suit with that. that stone does not suit with this and that one should not wear these stones simultaneously."- I have been wearing a coral and gomedh(hessonite) simultaneously for 5 years now and reaping benefits of both.

(iii)  "I have read that stone for ascendant is always good"- My experience was different. Maybe it was the quality of stone which is very important. Or that my ascendant is already a bit strong. Or maybe because my Ascendant Lord was in inimical sign. I don't know the real reason. But what happened was this. I had negative experience with this rule in the sense that the negative character of my ascendant was amplified. Though the experience subsided when i removed the stone.  I tried it 4-5 times and it happened like clock work every time.

(iv) " I heard that one should avoid meat/wine/cigarattes etc for this to be effective"- I don't know. I am vegan and teetotaler.

(v) " I heard that all the gains obtained by wearing gems is not permanent" - I don't know about material gains.  I would say that any gains made towards a more spiritual and enlightened path is permanent.  Maybe one should balance the sudden influx of material gains with donations/service etc.

(vi) "Where do I start" : If you are interested in experimenting with gems, then see if pearl or coral suits  your chart and start with these. These are cheap and their effects are also a bit slow to experience so that you have time to discard the experiment.   Gomedh(hessonite) of good quality if prescribed by your astrologer will also be economical(i don't know the rules. i followed my astrologer's advice and it benefited me).  Go for reputed sellers and for  good quality even if weight is less. This is not  an issue in pearl and coral because they are opaque.

(vii) I feel this is a big, unexplored area of remedies where the literature is confusing. Unfortunately, there are lot of fly- by- night operators.  But my advice is believe in what you experience. I have seen success cases where gemstone for planets inimical to Ascendant lord has been worn for specific purposes and then removed after fulfillment of the purpose. Even the finger in which the stone is worn gives different effect. But, the astrologers who have gained this knowledge are reluctant to share this knowledge. This is the curse of eighth house on astrology   :) .

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:14 pm

kandhan.t wrote:Hi

I would like to share some of  my experience with using gemstones as remedies:

(i) "Does this remedy work?" -Yes.

(ii)  "I read that this stone does not suit with that. that stone does not suit with this and that one should not wear these stones simultaneously."- I have been wearing a coral and gomedh(hessonite) simultaneously for 5 years now and reaping benefits of both.

(iii)  "I have read that stone for ascendant is always good"- My experience was different. Maybe it was the quality of stone which is very important. Or that my ascendant is already a bit strong. Or maybe because my Ascendant Lord was in inimical sign. I don't know the real reason. But what happened was this. I had negative experience with this rule in the sense that the negative character of my ascendant was amplified. Though the experience subsided when i removed the stone.  I tried it 4-5 times and it happened like clock work every time.

(iv) " I heard that one should avoid meat/wine/cigarattes etc for this to be effective"- I don't know. I am vegan and teetotaler.

(v) " I heard that all the gains obtained by wearing gems is not permanent" - I don't know about material gains.  I would say that any gains made towards a more spiritual and enlightened path is permanent.  Maybe one should balance the sudden influx of material gains with donations/service etc.

(vi) "Where do I start" : If you are interested in experimenting with gems, then see if pearl or coral suits  your chart and start with these. These are cheap and their effects are also a bit slow to experience so that you have time to discard the experiment.   Gomedh(hessonite) of good quality if prescribed by your astrologer will also be economical(i don't know the rules. i followed my astrologer's advice and it benefited me).  Go for reputed sellers and for  good quality even if weight is less. This is not  an issue in pearl and coral because they are opaque.

(vii) I feel this is a big, unexplored area of remedies where the literature is confusing. Unfortunately, there are lot of fly- by- night operators.  But my advice is believe in what you experience. I have seen success cases where gemstone for planets inimical to Ascendant lord has been worn for specific purposes and then removed after fulfillment of the purpose. Even the finger in which the stone is worn gives different effect. But, the astrologers who have gained this knowledge are reluctant to share this knowledge. This is the curse of eighth house on astrology   :) .

I)yes, to some extent.

II) there is a lot of marketing ploys/hypes these days and stones is  good money

III) stone for ascendant is always good; it is questionable if in dusthana/afflicted. One has to decide through other factors on this.
Again one may wear a stone which will suit, at such a time which is not good as per destiny?
What happens then?
Such judgement should be left to the experienced.

IV) Stones are chosen to give more harmony & positivity to a native; it cannot change ones destiny.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:07 am

Stones are chosen to give more harmony & positivity to a native; it cannot change ones destiny.

Thank you so much for once again bringing this critically important point to our member's attention.

I could not agree more that a stone by itself has never changed anyone's destiny one iota, but unfortunately an entire highly lucrative industry depends upon vulnerable people believing that wearing the stone in jewellery is a replacement for them having to make an effort on their own behalf to help and improve themselves.

I feel that while the stone has its own energies which can significantly enhance those of the wearer, much of its power is to be found in what the native believes that the stone represents. For example if it is worn for protection, then the individual is more likely to feel that they are protected from any harm and as a result be more confident and willing to take the necessary calculated risks, which are always required for positive change to happen.

But at some point further down the road the wearer of the stone must eventually be gently but progressively weaned off of the dependency idea that his or her power to change his or her own destiny resides entirely within the stone itself, and slowly but surely rediscover it instead within themselves, where it has been all along.  

Not that the companies or individuals which or who make their living from creating this spiritual/religious/new age jewellery then promoting it as a magic cure all or shortcut to health, happiness and success want us to recognise that our own power is all that we should ever need to meet life's many challenges.

Even as someone who has no qualifications in and normally little interest in Vedic Astrology, I continue to find this topic fascinating. So thank you to our friend Rohiniranjan for posting it to the boards last September.

Still learning,

Brian  Image

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:28 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:
Stones are chosen to give more harmony & positivity to a native; it cannot change ones destiny.

Thank you so much for once again bringing this critically important point to our member's attention.

I could not agree more that a stone by itself has never changed anyone's destiny one iota, but unfortunately an entire highly lucrative industry depends upon vulnerable people believing that wearing the stone in jewellery is a replacement for them having to make an effort on their own behalf to help and improve themselves.

I feel that while the stone has its own energies which can significantly enhance those of the wearer, much of its power is to be found in what the native believes that the stone represents. For example if it is worn for protection, then the individual is more likely to feel that they are protected from any harm and as a result be more confident and willing to take the necessary calculated risks, which are always required for positive change to happen.

But at some point further down the road the wearer of the stone must eventually be gently but progressively weaned off of the dependency idea that his or her power to change his or her own destiny resides entirely within the stone itself, and slowly but surely rediscover it instead within themselves, where it has been all along.  

Not that the companies or individuals which or who make their living from creating this spiritual/religious/new age jewellery then promoting it as a magic cure all or shortcut to health, happiness and success want us to recognise that our own power is all that we should ever need to meet life's many challenges.

Even as someone who has no qualifications in and normally little interest in Vedic Astrology, I continue to find this topic fascinating. So thank you to our friend Rohiniranjan for posting it to the boards last September.

Still learning,

Brian  Image

Dear EoT,

Unfortunately many get stuck in their beliefs always, as especially when the belief is their comfort zone.

Also we hear success stories of so many things....

Success stories are found and highlighted about everything; but we never think of Failure stories. Do we?

The age of Marketing rules, and we are victims.
Imagine how stones are gaining importance day by dayQ


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:58 pm

Success stories are found and highlighted about everything; but we never think of Failure stories. Do we?

Those people who make a more than adequate income from promoting stones as destiny changers do not want us to know or think about when their version of a lucky rabbit's foot inevitably fails to live up to their unrealistic claims for it.

But it is the end user him or herself who believes that they are the failure, which often leaves them with significantly less self confidence and self respect as a result of a crafty sales pitch.

I want to make it clear that I am not saying for one moment that every person or company who sells this type of stone jewellery is unethical, dishonest and out to make a fortune through causing harm to and tricking vulnerable people into believing their lies.

I am specifically talking about those unethical snake oil salespeople who promote and claim their product as a magic shortcut to health, wealth and success.


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Post by kandhan.t » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:45 pm

In continuation of my previous post:
(viii)"Do you sell gemstones?"- No. This is not my profession.  :)  I just wanted to share some of my experiences with gemstones so that it might help those who do believe in this remedy.

RishiRahul wrote:II) there is a lot of marketing ploys/hypes these days and stones is  good money  
kandhan.t wrote:(ii)  "I read that this stone does not suit with that. that stone does not suit with this and that one should not wear these stones simultaneously."- I have been wearing a coral and gomedh(hessonite) simultaneously for 5 years now and reaping benefits of both.
As you can see, the purpose of this point was to highlight that my experience was different what i have read in the literature.
RishiRahul wrote:III) stone for ascendant is always good. it is questionable if in dusthana
If ascendant lord is in dusthana, is it not more of a reason to wear gemstone because it is a weak benefic? Also some ascendant lords are also lords of dusthanas.
RishiRahul wrote:IV) Stones are chosen to give more harmony & positivity to a native; it cannot change ones destiny.  
Is not getting more harmony  & positivity changing one's destiny if one's life experience has been otherwise so far?

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:11 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:
Success stories are found and highlighted about everything; but we never think of Failure stories. Do we?

Those people who make a more than adequate income from promoting stones as destiny changers do not want us to know or think about when their version of a lucky rabbit's foot inevitably fails to live up to their unrealistic claims for it.

But it is the end user him or herself who believes that they are the failure, which often leaves them with significantly less self confidence and self respect as a result of a crafty sales pitch.

I want to make it clear that I am not saying for one moment that every person or company who sells this type of stone jewellery is unethical, dishonest and out to make a fortune through causing harm to and tricking vulnerable people into believing their lies.

I am specifically talking about those unethical snake oil salespeople who promote and claim their product as a magic shortcut to health, wealth and success.


Brian  Image

Dear EoT,

Certainly all dealing in stones are not frauds!

Many are dealing as their forefathers did.......Belief & carrying out tradition.

Also for a cost, big or small, if some gets mental solace, and believe that they are benefiting (power of suggestion included), it is good beside good karma (after all stones do have some effect).


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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:07 am

kandhan.t wrote:In continuation of my previous post:
(viii)"Do you sell gemstones?"- No. This is not my profession.  :)  I just wanted to share some of my experiences with gemstones so that it might help those who do believe in this remedy.

RishiRahul wrote:II) there is a lot of marketing ploys/hypes these days and stones is  good money  
kandhan.t wrote:(ii)  "I read that this stone does not suit with that. that stone does not suit with this and that one should not wear these stones simultaneously."- I have been wearing a coral and gomedh(hessonite) simultaneously for 5 years now and reaping benefits of both.
As you can see, the purpose of this point was to highlight that my experience was different what i have read in the literature.
RishiRahul wrote:III) stone for ascendant is always good. it is questionable if in dusthana
If ascendant lord is in dusthana, is it not more of a reason to wear gemstone because it is a weak benefic? Also some ascendant lords are also lords of dusthanas.
RishiRahul wrote:IV) Stones are chosen to give more harmony & positivity to a native; it cannot change ones destiny.  
Is not getting more harmony  & positivity changing one's destiny if one's life experience has been otherwise so far?

No! I did not think that you sell gemstones; and you shared your experience.

All of us speak from our experiences however limited it is a very difficult area for research!

If the ascendant lord is in a dusthana or afflicted, one may or should resort to other methods to check if its suitable. Everyone may have their own unique method; as long as it works.
I did not say that if if ascendant lord is in a dusthana or afflicted one should reject that stone.

If getting more harmony  & positivity is same as changing one's destiny, its great!


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