Shiver up back?

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Shiver up back?

Post by Mesamid » Wed May 18, 2016 5:15 am

I have prayed, since I was a young girl. I still pray every night before bed.

But, as a child, when my child life was chaotic, I would sit and pray in my room, while everyone fought. I was not always emotional as a child, especially when younger than 7. But  eventually the family atmosphere began negatively affecting me and so I became more emotional and sensitive. When people fought, I would try to be the mediator with whatever I could understand and think of at that young age.

Anyway, there were days where  the conflicts were  so severe that  all I knew to do was pray. And as I would cry, I would feel this shiver sensation up my back. As a kid I thought, "Oh that must be my grandmother comforting me." I never lived near my grandmothers (We lived in another country.) nor had a bond with either grandmothers (Both died too early.) but nonetheless I slotted that feeling as being that of my grandmother comforting me by rubbing my back. lol

I do get emotional and do cry. I don't pray during arguments or conflicts. But when I do pray, in front of our home temple, which I rarely do anymore, I sometimes get that same shiver sensation. I never ever have had that feeling when I pray in my room at night though....

So what is it?

Some told me that it was just my emotional subconscious and conditioned reflex; others have told me that it is some kundalini yoga situation going on. But others who are focused on western philosophy and ideals aka Christian based ideals,  have mentioned that it's a very negative thing to happen.  

What do you think it could be?
Btw, I've never really been afraid of it. As I grew older, it was just something that happened like when our eye twitches.


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Post by caroline36 » Thu May 19, 2016 10:12 pm

the physical answer would be because of the hypothalamus, our brain reacting to the emotion. but the spiritual side of that answer is something i´ve always wondered myself. i know exactly what you mean, my upper back is sensitive as hell, whether i want it or not. i dont think it is negative thing, it is just sensibility.

i´m curious to hear about other responses. i tried to find out but most information related to our energy field is mostly about chakras and it´s not the case.

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Post by Mesamid » Thu May 19, 2016 11:56 pm

Oh so you've had them too?

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Post by caroline36 » Fri May 20, 2016 6:52 pm

I have it all the time when I focus on something related to spirit, like lighting a candle. I saw once a medium´s interview saying we all have the sensitive spot in our body and to find out where it´s located you only have to ask yourself. I did it right away and my upper back was tingling like crazy. It´s like you connection with spiritual world, so when there is a spiritual influence around (good or bad) this is where you´ll feel it. Some people feel in other torso parts, like in the shoulder area, upper arm, etc.

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Post by Mesamid » Sun May 29, 2016 5:32 pm

Oh that's really interesting.....

You know even when I see a dead animal on the road, I pray with the gayatri mantra, and just the sight of it,...I get a shiver.....

Do you think this is also the same thing?

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