Resquest for a reading

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Resquest for a reading

Post by TheHangedman12 » Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:47 am

I recently made up with a friend who I´d gotten in a fight with at the begining of the year. Though we´ve made up I think things are still bit off. Could someone do reading about her and me? Any spread will do.

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Post by cedars » Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:44 am

Any newly-reconciled friendship goes through a patchy phase, partly due to ego and partly due to, "Oh, let him or let her keep the contact," or, "I'm not going to look so desperate by being in touch or making the first move,"  and feelings of such nature.

I think the best advice I would give you is to keep the contact, even if you are the one initiating them and see where it goes.
Sometimes newly-ignited, old friendships go through a period of uncertainty and to constantly harass the other with contact, messages can be off-putting and by the same token, not maintaining contact could lead to the same.

A reading for both of you is a bit irrelevant in this case, as it is mostly advice that you need than a reading, taking into consideration  that on this site we can only give a reading to you, i.e. the member who is requesting the reading and not to a third party - in this case your friend.

I sense an element of desperation in maintaining and keeping this friendship and I also feel that perhaps you have been the one who has made all the effort so far. Handle it one step at a time. Propose a meeting, coffee, drinks or an outing, but don’t be too disappointed if the other person cannot make it or is busy etc. Don’t jump to conclusions immediately as to how their response has been to your proposals.

Eventually, it will be your decision whether you wish to continue making the effort – if no positive response is forthcoming from the other party – and then decide to let go or let nature take its course. At least you wouldn’t blame yourself for not trying.

In order not let you go ‘empty handed’ I picked a card for you:
Ten of Wands (Rider Waite deck)

Here is someone who has ten huge wands gathered in between his arms and is heading forward to the mansion which is on the horizon. There has been some hard work in gathering these wands and he has put a lot of effort and sweat to get to this stage. It is worth noting that the man cannot see his way ahead as the wands are blinding him and he is simply marching ahead towards the mansion on the horizon. All good intentions are there to reach his goal, but he needs a bit more than that: he needs to see where he is going despite all his hard work having reached this far.

Similarly, in your case, I do not feel you should burden yourself with the whole task of making this friendship work. The aim is to make it work, but the vision is a bit blurred. Let others bring in their share too.

All the best to you.

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Post by TheHangedman12 » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:52 am

Thank you for the advise and the reading. I em kinda conflicted on the issue and I do think I´ve been overpreocuped with it. Sometimes I want everthing to fast and I forget that things take time.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:21 am

Sometimes I want everthing to fast and I forget that things take time.
Just go with the flow and let nature take care of things. Some effort is needed from our part too, but dont try and control the situation against its natural flow.

All the best.

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