This one´s strange...

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This one´s strange...

Post by TheHangedman12 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:55 pm

Ok I´ve got a few questions, that may be kinda weird, they´re yes or no questions so if no one is into that kinda thing I understand...

1. Have I been represing memories?
Continuo if the first answer is yes...
2. Why have been represing memories?
3. What are the memories I´m represing of?

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Post by Talia » Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:55 am

Hey Hangman :)

Your post is interesting but I would not suggest that anyone try and answer those questions without 1) being in a safe environment and 2) being on a 1 to 1 with a professional therapist.

If you do have repressed memories then it could actually be dangerous for you to just openly spill them without taking care to have the resources to deal with the issues. Things get repressed for a reason, it is a protective function of the brain.
If you really feel you have repressed something or have chunks of memory missing then you need to seek proper advice offline to deal with anything that crops up.

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Post by TheHangedman12 » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:49 pm

Please, I´m being by a helped by a junganian psycvologist, who is trying an expirimental treatment, so far it´s work. He´s the one that asked me to do this as part of my therapy and I promise to read the answer with him. So please help me continuo me therapy.

PS: please don´t jugde me  or neglate to answer my question for using an experimental treatment, I´ve traditional methods to no avail...

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:18 am

Hello again Gabriel,

These questions could only be safely and satisfactorily answered through one or more hypnotic regression sessions, being conducted in a psychologist's or psychiatrist's private office.

And you have not yet responded to the reading which I have already given you on this subject, in the psychic reading forum. ... 264#342264

Neither Talia or myself is being judgemental or disrespectful, or is wanting to avoid answering your questions.
I´m being by a helped by a junganian psycvologist, who is trying an expirimental treatment, so far it´s work. He´s the one that asked me to do this as part of my therapy and I promise to read the answer with him.
If you had shared this important background information with us in your original request, it would have made a huge difference to how we have responded.

The law does not allow us to offer you what might be seen as medical advice which could possibly be used by you as a substitute for proper treatment by a qualified professional doctor or psychologist, instead of as a part of your prescribed treatment (as is clearly the case here).

Respectfully yours,

Brian :)

PS: Jungian psychology overall is not viewed as an experimental method in Australia. It may or may not be different where you live. Here it is a well established and relatively well regarded form of psychotherapy, based upon the theories and philosophy of the well known and highly respected Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)  

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Post by TheHangedman12 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:34 am

I supposed the law had something do with it....

It´s pretty ironic how modern medicine closes the way too other treatments, when it it´s self dosen´t have all the cures...

It is posible the modern modicen may help, but sadly I don´t have that time...

And it probably won´t...

And wasn´t looking for advice just something that would point me in the right direccion...

Thank you anyways...

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Post by Talia » Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:25 am

TheHangedman12 wrote:Please, I´m being by a helped by a junganian psycvologist, who is trying an expirimental treatment, so far it´s work. He´s the one that asked me to do this as part of my therapy and I promise to read the answer with him. So please help me continuo me therapy.

PS: please don´t jugde me  or neglate to answer my question for using an experimental treatment, I´ve traditional methods to no avail...
I am not judging you at all, but can I ask what the treatment is for please?

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Post by TheHangedman12 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:19 pm

You may not be judging me, but you´re making the assumtion that what I ask for would make will worsen my condition, when all I ask is for someone to point me in the right direccion...

It isn´t very well known but Jung suffered from hallucinations from when he was about 38, til he hit 40... he even wrote a book about it: The Red Book... Now Jung believed that hallucinations were manifestaciones from the unconciuos, that were trying to fix an out of balanced psique... Tobalance psique one had to interprete the hullucinaciones and that would allow them to know why they did certain things and what to change...

I for a while have been suffring from hallucination, I decided to try this method and it actually seemed to work my hallucination almost were gone, but then I started to have memories appear... Memories of things I thought had never happened... Now since I´ve had hallucinations I don´t now if these memories that have suffered are real or something my mind made up... And since asking other poeple will only make me look more crazy I rather not...

Modern methods can´t help becuase thier is no cure for MPD, so  if it´s true I need to look for other ways to fi the problem...

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:45 am

It´s pretty ironic how modern medicine closes the way too other treatments, when it it´s self dosen´t have all the cures...
Surely this is intentional or by design, rather than it being ironic.

The laws have been put in place with the best of intentions to protect and ensure that every patient gets a proper medical diagnosis and treatment, and is not subjected to methods which may be dangerous and possibly make matters much worse than they already are.

Jungian psychology is NOT one of these dangerous, unproven methods in the hands of a qualified Jungian psychologist, but it is perfectly true that the law and what treatments are approved for medical insurance compensation can in many cases act as a barrier to people trying other alternative therapies.
but you´re making the assumtion that what I ask for would make will worsen my condition
We have a serious communication breakdown going on between us, if you interpreted my meaning in such a manner.

Because you had not described exactly what the experimental method was and up until this point had not revealed that you were being treated by a qualified Jungian psychologist, it is our legal and moral responsibility to err on the side of caution when giving you any reading.

And this caution is more than justified if you are talking about  a genuine diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD).  Jungian psychology is one of the modern methods which can be used to treat this condition. If you define a cure as being a reintegration (recombining) of all sub personalities, sometimes this is neither possible nor the preferred approach or goal.
Now since I´ve had hallucinations I don´t now if these memories that have suffered are real or something my mind made up.
The really strange thing is that in many cases it does not matter if the memories are real or not, as the human mind does not make a definite distinction between the two. Whether you did actually suffer this traumatic experience or whether instead your mind is throwing up false memories of an experience which never really happened, the therapeutic approach to easing your suffering and healing your mind can be much the same.

But the diagnosis will NOT be the same (see the final part of this posting for more details about this).

If a particular treatment works and provides lasting relief to the patient, then that is seen as all that really matters. The patient is made more whole again or healed, whether or not there was a real traumatic experience. It is accepted as a reasonable therapeutic means to achieve a commonly desired positive end?

I am certainly not insensitive to the suffering and persecution that the diagnosis of MPD has probably caused you, but the human mind is complex and you and your therapist must do what you think is most likely to safely give you relief from your symptoms and distress.
And wasn´t looking for advice just something that would point me in the right direccion...
Both insights gained from a reading as well as friendly advice are designed to work together in order to point you in what the reader feels intuitively is the best direction for you to take at that moment in time.

It is not so much a matter of anyone judging whether it is the right direction, as there may be more than one promising direction for you to choose from in consultation with your psychologist.

Finally if your diagnosis of MPD is indeed accurate, then the traumatic experience and your memories of it are both all too real. MPD is a mind's final last desperate attempt to keep the person sane and functioning at a basic level.  

Finally I have never heard of true MPD being caused by false repressed memories, although I have heard of patients who have been tricked into believing that they have MPD and have had false memories deliberately implanted into their subconscious mind by an unethical therapist, in order to keep them as a paying customer for many years to come. Memory lapses and repressed memories can be caused by MPD, but they can also be caused by many other conditions as well.

Be kind to yourself,


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Post by TheHangedman12 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:01 pm

The truth I´m not sure if it´s MPD, the diagnoses is only a susícion. But the problem with modern psycology it tries to clasify and hierarchizethe indivdual´s problems, when each problem is unique to the individual... I´m pretty sure you could grab the DRM-V move around the criteria a bit and invent new mental illnesses, using the symtoms and criteria that were in place before... This means what could help some could easily hinder others... So some are hindered becuases the establisment has put in place rules to protect the many, when they may actualy be proteting the few... An in truth these rules are more in place to protect the pharmaceuticle indrustry more than the patients... Again it´s pretty ironic, what started out as someting that could help individuals integrate them selfs with nuture (shamanism) and in this way serve the comunity, is now a gigantic coperate cashcow....

Anyways I live in Peru and it´s place where thier aren´t any real alternate treatments in terms of psycology... I mean thier are but thier hard to find, poeple very consevative here... My own doctor isn´t really practising psycologist doctor... he only see´s me becuase I pay him extra (if you´re worried about the legality of this, don´t, in Peru everything is done under the table)  Of course thier is also shamanism but I´m not sure if I want to go down that path just yet...

If you´re worried about me breaking down you shouldn´t... I´ve broken down several times in the past year and I´ve maneged to do it with out hurting myself or others...I´ve invented a method for that... If I start to feel funny or something like it I just get into bed semi-depresed and start applying Descartes evil geniuos to myself... this way I can figger out which perceptions are constant therefor trustworthy and which aren´t...

Lastly I don´t know if these memories are true or not... I´m certain that some them are not... but I´m also almost sure that some of them are... And the problem dosen´t only come in memories, sometimes poeple say things to me that I can´t quite understand at the moment... then thinking about it I´m able to find what the person was saying, again I´m pretty sure that some these atributions are false, but than again some them may be true... Who knows? Since this forum isn´t willing to help me because fear of a replase, I´ll just have to bid my time, to see what I do next...

See you around ;)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:56 pm

Thanking you for your extra information, and wishing you well for the future.

Take care,

Brian  Image

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Post by TheHangedman12 » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:29 am

Thank you :)
Is it posible that I get a love it posible that I get a love reading instead???

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