Business Launch

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Business Launch

Post by bella24 » Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:46 pm

Happy Wednesday Beautiful people,

As a single mother I found myself having to pay for my daughters college in the next two years. Prior to my divorce we had money set aside via real estate, however, last week I was informed by my ex that there is no longer money in that property. so I will now show my daughter that I have it handled. With that said, I invested into a small skincare business in the hopes that it helps generate money to send her to school. Looking for insight if this is the right move or not. Thanks in advance.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:36 am

Dear Bella,

You have had a difficult time of it but you have never given up on either yourself or your daughter, and this is to your great credit as being a single parent is a significant challenge even at the best of times.

And this is clearly not the best of times, especially after having discovered that the money and property which were put aside to help pay for your daughter's future has evaporated.

Unfortunately there is a very minimal chance of you getting either the real estate or money from its sale back, but you will not allow this sorry situation to defeat you, and prevent you from carrying out your parental responsibilities.

The reading cannot see any useful purpose being served by determining who other than your ex may be responsible for the loss of this valuable asset, and as I have already explained to you before I cannot give you a reading about your ex's reasons for doing this, or whether he was encouraged to do this by another person.

As you say you now want to show your daughter that you have it handled and have invested in a small skincare business with the hope that this will within a reasonable amount of time generate enough money to send your daughter to school, as well as taking some of the financial load off her mother to pay the bills and give her child the bright future which she deserves to be given.
Looking for insight if this is the right move or not.
While there are no absolute guarantees when starting any new business that it ultimately will be successful, the risk of doing this greatly outweighs the risk of doing nothing, and simply allowing the situation to deteriorate to the point that your daughter cannot continue her education. Rather than seeing this business as the right or correct move, your reading sees it instead as the only responsible move which is currently open to you to make a positive difference.

The best possible move for you as well as your daughter, at this moment in time, would be a more accurate description.

When I asked my Tarot cards for further insight about your chances of making this business work, the first card which I drew was THE FOOL.

If you are familiar with this card you would already know that its appearance does not mean that you are about to do something silly or foolishly dangerous. In other words this is not to be taken as a criticism or as an insult.

All journeys no matter how long they are begin with the first step, and while that step may eventually lead to all that you desire (the skincare business could be a success and set you and your daughter up well for future financial security, there is always the potential for that first step to lead to a fall in your fortunes.

But you must not allow this to put you off the whole idea. Once again it is balancing the risks of you taking that step against the risk of remaining paralysed with your entire financial future being out of your control. Getting anything which is important to you in this life (and nothing is more important to you than your daughter's future) necessarily involves you taking certain risks. The which should not still be a secret is to minimize the risks which you take, and to as much as possible make them calculated or planned ones.

This skincare business is the best possible move you could make at this particular moment in time to secure you and your daughter's future. It will provide you with both opportunities and challenges. You cannot have the opportunities without at the same time accepting the unavoidable challenges involved in your business. Like any new task, the chances of it being successful will be mainly determined by how thoroughly you have done the necessary preparation beforehand.

Unless you will be manufacturing these skincare products yourself (if so the following paragraph will not apply to you), you will be buying into a franchise, and unfortunately once again your reading cannot tell me how honest and successful that parent company is. Whether they will provide you with the necessary variety and price of products for for potential customers. Be sure to thoroughly read any written agreements/contracts before signing them, and do not hesitate to ask questions when you feel the need to do so. While you must keep thinking positively, view any of their exorbitant claims about how much money your skincare business could potentially generate in a week or month, with a dose of healthy skepticism.

Wishing you and your daughter and your business every success in the future,

Brian  Image  Image  Image

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