New Year

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New Year

Post by argo » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:06 pm

Hello...Can I request a general reading on luck this year 2016?
Quick outlook or any timeline. Thanks.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:14 am

For my first general reading for 2016, I have drawn the following three cards on your behalf, in the order shown.

Your first card which was the Eight of Cups (EOC) has sometimes been called the "morning after card".  The more extreme and harsh interpretation of the EOC is that the person has been either recently been indulging themselves in consuming an excess of alcoholic beverages (binge drinking) and has been overdoing it on the luxury items, or with this card being a member of the Cups suit has been heavily emotionally involved in a passionate and wild relationship. Whatever or whoever it was that you have been overindulging in or with it is now time for you to come back down to Earth (return to the real world) and to face the negative consequences of your excesses. Hangovers are not confined to those who unwisely drink too much alcohol for their own good. Anything positive and enjoyable when taken to the extreme can have both predictable and unforeseen consequences for all persons affected, and it is now time to for you to pay the piper and think more about what you are doing to yourself, and to those people whom you love.

A more moderate and gentle interpretation of the EOC and the one which I am tending towards as the more likely of the two is that you genuinely care for the people who are dearest to you, whether or not they have lived up to your expectations. A seemingly crazy new dream or plan has emerged in your mind with regard to this relationship, which your instincts tell you to follow. However following this dream necessarily involves you taking certain risks, and currently your fear of what might be possibly the outcome is preventing you from taking this leap of faith into the unknown. Yet it is an unknown which is likely to raise your spirits (not the alcoholic kind) and inspire and encourage you to pursue even greater rewards in the future. The rewards are there for the taking, if only you can bring your fears more under your control and take more calculated risks.

Your second card was the Six of Pentacles (SOP). I just knew intuitively right from the start of your reading that money was going to play an important part in whatever good things happen to you during this new year (relationship wise), so it was hardly a surprise to me when a member of the Pentacles or Coins Tarot suit did eventually appear. All the four sixes are about restoring balance and harmony, so the SOP is thought to represent you having to restore the balance between what money is coming in (your income) and what money is going out or being spent each week (outgoing expenses). Beginning a relationship and keeping it going over the longer term costs money, and for the relationship to be a  reasonably happy one it will often involve you having to conserve whatever money you already have and earn, and make it work more effectively to your advantage. The idea is for you both to have enough money to pay for the cost of living, but also have some money left over in reserve at the end of the week (once the tax man has taken his share) for the simple pleasures and little luxuries of life which make it seem worth living.

So as you can plainly see the reading is not about you having to always be miserable by denying yourself of every luxury or pleasure. It is just taking it to the extreme or excess which is the issue here. It is tempting to go without the basics and essentials in order to get the luxuries and pleasures, and it is tempting to be so tight with your money that you are afraid to spend any of it. What the SOP teaches us is that money is energy, and energy must be freely exchanged or flow in both directions in order to make a relationship or a life in general work. We must learn to give and receive this energy/money.  

By not giving some of our energy/money to those people who are not as well off as we are, we do not create an empty space in our own lives for the Universe to fill with more energy/money.  And by not allowing people whom we have done a favour to show their appreciation for our act of kindness or generosity by giving us some of their energy/money, we are denying them the dignity and respect which they deserve. The same general principle of the need for balance and two way energy flow freely applies both inside as well as outside of our relationships.

Your third and final card which was the Eight Of Wands (EOW) (the second eight card of the three, with eight representing transcendence over limitations). Thankfully this card is much lighter in what it is thought to symbolize, and hopefully easier for me to explain when compared to its companions. When we finally use both our intelligence (mind) and our instincts (heart) to manage our energy, we find that we can really speed things up or accelerate them. This isn't about overly controlling or confining the energy, but rather it is more about avoiding waste and making the best use of what energy we already possess. This is about investing some of your heat and light now, so that you can get more heat and light in the future.

This card predicts fast developments or outcomes, fast travel, things happening quickly and efficiently Nothing being wasted. Whatever is going on, you will not need to worry about it being on time, as it should be here very soon. Things will get done quickly and will develop in a speedy manner, with plenty of energy to spare. This will happen partly because you are starting to understand how this energy works for you, and how to focus the energy so as for you to get the most out of it.

In summary therefore you are being strongly encouraged during 2016 (particularly between now and June 30th) to take more calculated risks with both your money and with who (whom?) you make the most emotional investment, restore some sense of balance and harmony in managing your money and relationship, as in the end both involve the mutual exchange of energy freely flowing in all directions. Anyone who either unintentionally or deliberately interferes with these two or more way energy exchanges is treading on thin ice (putting themselves in imminent danger of losing everything or everyone, which or who is important to them).  

Even playing it safe can be overdone.

Love, Light and Peace to you,


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Post by argo » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:56 pm

Very nice. THANK YOU. What is EOC? I look at google it shows scary loss of a man. SOP is correct. Live..drink then work.
EOW should come true just want quick change.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:55 pm

argo wrote:Very nice. THANK YOU. What is EOC? I look at google it shows scary loss of a man. SOP is correct. Live..drink then work.
EOW should come true just want quick change.
EOC = Eight Of Cups (your first card)

Google only gives general meanings, written in the language of another reader's unconscious mind, or based upon their beliefs.

SOP (Six Of Pentacles) agrees with the results of your Google search?

So what?

Does this mean that if the meanings which I read into your cards are not the same as what Google says that they should be, then my meanings must be wrong?
Live..drink then work.

Where did you get that meaning, as I never wrote this?

It was not Google again: was it?

You would like what EOW (Eight Of Wands) represents to me to come true as soon as possible, with a minimum effort on your part to make the necessary changes to your beliefs, attitudes and behaviours?

Then sadly you have come to the wrong site and reader to try to get this to instantly work for you, because life simply does not work that way. There are no easy shortcuts or free rides to spiritual development. In the end you and only you are responsible for making these changes in your life. Readings can only provide you with some extra insights and suggested directions for you to take, but no more.


EoT = eye_of_tiger  :smt002  :smt002

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Post by argo » Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:04 pm ok if you have a reading with me like this for new year.  I felt bad for myself this year like I am no good. Searching for my value to anyone. thanks.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:32 pm

I felt bad for myself this year like I am no good. Searching for my value to anyone.

You have fallen into the same common (to a large proportion of the human race) trap as I have also done for most of my life. Your mind (like my own) has tricked you into accepting everyone else's opinion about your value or worth above your own. As if you believe that they know better than you do what your value is, or is not.

The sad fact is that we (substitute our subconscious minds) are often our own harshest critics or worst enemies. If we treated another person like we frequently tend to abuse ourselves for making the slightest mistake or saying something that we quickly regret having said but cannot easily take back, we would be accused of cruelty of the worst sort towards that individual.

And yet we without having to think about it regularly treat ourselves as if we are the worst person in the world and a hardened criminal. In other words we appoint ourselves as our own judge, jury and executioner. Even a serial murderer gets their opportunity to explain their actions and get justice, but we will not give ourselves the same opportunity to explain our true motives.

Now I am not saying that you should not listen to any criticism about you, as it may be constructive instead of destructive. Constructive criticism may lead to you being able to make improvements in your life which may help you to avoid making the same mistake a second time. None of us is perfect. There is always therefore room for improvement in everyone's life.

Unfortunately our criticisms of ourselves are usually of the highly destructive variety. Destructive criticism makes you feel as though you are worthless, or without any value. This is the same type of abusive criticism which partners often use to manipulate or force you into being someone whom you are not.

It is as though these people are unwilling to accept you exactly as you already are (weaknesses and mistakes included), and they want to make you into someone completely different whom they can then accept. So you can easily get into a lifelong habit of trying to please everyone or try to be the person whom they appear to want  you to be, and lose your sense of self identity and self worth in the process.

Instead of having a healthy sense of your own self worth and self respect, you can become stuck in a rut trying but almost inevitably failing miserably to like yourself as you are, because you are human and you are therefore by definition far from being perfect (welcome to the human race).

Stop trying to be someone whom you are not, or attempting to be perfect. Sure you have your weaknesses and you have made honest mistakes in the past like the rest of us. As they often say build upon your many positive qualities of character, but also be willing to work to improve your more negative qualities. Stop beating up on yourself for being a fallible human being (who makes mistakes.

You have just as much right to be here as any other person does. Just being human gives you an immense value and worth, without any of your accomplishments or failures. The very fact that you have requested another reading on this forum shows me that you are not a person who will give up easily and that you are committed to creating a happier, healthier and more loving life for yourself, mainly through your own efforts to help yourself.

These are signs of your great inner strength and determination to succeed, instead of being signs of weakness or surrender. These are positive qualities of character which are to be admired, respected and celebrated. You should be justifiably proud of yourself for these magnificent qualities alone, but I recognise that you have many more strengths than only these.

In summary therefore, no person other than yourself can measure what you are worth or your "value" in the negative, because people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Meaning that we should not be so quick to judge someone else's worth without at the same time looking at our own faults.

Judge not or be judged yourself. What one person sees as perfect, another might see as anything but. What is "perfect" is therefore a matter of personal opinion or highly subjective. Do not look for perfection in either yourself or any other person (especially men) as I said earlier, it does not exist at this physical level (and never will).

Accentuate or maximize your many positive qualities, and work upon or around your relatively few negative personality aspects. Forget about eliminating your negative qualities, as they make you unique and more interesting (if they are controlled). The only "perfect" people are self appointed ones with a superiority complex.

Do whatever you can (and can afford) to feel better about yourself, even though depression makes you feel like doing nothing.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather it is keeping our fears under control and doing what needs to be done in spite of our fears.

Be true to yourself and be yourself. Why be a second or third rate copy of someone else when you can be a top quality or first you? Of all the 7 billion plus people currently living on planet Earth only you are qualified to decide what sort of person you want to be seen as.

Start seeing yourself in a more positive light, and others will begin to agree with your good assessment of yourself and your self worth. You will begin to attract people into your life who also have a healthy sense of their own self worth. People who do not have this will quickly disappear from your life. The Law of attraction rules.

If this reading has not by now convinced you of your own incredible self worth and self value, do something to help another person without any expectation of reward. This will not only temporarily distract you from having to constantly listen to your harsh inner critical voice, but it really feels good.

Take my word for it.  :smt002  :smt002  :)

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian  :smt007

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Post by argo » Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:35 pm

the only one I lean to is so stressed out because I am useless. how can I even help others. I can't even help myself. thanks for the word.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:05 pm

argo wrote:the only one I lean to is so stressed out because I am useless. how can I even help others. I can't even help myself. thanks for the word.
Nobody is useless, even though you may be telling yourself that you are.

If you are still breathing, your heart is beating and you are not on life support at this moment in time, then there is always something which you can do or say to lighten another person's load.

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and a fair go, and do little acts of kindness to help others, simply because it feels so good to do this.

It does work! Given enough time and patience.

I try to do this myself every day (including on Mystic Board), to help treat my own chronic anxiety and depression, and to feel that I have made a positive impact upon somebody else's life.

If your feelings of self worth are as low as you are saying that they are, then please seek immediate medical and counseling support from a qualified professional.

Your situation is beyond what any psychic reading can hope to achieve by itself.

You life literally depends upon you doing this (seek professional help) without any further unnecessary delay.
SPECIAL NOTE: is a very good link for those of our members who are in need of help, and who are feeling suicidal and require help now.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.
Source: Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR) The 32nd president of the United States Of America who lived his entire life with the consequences of an attack of polio which he contracted in 1921. He died in 1945. ... 1#synopsis



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