Reading request for Eye of Tiger

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Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:33 am

Hi Eye of Tiger

I hope this message finds you well.
I was wondering if I could ask for a reading? Please don't worry if it is too much to ask. I can't stress that enough.

I have had one of the worst years of my life this year. My life in general hasn't been easy. I've never had any genuine friends or a relationship. I have no family and grew up in an abusive and dismissive 'family'. The theme of rejection and abandonment has repeated throughout my life in EVERY SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT I've had (I'm not exaggerating).
If I'm honest, I have spent the past 15 years crying daily or weekly, and going through crisis after crisis. I've lost 15+ jobs to date, never leaving on my terms. I've accepted that I will be alone in this life. Marriage, friends and a stable job is for others - it is what is is. I am nearly 40 now, so I cannot engage delusional thinking anymore that things will ever change.

I have tried to work I meditate for 2 hours plus a day (subconscious reprogramming modules), to work hard on my issues of low self esteem and the incessant rejection that I experience. Rather than this becoming a self pitying rant, I'm wondering if you can offer some insight into my circumstances.
Despite working hard with meditation, saging my home, searching for jobs fervently and trying to break negative patterns of a lifetime, everything seems to get worse daily?!
For example, this year I lost a job of 3 years (that is a lifetime for me). I was unfairly dismissed, bulled and disliked in the job despite working hard, but had a decent salary and stability through a couple of sort of friends there. I then landed less stressful contract work, and have since lost most of the contracts, and experienced/experiencing ongoing turbulence with the remainder. My income is near to non existent. My mentor of 15 years abandoned me out of the blue this year. The rejection and bad luck touches every area of my life.
I'm sorry to sound negative,I thought I was imagining it in my 20s and early 30s and believed my life could change with commitment to self partnering, but yet things honestly get worse everyday.
Am I cursed? I don't mean that as a joke, I honestly don't understand it, given I do try to help myself with self healing etc.

I guess my question is, if it is isn't too much to ask of you - will my life ever change?
Should I just accept that a respectful partner, respectful and decent friends , a stable income and peaceful life is out of the question? And just accept that things will never change vs waste time in a delusion that my life might ever run smoothly.
Also, if not too fine a point - to ask what I have done to lose my mentor of 15 years this year ? If i have some clarity, I can bring closure to the point in my head. I will always be grateful to her, and I guess I wish i had a way of communicating my gratitude but feel awkward given cutting off contact and my feeling I am potentially burden etc.

Please, please don't worry if I am asking too much of you. And I'm sorry if I sound negative. Thank you so much for your time spent reading this, and all that you do for the members. The readings that I have read are excellent. :smt023

Take care EOT and Namaste.

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:53 am

Earlier this year I decided that I would no longer give readings on Mystic Board.

Or should I say instead, not the same type of readings which I was giving before late 2017?

Since late 2017 I have been going through what amounts to a spiritual awakening/dark night of the soul/crisis of faith, and I have been working towards finding a better balance between helping good and decent people such as yourself, while also at the same time getting some of my own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs met as well.

So please do not take this personally to mean that I think that you are a hopeless case. The complete opposite is true.

I do not feel that you are either being overly negative or exaggerating the seriousness of your past and present situations.

I feel that you are doing your very best both to deal with your low self esteem issues as well as to get and keep a job and allow you to eventually take down the protective walls which you have unconsciously built around your heart in order to try to protect you from further pain. Unfortunately walls are not very selective in what they let through in both directions. Walls often keep the bad feelings out (or try to), but they also usually keep the bad feelings inside us, plus keep any good feelings coming from the outside world and people in general from reaching us.

I admire and respect the great inner strength which you have shown over so many years in trying to rid yourself of the "monkey of depression" which is so firmly and consistently sitting on your shoulder, whispering but sometimes shouting in your ear that nothing you can do is going to significantly improve your life, so you might as well lick your wounds, cut your losses and accept that what has been happening to you up until now is all that you can expect in the future.

The very fact that at nearly 40 years of age after all you have been through you are still reaching out for help on our forums is a sign that although the monkey is still there, its hold over you is weakening over time.

Otherwise you would not be here to be able to ask me these questions.

I believe that the years of crying and the very welcome emotional release which have accompanied those tears which if held inside yourself indefinitely could have easily poisoned your spirit, are a major positive factor in your favour in you being able to physically and psychologically.

My advice rather than claiming it as a psychic insight would be to immediately stop (if you have not already done so) the two hours plus per day of subconscious reprogramming, and replace it with grounding and taking better care of yourself and reconnecting with nature. Instead of sitting inside with your eyes closed trying to control your negative inner voices, go outside and meditate upon something of which we are all a part (NATURE). Nature is one of the our best healing resources, yet we often overlook it because human beings always seem to think that they are smarter or can improve upon nature.

Doing this is not going to make your many challenges magically disappear overnight, but if you could get a job which requires you to interact more with mother nature and involves more physical activity (within reason), you will have less energy and time to give to the monkey.

I do not know why your mentor of 15 years left you so abruptly, but if she had a valid reason for doing so I sense that it had more to do with her than with anything you did or did not do. I believe that you have outgrown the need to have her daily support in your ongoing efforts to make a happier, healthier and more successful life for yourself, You need to learn to stand up for yourself without her SMOTHER LOVE always being there to keep you safely in your prison cell.

The time for a major jailbreak for you has just arrived. Her departure happened not by accident, or your fault. The Universe designed it this way for you to be able to grow spiritually and move forwards again. She was cramping your style, so to speak? It is time for the not so attractive caterpillar to free itself of its restricting cocoon, and turn into a beautiful butterfly. The butterfly is so often regarded as a symbol of freedom and making a fresh start. Also a sign of spiritual transition and rebirth into a better life with a new healthier attitude towards challenges as opportunities for optimum growth, instead of always view7ing them as problems.

The above suggestions might seem on the surface to be insensitive to your suffering, or be suggesting that what lies ahead for you is going to be easy. Wrong on both counts

Some times tough love is needed if we are to continue to develop as a spiritual being who is having a temporary human physical experience (which we all are). Do not try to work out all the reasons why you and other human beings behave the way that you do, or you can quickly drive yourself crazy. Get out in and enjoy and meditate upon nature, and your connection with it as well as with all that is alive (including other humans).

Sending you positive thoughts and extra strength, both of which you will undoubtedly need on the road ahead of you. You are not a hopeless, helpless victim of your circumstances. Reclaim your personal power. Change whatever you can change for the better. None of us can control everything.


Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:27 am

Hi Eye of tiger

Thank you so much for your kindness and advice.

I’m really really appreciative, more than I can put in words.
I’m sorry to hear about your own challenges, I think all of us on here looking for support and guidance from wise and accomplished people such as yourself often forget that you are people too on your own path of development.
I hope that my asking for support hasn’t derailed you from your own journey,drained you or had any negative effect. It wasn’t my intention (I worry that my neediness drains others, and I hope I haven’t).
I wish I could offer help or support, but as you know I’m not exactly a success in life or grounded.
But if there is anything I can do, please let me know.
One thing hat has helped me is TRE (neorgoenic tremors). Perhaps hat could help you. It is a psychosomatic healing tool.

In regards to your comments, I do feel healed when I connect with nature, and willl definitely take your advice.

EOT - you are amazing at what you do, and all you have done for us on this forum for so many years is admirable. Your commitment is amazing. I speak for all of us when I say that we are extremely grateful, and have an extreme amount of respect and regard for you.

Today I set myself a new intention, for bettering my life and the life of others. Despite your adversity, you are kind and present enough to help other people.
I want to be able to do the same, and transform pain rather than wallow and stew in it.
So you have helped me in more ways than you realise.
Again, thank so you much, and namaste. :) :smt048

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:12 pm

Vogue123 wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:27 am
Hi Eye of tiger

Thank you so much for your kindness and advice.

I’m really really appreciative, more than I can put in words.
I’m sorry to hear about your own challenges, I think all of us on here looking for support and guidance from wise and accomplished people such as yourself often forget that you are people too on your own path of development.
I hope that my asking for support hasn’t derailed you from your own journey,drained you or had any negative effect. It wasn’t my intention (I worry that my neediness drains others, and I hope I haven’t).
I wish I could offer help or support, but as you know I’m not exactly a success in life or grounded.
But if there is anything I can do, please let me know.
One thing hat has helped me is TRE (neorgoenic tremors). Perhaps hat could help you. It is a psychosomatic healing tool.

In regards to your comments, I do feel healed when I connect with nature, and willl definitely take your advice.

EOT - you are amazing at what you do, and all you have done for us on this forum for so many years is admirable. Your commitment is amazing. I speak for all of us when I say that we are extremely grateful, and have an extreme amount of respect and regard for you.

Today I set myself a new intention, for bettering my life and the life of others. Despite your adversity, you are kind and present enough to help other people.
I want to be able to do the same, and transform pain rather than wallow and stew in it.
So you have helped me in more ways than you realise.
Again, thank so you much, and namaste. :) :smt048

I am now taking complete responsibility to ensure that my needs are balanced against the needs of the people whom I am trying to help. Every single one of us has challenges to face (some are the same, while others are unique to us).

Did your neediness drain me?

Quite the opposite.

Your attitudes and positive feedback have re-energised and encouraged me to continue to do my best to help good people such as yourself, but at the same time I am carefully monitoring for signs or symptoms which warn me that I am falling back into bad habits again.

When a healer feels exhausted after a session it is usually because he or she is using their own energy, and has not tapped into and trusted the universal energies (life force) which continuously flows through each of us to do what a human being often cannot do alone.

Being adequately grounded beforehand and feeling connected with one's spirit is essential preparation before any healing session.

The icing on the top of the cake for me is your setting the intention to better your own life, as well as that of others. It is through helping others to heal, that we heal ourselves.

You have by setting that intention started upon the path of a healer yourself, and I have been privileged to be the first person to benefit from your precious gift.

I could have not hoped for a more loving sign from the universe to help welcome me back to Mystic Board, and convince me that I was sent here for a very good reason.

You were chosen as the universe's messenger to me, that this is where I belong.
So you have helped me in more ways than you realise.

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt041

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:36 am

:smt038 :smt048 :smt049

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:30 pm


I hope you are well and don’t mind me contacting you again. Honestly please don’t worry about responding, if you don’t have the time or bandwidth. I’d feel awful if I pushed you over the edge with this, as applied in 2017. I completely understand if you aren’t able to respond.

Thank you so much for your recent advice. I’m so so appreciative.
I took a long walk last weekend, and thoroughly enjoyed being in nature. I have plans from similar next weekend

I’d like to move forward with the next step, of connecting with others.
But in all honesty, I’m rejected by 99% of people. So I’m not sure how to go about this.
I’d like to volunteer for charity work, potentially helping youths from troubled backgrounds gain some direction in their life, or phone support work for people going through a difficult time.

But for eg - my mentor cut me off after 15 years 2 weeks ago.
This week, I reached out to 2 ex colleagues just to touch base (BACKGROUND: 1 had called me a friend to others, and another an ex boss that did me a favour in the past).
Both ignored/cut me off, and this has had occurred 99.9% of the time in my life (i.e. upfront, or after months/years).
I’m sorry to sound negative, but I don’t know what value I can bring to others lives, if :

(1) People are repulsed by me, or whatever explains the above 99.9% lifetime occurrence ...

(2) Can I realistically bring any value to another’s life, given my multiple failures in life?? (ie a single lifelong spinster, with no friends, family or any stability pushing 40 etc).
Again, I’m sorry to sound negative, but this is FACT.

I have the best intentions, but don’t young impressionable minds deserve people they can aspire to etc?
For eg, people reach out to you as you are wise, articulate and exceptionally talented with your interpersonal skills. I’ve been told my whole life that I have no social skills, disliked by all etc - when I feel I’ve been nothing but kind, considerate and giving. Somehow people interpret me the opposite.

In short, I’m not sure how to move forward.
I’d love to have meaningful connections + simultaneously help others in need, but perhaps need to be more realistic in that the reverse might happen (for all involved), if I try and push against the grain and take the chance ? I also honestly can’t take more rejection, bit spent after 40 years. Again, please please one worry if you can’t respond. I completely understand.

Thanks for your advice

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:31 pm

Hello again Vogue, :smt006

Answering your questions, one at a time.
I hope you are well and don’t mind me contacting you again. Honestly please don’t worry about responding, if you don’t have the time or bandwidth. I’d feel awful if I pushed you over the edge with this, as applied in 2017. I completely understand if you aren’t able to respond.
Thanking you for caring about my health, and I certainly do not mind you contacting me again, particularly as it gives me an opportunity to see what progress you have been making, as well as the work which still needs to be done. Good news about the nature walks. Reconnecting with nature is a vital part of the healing process. The simple fact that you have made such a personal commitment to doing these nature walks is to your credit, so give yourself a well deserved pat on the back for investing in your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I have explained to you before that I have now taken complete responsibility for balancing my needs against helping good people such as yourself get your needs met, so there is no need in future to apologise to me for you reaching out for some encouragement and assistance. Indeed, do you realise how many times you have written the phrase "I am sorry to sound negative, but.....................? I am wondering if you do the same thing with other people in your life, as doing this gives people the impression that you do not have confidence in and do not trust yourself. And that you are not up to doing what you have been asked to do, or that you have said that you will do. Which naturally makes them hesitant about giving you a fair trial Effectively you are telling everybody that you believe that you have no confidence, cannot be trusted and find yourself repulsive by what you are saying about yourself, as well as your negative body language. Before you begin beating up on yourself for having unconsciously developed this negative habit, unconscious means that you have no conscious control over and are therefore not responsible for the habit developing. But you are responsible for what you are going to do about it, with some help. It is not what happens to us which determines our future, so much as what meaning we give to what happens to us. This is why BTW two people can have the same experience, but feel and behave completely differently from one another in response.
I’d like to move forward with the next step, of connecting with others.
But in all honesty, I’m rejected by 99% of people. So I’m not sure how to go about this.
I’d like to volunteer for charity work, potentially helping youths from troubled backgrounds gain some direction in their life, or phone support work for people going through a difficult time.
But you are already moving forward with the next step. One baby step at a time please. Be fair to yourself. None of this is easy. You seem to want to go straight from kindergarten to university. Start small and gradually as your self confidence grows through a series of little successes which might not seem a big deal to other people but are important to you, move on to bigger projects. Do not fall into the common trap of comparing your progress with what other people are doing. Failure is only when you do not pick yourself up at least one more time than you have fallen, and will not try again. Since you are still trying to get help with this you have not given up, and therefore you cannot fail or be a failure in your own eyes. Take it one day at a time, or one hour at a time when life gets rough. Why not begin by helping other members on Mystic Board? I am almost housebound, so even though I am a retired school teacher and I would like to be able to get out to help charities (I can no longer safely drive), helping on Mystic Board has become an outlet for me to do what I am unable to do in my local community. Instead of only helping a few people living within a short distance from my home, I am helping people from all four corners of the planet. Try doing that without the internet.
(1) People are repulsed by me, or whatever explains the above 99.9% lifetime occurrence ...
Unless you have three heads they are most likely not repulsed by you as a person, or by your physical appearance. But they could definitely be turned off big time by your constant apologizing which makes them uncomfortable, because they are thinking that you expect them to fix things for you, and see you as too hard work. In other words your constant apologizing unintentionally makes them run out of patience and energy in their ongoing effort to want to help you all that they can. Remember that this is an unconscious habit which you have practiced many times and reinforced over the years. Beating up on yourself for having developed this unconscious habit will make the habit even stronger, and even more difficult to change to something more positive and constructive. The constant apologizing is creating a self fulfilling negative prophecy. It almost guarantees that they will respond in a negative manner, and eventually give up trying to help you any further. I am nowhere near to doing this yet, and what help I can give you will only be part of the help which you need. I cannot be your only support person, or it will negatively affect my health and ability to do this spiritual labour of love.
(2) Can I realistically bring any value to another’s life, given my multiple failures in life?? (ie a single lifelong spinster, with no friends, family or any stability pushing 40 etc).
If you replace the word "failures" in the above question with "challenges", the answer is a resounding YES. Being alone or lonely does not automatically make you a failure as a human being. A lot of what has happened in your life was never under your control to change. And some of what has happened is the result of these unhelpful unconscious habits of thought which you have developed,which everyone has some of. You are acting as your own, judge, jury and executioner by labeling yourself as someone who has always failed, is failing now, and will always inevitably fail in the future. Yes you have made mistakes. Who hasn't? But regardless of everything which has happened to you so far, you have survived long enough to ask for my help. Therefore I choose to count you from now as a SURVIVOR, and NOT as a FAILURE of any sort. You cannot fail if you are still trying, but may take longer to reach the same goal when compared to someone else, who themselves has different life lessons to learn from your own. Put the past behind you. By all means learn what positive lessons you are able to from your past, but leave the negative lessons of the past where they belong. I know that this is always easier said than done, but you will eventually have to do this if you wish to continue to make forward progress. WE ARE BOTH SURVIVORS!!
I’ve been told my whole life that I have no social skills, disliked by all etc - when I feel I’ve been nothing but kind, considerate and giving. Somehow people interpret me the opposite.
The real reason for their opposite misinterpretation of you is mainly but not only the unconscious habit which I have already described.Which tends to make them feel that too much of their own energies are being used up helping you, not leaving them with enough energy for themselves. Why shouldn't they try to conserve or protect their energy levels by saying to you, ENOUGH IS MORE THAN ENOUGH? Some people have trouble saying NO, or setting limits on how much of their energy they are willing and able to spare to help another person who is having a rough time. This is a lesson which I have learned the hard way.

See the following web page for details as to what unconscious habit I believe that we both share as HEALERS. Through promoting healing in others, we ourselves are healed. It will use the kind, considerate and giving part of you which is your SOUL. Especially read the symptoms and causes lists in this article.

"Are you suffering from healer's disease?" ... rs-disease

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:14 am

Thank you so much Brian. I really appreciate your kindness and time invested! :) :smt049 :smt045

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:20 am

Hi Brian

Also my intuition is strongly telling me to advise you to look into TRE (neurogenic tremors). I practise them daily and they help me massively.
I hope this helps you with self care also, and anyone else reading this that might benefit . There are lots of free demo videos available on YouTube , and info online.
Thanks again for your advice. As you said, one day at a time :)
Thanks again for all you do for us, it means more than you realise :smt039

Take care

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:58 pm

Vogue, :)

You are as always welcome for a reading.

Thanking you in return for the positive feedback, as well as the neurogenic tremors suggestion.

One day at a time is all that is being asked of you by the Universe/God, and all therefore that you should be asking of yourself.

Set realistic goals (the progress of which can be easily measured) for the following 24 hours, in order to encourage yourself to keep moving forwards.

You cannot continue to live your life either in the past (guilt) or in the future (anxiety).

The present moment is your only true point of personal power, to be able to create a happier, healthier, and more successful future for yourself.

Instead of always trying to predict the future, do whatever you are realistically and practically able in the present moment to create a more fulfilling personal future.

THE POWER OF NOW! :smt026 ... 36327.html

Take good care of yourself,

Brian :smt023

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:08 pm

Thank you Brian !

Oh I forgot to update. I’ve already started to connect with people as advised, and it has been uplifting.

I’ve started providing emotional support to people online. It is a generic site , where people ask for advice now and then. They have all been very sweet and thankful.
As you say, I’ll take one day at a time or hour by hour.

Have a great rest of weekend, and thanks again :)

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:23 pm

Hi Brian

If I may ask one last question.

I made a new friend 3/4 weeks ago.

We met at a meet-up group for women that are ‘lost’ in life. Out situations were uncannily similar.

She is very nice and we recently met for coffee.

It took a lot of guts to ask her, given my confidence issues and history of rejection.
The coffee seemed to go well, and she even texted me after saying so.
We did talk about mutual challenges at the coffee.
I was thinking about asking her to go to a fun local women’s event.
But given your recent advice about my unconscious messages, and unknowingly draining/driving people away, perhaps I should leave it?

I also haven’t heard from her since we met, so perhaps that is sign to park it?
Tbh, I don’t want to experience more rejection or negatively affect anyone else’s life.People have their own problems and I would never want to add to anyone’s issues.

I’ll take everything hour by hour, day by day, and completely accept your advice.
It has just taken me aback a bit I guess, as I’ve even been ghosted by people that I have topline conversation (i.e. about the weather etc).
So, I feel I should probably just stick to online engagement, work, exercise and walks in nature.
I’m looking at what I do have vs what I don’t today, so am in a positive space!
And I know you’ve said not to apologise, but if this is one question too many, honestly don’t worry! I’m very grateful for all you have invested in so far

Take care!


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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:56 pm

Vogue123 wrote:
Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:08 pm
Thank you Brian !

Oh I forgot to update. I’ve already started to connect with people as advised, and it has been uplifting.

I’ve started providing emotional support to people online. It is a generic site , where people ask for advice now and then. They have all been very sweet and thankful.
As you say, I’ll take one day at a time or hour by hour.

Have a great rest of weekend, and thanks again :)

You are definitely making some major progress here.

Working to bring out the best in other people cannot fail to also bring out the best in you.

Through helping another person to heal, you are similarly healed.

An exceptional effort on your part!

Brian :smt045

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:48 pm

I also haven’t heard from her since we met, so perhaps that is sign to park it?
You are rejecting the idea of having her as a friend, before she gets the opportunity to reject you.

If you cannot stand to be rejected, then you are effectively preventing yourself from being able to form new relationships in the future.

There is always the potential for you to be rejected in any new relationship, but I certainly would not jump to the conclusion that you have not heard from her since you met, because she has somehow or in some way rejected your friendship.

While I cannot read her thoughts and therefore the true reasons behind her not making another appearance since you met her through the women's group, I feel that few if any of them have anything with what you did or did not do.

Have you considered that possibility?

By jumping to the premature conclusion without any actual evidence to support your theory that her non appearance MUST mean that she does not like you or want to continue to see you, you are being your own worst enemy.

You have given up on the idea that your relationship with her could possibly work, before giving the relationship a fair chance to work. These are still very early days for the relationship.

Do you know what a negative self fulfilling prophecy is? If you enter into all your relationships fully expecting to be rejected, then you are significantly increasing the chances of it happening in real life.

Getting out and meeting other women socially would require a lot of courage on your part, knowing about some of your past experiences, but it is vital for your recovery.

Whether or not this particular woman reappears in your life (I cannot predict this one way or the other), please do not see this or anything else automatically as a sign that you should not try to form new relationships with other women as well.

Do not make the common mistake of expecting to get all of your many needs met by one person. No human being is capable of doing that, and neither should you expect them to.

Also please never use the help which I offer you on Mystic Board as an excuse/reason for not continuing to look for new friends, or in place of making your own decisions about what you feel is best for you.

It is your life, and therefore only you have the right to decide whether or not to follow the advice which given to you with the best of intentions to help you, through a reading.

You cannot live and function reasonably normally on this planet without sometimes unintentionally or unconsciously negatively affecting (hurting, harming or offending other people, and the other way around is also true.

Welcome to the human family.

Loving regards,

Brian :smt035

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Re: Reading request for Eye of Tiger

Post by Vogue123 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:57 pm

Thank you Brian 🙏

Guess what ? I’ve spent today advising on, and reading about self esteem on the other forum I’ve started advising on.
It is cathartic AND has made me see that I do sort of wallow in self pity, and really overthink minuate detail.
That is what happens when you isolate. Connecting with people online in a meaningful way has massively helped, and so I’ll continue 👍

Thanks again for all the advice :)

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