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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:36 am

Free Will Benefits Humanity:

A person can only do what the conditioning in place dictates them to do and although to most it looks as though you have free will, if what you are doing isn’t a benefit to humanity, there's nothing free about it...

Acting in non-beneficial ways impacts no one more than the one acting in this manner. On the surface some are severely affected by these actions, but the long lasting impact of non-beneficial actions goes deeply into the subconscious of the one committing it. Non-beneficial actions are prevalent all around, at the water cooler at work, on the news, on the road, at home, here on FB, this is because of not getting your way and the conditioning in place arising, thus one acts accordingly. This is what's thought to be free will, but there's nothing free about it because this behavior keeps you in bondage. To awaken is to go in the direction of what’s beneficial to humanity, when this is seen you are truly exerting your free will. This doesn't mean you will be perfect and do things that are beneficial all the time, but it will be the direction you’ll go in more and more.

Nothing can truly be called free will until there's truly a choice. What I mean by this is for forty nine years I was in bondage to a self serving will and there was absolutely nothing free associated with it. I was told by my mind what to do and I followed along like a puppet on a string. For me I stopped drinking alcohol at the age of twenty eight and thought this was a choice, but the only thing that happened was my self serving will just used something else. Bondage is bondage regardless of what has a hold of you. It isn't until there’s awareness of this that the self serving will slowly began transforming and going in a beneficial direction. You cannot be self serving and free. You can tell yourself you have free will, but the only way it will truly be free is if it benefits humanity... I am only sharing his posts.

Last edited by Pravin Kumar on Mon Nov 26, 2018 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:59 am

A person can only do what the conditioning in place dictates them to do and although to most it looks as though you have free will,
The above quote sounds a lot like the teachings of Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner, who was an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, ...

B.F. Skinner gave us concepts like "conditioned behaviour," "positive reinforcement," and even "time-outs" for children. But he was also a radical among psychologists who cast aside notions of dignity and free will.

Basically his theory was that ALL human behavior is entirely the product of their conditioning by the environment.

A theory which has largely been discarded by most but not all modern psychologists, and replaced with much more holistic ways of viewing human behaviour, but also one which is highly dangerous when it is applied to real people in real world situations.

Skinner was often labelled as being a Nazi (he was not) because his theory closely resembled another theory called eugenics, which was used by Nazi doctors to validate and excuse the extremely painful, cruel and inhumane experiments (extreme forms of torture with no pain control) carried out by "doctors" in the concentration camps, especially upon children.

The two theories are very different (look up eugenics) and although Skinner was horrified by and totally opposed to what the Nazis did to the innocents, his credibility and reputation was permanently damaged by their baseless rumors.

Also some people went so far as to say that the practical application of Skinner's very rigid environmental conditioning theory during the years since he first formulated it has caused much more pain and suffering to more people, in comparison to what pain was inflicted during the Nazi experiments.

The theory of conditioned behaviour is still in the 21st century used as a basis for "curing" men of their homosexuality.

The point which I am trying to make here is NOT to prove to anyone that the environment does not have any role to play in determining some of the more basic, primitive human behaviours.

But rather I am encouraging further exploration by all our members of the real possibility that not ALL human behaviour is necessarily conditioned by our environment.

The exercise of free will is clearly not always beneficial to humanity. Particularly when a person uses their free will to manipulate, injure or kill another. Free will itself is neutral until it is applied. All human beings are both potentially capable of great good and great evil.

This discussion is open to any member.

Brian :smt038

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