Reading for health

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Reading for health

Post by swetha » Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:10 am

Can you do a reading for my health and Lucy? My cat Lucy has developed a tumor. One doc says operate, another says something else. She is 11 years old and has a broken leg and an open wound in her tummy for 7 years. It took me a lot of courage to decide that I will not put through more torture. Lot of mental tension and stress.
Please help

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Re: Reading for health

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:32 am

swetha wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:10 am
Can you do a reading for my health and Lucy? My cat Lucy has developed a tumor. One doc says operate, another says something else. She is 11 years old and has a broken leg and an open wound in her tummy for 7 years. It took me a lot of courage to decide that I will not put through more torture. Lot of mental tension and stress.
Please help
Dear Swetha, :smt045

My first question is how could a cat with an open wound in her tummy for seven of the eleven years she has been alive, possibly survive for so long?

The first answer which I received (which is also the one which is mostly likely to come from my intuition) is that Lucy has managed to hold on this long due to a combination of the sheer strength of her life force and her incredible will to live, plus of course your without limits loving and caring for her for all this time, when other owners might have given up on keeping her alive long ago.

And that is just the point. I believe that you are causing yourself to experience unnecessary mental tension and stress because you are viewing your decision not to put Lucy through more torture (which also means not going ahead with the operation, and having her humanely put to sleep) as giving up on your little feline friend. You are punishing yourself for making a decision which has already been made for you.

When Lucy first came into your life, you had to accept that no matter how well you cared for and protected her, you could not protect her from everything (including sickness and the death of the body). Even a kind gentle, sensitive soul such as yourself can only do so much. And you always knew that it was likely that you will outlive your cat.

But the human mind often plays tricks on us. Even though we know logically that we cannot protect our animals from everything and that they have a much shorter life expectancy than our own, our hearts are often unwilling to admit these things to ourselves.

It is the ongoing conflict between what our heart and mind are telling us which creates most of the mental tension and stress which you are suffering from. Notice that I said most of the mental tension and stress, but definitely not all of it. Added to this is the plain truth that you are having difficulty imagining how you can yourself go on, without having Lucy by your side in a physical sense.

I am reading that Lucy's spirit has produced the tumor in her body specifically as a sign that it is time for her to go home. The operation if she lives through it might give her an extra few months to live, but what quality of life would she have left? You would be prolonging her suffering for what, or more important who?

Naturally you will miss and grieve for your apparent loss (you should not keep pets if you don't treat them like a member of your family) when she is no longer with you in the physical sense, but you have to think of what is best for her. Even though you may no longer see, hear or feel her presence now in spirit, she will still be at your side especially when you have fond memories of the better times which you spent together while she was still using a cat's body.

I would recommend that you should keep a happy photograph of her, plus some of her toys and other belongings to attract her spirit even closer to you. Yes your relationship with her will never be quite the same as during the last 11 years, but when it is finally time for you to pass over into Spirit (not yet), guess who will be there to greet you in addition to all your other family members whom you loved and who loved you?

In the meantime Lucy will be having a wonderful eternal playtime in a state of boundless happiness and the total absence of any pain or suffering with other animal lovers in Spirit, who will adopt her and take good care of her until you are eventually reunited.

Knowing the above, does this make your decision to let your little friend go any easier? Lucy has been holding on for so long, because she did not up until now think that you were ready to let her go.The tumor is the final sign that her time on Earth is near its end. It is now past time for you to give her permission to leave you.

Of course your love for and relationship with her will survive physical death, and your loss is not really a loss at all (only physical and temporary).

For Lucy's spirit will remain by your side throughout the rest of your life, and on one glorious day in eternity you will meet each other again.

Just like any other member of your family who has passed before you to the Other Side (human or cat).

You have neither failed Lucy nor yourself by making your decision that enough is enough, and that it is time for her spirit to be released.

Lucy cannot love you any more or less than she loves you NOW.

Whatever decision you make cannot change this.

That is what unconditional love is all about.

Unconditional love is what our pets give us, every day of OUR lives.

Spirits cannot die; therefore life and love can never end.

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt049 :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Reading for health

Post by swetha » Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:25 pm

Thank you Brian,
I have been reading your post many times. But I just didn't know what to say. Because what you say is exactly how I feel. I am not ready to let her go and I believe she has been putting on a brave face only for me.. In fact she climbed into my lap yesterday after 7 days. I feel I am selfish making her suffer so much. How much ever I try, I am not being able to make peace with her. I feel like I am betraying her trust in me.I know she has a shorter life span and has suffered a lot in life without a single complaint. But it is still very difficult.. The faster I accept it, the better it will be for her.

Thank you soooo much


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Re: Reading for health

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 08, 2019 2:21 am

swetha wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:25 pm
Thank you Brian,
I have been reading your post many times. But I just didn't know what to say. Because what you say is exactly how I feel. I am not ready to let her go and I believe she has been putting on a brave face only for me.. In fact she climbed into my lap yesterday after 7 days. I feel I am selfish making her suffer so much. How much ever I try, I am not being able to make peace with her. I feel like I am betraying her trust in me.I know she has a shorter life span and has suffered a lot in life without a single complaint. But it is still very difficult.. The faster I accept it, the better it will be for her.

Thank you soooo much

Dear Swetha,

Accepting that you have to put Lucy's needs ahead of your own need to want to keep her with you as long as possible will never be easy.

But the consequences of you not accepting the inevitable will be much unnecessary suffering for the both of you.

I predict that one day you will meet her again (when you are out of your body), and that she will thank you for making the right decision for her, with pure love and compassion as your guide.

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt055

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Re: Reading for health

Post by swetha » Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:00 am

Thank you EOT for your kind words and support. When she is her own self, I forget that she is suffering. and it is just getting worse everyday. But she proves us wrong everyday and is as normal as she can be. The thought of her not being around is terrifying. But i guess that is life and time is the only healer.

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Re: Reading for health

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:35 am

time is the only healer.
Time plus a lot of love and patience can heal.

Love and patience with Lucy, as well as love and patience with yourself.

Blessings to you both,

Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Reading for health

Post by swetha » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:51 am

Thanks Brian :)

Lucy is better and moving around. Seems to accepted the pain and that's all I can ask for now.

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Re: Reading for health

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:50 pm

swetha wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:51 am
Thanks Brian :)

Lucy is better and moving around. Seems to accepted the pain and that's all I can ask for now.

I could not agree more with the above sentiments.

When you have done all that you are humanly capable of doing for Lucy in the way of keeping her healthy and relatively comfortable, you have no other choice than to place her destiny in the loving hands of her Creator.



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