Dreams can be coloured ?

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Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:04 pm

I once heard , if you dream in black and white , it is a dream . If you dream in color it most probably meant astral projection .
Now , I do not remember dreaming in black and white .
Am I travelling throughout the astral layers ?

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:20 pm

I do not remember ever having dreamed in black and white.

Does this mean that I have never had a real dream? I hardly think so.

While all of my dreams that I can remember were in colour (many dreams are not remembered), some are in over-saturated and a much wider range of colours than usual, similar to what happens when you turn the colour control on your television or computer monitor to its maximum setting.

This usually happens if I suddenly become aware while I am dreaming that it is only a dream. Such a dream is termed lucid.

So my answer to your question is that a dream in colour could be entirely normal and average, the result of astral travel, a lucid dream o virtuallyr anything else.

Is there anything other than the colour of your dream which suggests to you that you were astrally traveling at the time?

Brian :smt015

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:33 am

No , only the colour .

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:53 am

firefly43210 wrote:
Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:33 am
No , only the colour .
Then I feel that it is highly unlikely (although not completely impossible) that astral traveling was involved.

If it ever happens again and you feel that you have something more to add to this thread, then I would be pleased to explore this further with you.

And thank you for asking such an interesting question.


Brian :)

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:56 pm


Since answering your questions, I have been doing some research of my own on the subject of dreaming in colour vs dreaming in black and white. Here is some of what I found. Whether these claims are true, I really cannot say, but I am simply putting them out there for people to explore further themselves, if they are interested in doing so.

1. Most younger people claim that they dream exclusively in colour. A figure of 80% of young people is being thrown around on the internet, but there are no details about how this was measured scientifically. Of course that means if it is true that 20% on average of younger dreamers dream both in colour and in black and white. A relatively smaller number can only remember ever dreaming in black and white.

2. Over time images in our minds of real events which occurred earlier in our lives (true memories) tend to fade from brightly coloured to black and white. As though the colours in them are bleeding away to monochrome. This principle seems to equally apply to events in our dreams which never happened in our shared everyday reality (false memories).

3. Older people (say over 50 years of age) may have more black and white dreams and correspondingly dreams which are less rich with colour and texture. Older people spend less time each night in the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phase of sleep, where dreaming is believed to happen, and more in the deep, dreamless, healing type of sleep. What I also found particularly interesting (if it is true) is that an older person who watched a lot of black and white TV before colour television became available in their country (in Australia, colour TV was introduced in 1975) appears to have even more black and white dreams than people of a similar age, whose family were not rich enough to own a TV.

4. Highly creative (particularly artistically gifted) people are believed to dream in a wider range and greater depth of colours when compared to the rest of us (presumably at any age). Too much dreaming in black and white (monochrome) is interpreted to mean that the person's waking life lacks colour and richness and variety. That their daily existence has become bland and monotonous, as though they are living the same 24 hour period over and over again. Rather like the main character in the movie "Groundhog Day". Also black and white dreamers may think only in terms of extreme black or white, with no shades of grey in between. Everything in their version of the world is either right or wrong, good or bad, happy or sad....you get the picture.

This gives the almost certainly false impression that it is always healthier to dream in colour, and that because older people are supposed to have more B & W dreams, ALL older people it appears to follow must be unhealthy and especially rigid or inflexible in their ways of thinking about life. To believe this would be I feel extremely dangerous. Senior abuse (abuse of the elderly and disabled) is already on the increase in many countries. We do not need more excuses for persecuting and isolating older people in our society, than we already use. Enough is enough!

Brian :smt027

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:16 pm

"Don't Know If You're Astral Projecting? Here Are 10 Signs That You're Ready For Astral Projection!" By Steve G. Jones

http://ezinearticles.com/?Dont-Know-If- ... id=4781898

What is Astral Projection? By Gaia Staff



The seventh sign of the ten listed by Steve G Jones is VISUAL HALLUCINATIONS.

These would be much the same as dreams when you are only partly awake or semi conscious.

Such visual hallucinations/dream like experiences are often HIGHLY COLORED, AND ALMOST ALWAYS SEEM MORE REAL THAN THE REAL WORLD SEEMS.

So there may well be some element of truth in the idea that dreaming in color could mean in some (but certainly not all situations) that the person is astral projecting (or is about to project).

Sweet traveling dreams,

Brian :smt002 :smt002

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:46 am

In my dreams sometimes I can hover at different heights . May me memory trick .

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:50 pm

firefly43210 wrote:
Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:46 am
In my dreams sometimes I can hover at different heights . May me memory trick .
This could also possibly mean that you are astral projecting, but by itself it is not enough evidence to conclusively prove that you are experiencing anything other than a dream fantasy.

However I doubt that it is a memory trick.

I failed to mention earlier that many people believe that every night our astral body separates from our physical vehicle, and hovers a few inches outside and above it.

It does not necessarily travel anywhere.

So the feeling of hovering may not be a memory trick at all (it really happened), but it may be the result of you finally remembering something which happens to you every night, but which is quickly and easily forgotten upon waking.

The sensation of flying, soaring and hovering while in an altered state of consciousness is such a common part of being human that over the centuries it has been repeatedly incorporated into sacred texts, myths and legends belonging to many different cultures, from all over the world.

If these altered state experiences were simply the result of a memory trick or fault, then why have so many people reported having them?

By itself no single piece of evidence can conclusively prove that you are astral projecting, but when combined with enough other supporting evidence, the probability that your consciousness is really being projected outside of your physical body increases considerably.

Worthy of further investigation,

Brian :smt045

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:47 pm

You are right Brian .

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:19 am

Dear Brian . One thing struck me . I said that i always dream in colour , but i am colourblind , 1 out of 32 means quite blind .
Next thing is that i am a wraith . Theoritically i should be able to go anywhere withou actually leaving my body .

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:58 pm

If you truly believe that you are a ghost, spectre or apparition, then I will be unable to help you any further.

Even people who have been totally blind (not just colour blind) since birth claim to see the world in full colour when astrally projecting.

And also when dreaming.

This is presumably because they are viewing the external or dream world through their spiritual, instead of through their physical eyes.

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:58 am

Dear ,Brian , i need to reflect on the information you gave me in your last reply .

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:02 am

By the way , Brian , do you know about a place called Peace Garden in the astral world ? It is said to be in the U.S .. someone said it was a paradise !

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:58 am

firefly43210 wrote:
Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:02 am
By the way , Brian , do you know about a place called Peace Garden in the astral world ? It is said to be in the U.S .. someone said it was a paradise !
To be honest I have never heard any mention of the Peace Garden in the astral world, but even if it did exist, it would not be located in any particular country on this planet.

In the astral and other dimensions above this physical plane of existence, space and time (or space time as we know them, do not exist.

So the so called Peace Garden is everywhere, but nowhere at the same time.

Try to understand the above cryptic statement, using only three dimensions. I dare you!

Whether or not a place (which an astral peace garden is not) can be regarded as a paradise is highly subjective.

It depends heavily upon the person who is experiencing it's viewpoint.

For example, the concept of heaven or paradise presented to us in holy books could represent paradise to one person, but sound as boring as hell to the next.

No offence is intended to those with religious beliefs about the nature of the afterlife. I am just trying to make the point that it really depends on the individual's opinion of what paradise looks like.

Did you notice that in B grade American science fiction films, aliens almost always land first somewhere in the USA?

Is this just a coincidence?

Perhaps our Creator has similar preferences concerning where he or she would place paradise, if it was to be constructed in the physical world.

Now I am just being silly.

Please don't mind me.

Brian :smt101

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Re: Dreams can be coloured ?

Post by firefly43210 » Thu Jan 23, 2020 6:26 am

Anywhere and everywhere might be overstating it , but yes as layers go upwords the connectivity between subjects increase so that at mind layers everything is connected to everythin else . This being the principle behind many magic including the Tarot and many other forms of divination . A place is not like that . Even in astral planes , formations of concentrated form of energy ie. Matter exist and they naturally habe boundaries . As we rise up through layers , the boundaries fade . From astral layer to soul layer to spirit layer and to mind layer .
I am not so critiq about what would paradise be . I understood that he meant something great in beauty and serenity .

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