Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

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Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by Flower2244 » Fri Nov 01, 2019 5:43 pm

Hello EOT :smt006

I hope this email finds you well.

I was wondering if I could trouble you for a reading? Honestly, don't worry if you can't.

I been dismissed from 17 jobs to date, over a 15 year period. Mostly in dramatic circumstances. I don't believe that I am a trouble maker, but I've started to wonder why it happens so frequently.

In the past 2 years, I have mostly walked or mutually agreed to leave situations (I freelance). I felt that the individuals within the situations were disrespectful etc, and I felt it was self respectful to make that decision.

I acknowledge that in the other situations, my mental health issues (depression that resulted in long term sickness), and other stressors contributed towards some of the partings of ways.

However, the relentlessness of the pattern has left me wondering. This has meant that I haven't had much financial stability, and I need to bring that about in my life.

Any tips,insight and your wisdom would be muchly appreciated. Feel free to be direct/blunt - if I am in some way unreasonable in this scenarios.

... I know that expressing my upset at being treated disrespectfully inflamed some situations - but I would like to understand how/why I manifest these scenarios over and over, and how I can bring financial stability/lasting working harmonious relationships into my life. :smt026

All the best


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Re: Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:33 pm

Dearest Flower,

NO I do not think that you are or have at any time been unreasonable, when it comes to you finding and keeping a job.

I feel that you are doing your very best to survive (but you have never given yourself the well deserved credit for surviving in very adverse situations) - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but you are constantly battling against unconscious behaviour patterns, which keep sabotaging all your brave efforts to get a reasonably well paying job, which in turn is needed for you to be able to finally get some financial stability back into your life (if you ever had it in the first place.

At the core of it all is a depression -----> long term sickness ---------> more depression ---------> more long term sickness -------> even more depression cycle.

Depression can make you sick, and being sick (especially for an extended period of time) is terribly depressing.

And the combination of your depession, chronic illness plus other undefined stressors have ALMOST destroyed what feelings of self worth you already had, at the beginning of your job search.

I have hilighted the words ALMOST destroyed in bold print for a definite reason.

If your feelings of self worth had instead been COMPLETELY destroyed, you would no longer be looking for work and you would not be any longer reaching out for help, through this reading.

The very fact that you are continuing to do both of these tells me that you still have a very good chance of breaking this cycle, and progressively free yourself of the faulty beliefs with which your unconscious mind has been programmed by other people since you were born.

In other words, this is the way in which all human minds work, and these faulty thought programmes you have taken in from other people, were never your fault.

Getting rid of faulty thought programmes by first making them conscious is really hard work, so I cannot promise that you will ever get rid of them completely.

My goal instead is to help you to gain a greater degree of control over them, by giving your efforts to free yourself of them a positive direction.

You appear to have divided your efforts to get into the workforce over the last fifteen years, into two distinct phases. I do not know whether this was intentional on your part.

For the first 13 years, you were dismissed/fired/let go by your employer.

For the next two years, instead of waiting for your employer to dismiss/fire/let your go, you yourself walked out or mutally agreed to leave.

This means that the accumulated damage to your feelings of self worth caused by you being repeatedly fired, has made you expect to be fired again.

You are just getting in early to save your boss the trouble of having to fire you.

Once again this is a common psychological survival mechanism.

If you are going to lose your job (which you have come to expect), you can gedt some control over the situation, as leaving voluntarily seems better to your mind when compared to being shown the door.

The way that you talk to your employer and work colleagues and your body language would be telling them that you do not expect to last long in that job. They will always tend to agree with you, even if this is not necessarily true.

By having lost (one way or the other) 17 jobs in the last 15 years, you must be unintentionally and not your fault getting a bad reputation among employers in your area.

But you are still getting interviews and jobs, in spite of this negative reputation. Once again, in spite of all this adversity (most of it unconscious and not your fault), something deep within you is carrying you through hard times.

It will not allow you to EVER give up trying to get a job, and it believes enough in you (when you do not believe enough in yourself) to feel that the learning opportunity inherent in all this is worth it.

I do not know what treatment or counselling or medications you have had in the past for your depression, personality and other mental issues.

I do not know what your spiritual or religious beliefs are.

What I am getting is keep going with whatever treatment, counselling or medications which you are having.


But also at the same time look inwards for added inner strength from your Higher Power, God or The Universe.

You are expecting unrealistically high standards of behaviour from yourself, in very challenging situaations.

I also feel that you may expect the same unrealistically high standards from your employer, and work colleagues.

Which would naturally make them feel under pressure to meet your expectations.

Please have more compassion for and patience with every imperfect human whom you meet in this life, particularly for and with yourself.

This is at the core of you developing increased self love (valuing and respecting yourself more)

Perfectionism can quickly and relatively easily KILL all types of relationships (work and romance).

The only people who never make mistakes, are people who have never tried.

As imperfect human beings, we often learn much more positive and useful lessons from our mistakes, than we ever learn from our little victories.

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt023

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Re: Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by Flower2244 » Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:21 pm

Thank you so much EOT. And for such a prompt reading also. It means a lot.
It helped provide me with the clarity that I muchly needed, and confirmation that I’m headed in the right direction.

I’ve been investing a lot in meditation and associated healing for 2-3 years, and I do feel v. different afterwards. Hopefully, this will be permanent one day
I’ve found a very powerful theta healing method recently - I have a 2 day workshop next week. .

Thank you very much for the praise that you provided also - you were right in that I hadn’t really looked at the situation in the context you have mentioned above.
I will always push on, as I do feel within myself that one day - I will and can achieve the stability that I’m deserving of.
Delusion to say that at 36 - maybe? Who knows, but I will keep on at it. :smt048
Thank you for your encouraging and supportive words. I also very much admire your articulate and deeply compassionate writing style.

If I may, I was wondering if I could ask about one last thing.
My most recent parting of ways was 1 day ago and 1 week ago (the 3 of us were linked).
I parted ways for same sorts of reasons I’ve waked from past contracts.
I acknowledge that you said I’m not unreasonable in general, but I wondered if the high expectations you mentioned refered to the dynamics in the most recent and past 1 year scenarios?
I acknowledge 3rd party readings aren’t allowed, and I’m not requesting that- just an overview of
if my attitude/actions sabotaged the working relationships, or I was reasonable in what I saw as boundary setting and standing my ground.
The most recent interactions resulted in an OTT dramatic scenario.

I ask, to be able to learn healthier behaviours going forward.
Noted that I can’t control the unconcious sabotage, but if there are simple things I can do - for eg : learn better less ‘confrontational’/‘aggressive’/ ‘defensive’ (if those are accurate descriptors) communication - I’d be grateful for any tips.

Last Q - I promise!
And of course, please don’t worry if for any reason, you can’t answer.

Thanks so much again, and for all you have done, in such a committed and kind way for us Mystic Boarders over the years ( I’ve been reading through past readings on the board today).

All the best to you EOT, and all the lovely people on MB

F :smt041

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Re: Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:58 pm


Before I begin answering your final question(s), you are very welcome for the reading and advice.

I wish to thank you in return for providing me with such honest and comprehensive feedback, as you have given here.
but I wondered if the high expectations you mentioned referred to the dynamics in the most recent and past 1 year scenarios?
You will always to some degree have higher expectations of yourself and of others than are in your best interests, in being able to make and keep your relationships.

But through your meditation and various self healing techniques plus learning to trust more in your own intuition, even this can be reduced to a more sustainable and comfortable level.

So my answer to the above question must be YES.

Your (sometimes) unrealistically high expectations of yourself and of others would have been a part of the total dynamics of these relationships, just as they have been in the past, and just as they will always to some degree/extent be part of the dynamics of all your future relationships.

Questions such as this are not third party, as you are asking me questions about how your own personality characteristics can potentially affect your relationships (working and otherwise).

If on the other hand you had asked me about what I feel the other people are thinking, or for me to remotely psychoanalyze them, that would definitely be third party.


But once again I emphasize that you must not beat up on yourself for having these unconscious behaviour patterns, a lot of them having been programmed into your subconscious mind before you started school.

I disagree that you cannot control this unconscious sabotage.

We are not forever destined to be the helpless victims or hostages of our own unconscious thought processes

Now that the negative unconscious thought, feeling and behaviour pattern is there, you will first need to bring it into your conscious awareness (meditation can help you to do that).

Then you can with both patience and compassion for yourself as a perfectly imperfect human, gradually learn to control how much this not in your best interest unconscious thought pattern will be allowed to sabotage your relationships in the future.
but if there are simple things I can do - for eg : learn better less ‘confrontational’/‘aggressive’/ ‘defensive’ (if those are accurate descriptors) communication - I’d be grateful for any tips.
I do not feel that I could possibly improve on what you are already doing - that is through continuing your meditation, self healing techniques and attending various workshops, where you are given and share with other students hands on practical energy healing techniques.

WAY TO GO! :smt023


Brian :smt031

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Re: Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by Flower2244 » Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:40 pm

Thank you so much Brian :smt038

I’ve had a lovely day of meditation, relaxation and pressing the ‘re set’ button. Your kind readings today have helped me feel 100% vs 75% ready to move onward and upward.
All the very best, and take care :smt041

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Re: Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:00 am

Flower2244 wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:40 pm
Thank you so much Brian :smt038

I’ve had a lovely day of meditation, relaxation and pressing the ‘re set’ button. Your kind readings today have helped me feel 100% vs 75% ready to move onward and upward.
All the very best, and take care :smt041

This is simply to let you know that I received your last message (hopefully not your last one on Mystic Board), as well as how much I personally enjoyed meeting such an intelligent and inspiring young person like yourself.

Yes 36 seems young to me, when I am nearly 67. :smt002 :smt002

You have clearly made significant progress towards ultimately achieving what you originally set out to do.


Brian :smt109

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Re: Reading ask for Eye of Tiger

Post by Flower2244 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:21 pm

Well, I hope I have half as much wisdom as you do at 69 Brian, that is all I can say 🙏

Thanks again for all that you do for us. :smt006

All the best


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