Reading request for Brian?

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Reading request for Brian?

Post by LouLou17 » Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:36 pm

Hello Brian

I hope this finds you well, and that you had a lovely festive season. :smt026

I’m wondering if you would be so kind as to do a reading for me ?

My intuition and hunch tells me that I’m about to lose my sole source of income, out of the blue.

Just wondering if you can shed some light?

Finally, I have a lot of persistent negativity in my life in all areas of my life (repetition compulsion).
Wondering if you have any tips for me to finally stop this pattern, nerving middle age at this stage, after a lifetime.

Many thanks, thanks so much :)



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Re: Reading request for Brian?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:19 am

Hi LouLou,

Wishing you a much happier new year in 2020.

Normally I encourage people to listen carefully and automatically act upon their intuition or so called "gut instincts", but in your case we have to take into account your ongoing pattern of persistent negativity.

If you are familiar with the concept of a self fulfilling prophecy,you are being forced by your situation (or your perceptions about your current situation) to recognize that you may be unconsciously attracting into your life the very conditions that could significantly increase the chances of you losing your main source of income.

So the intention of this reading is NOT as I am sure that you were hoping to confirm or otherwise whether your intuition is indeed correct, and if your anticipated worst case scenario is imminent (losing your job?).

Rather its guiding purpose is to offer you a life strategy, which you can use in attempting to sort out what is possible from what is probable, now and in the future.

Or expressing it in another way, helping you to sort out what is true intuition, and what is simply the result of you always expecting the worst possible outcome to happen.

Yes, it is always possible that you are about to lose your main source of income. Nobody can give you a 100% guarantee that you will not be unemployed in the near future.

But what is the probability of this actually happening?

The advice is that you will need to gather much more solid, physical evidence that your employment is about to be terminated, before you can realistically determine its probability.

By all means listen to to your intuition, but balance this against some real evidence that you are about to join the unemployment queue.

Also think back to whether you have put in the time and effort required in the past, in order to ensure that this would not come about further down the line.

Are you self employed, or are you working for somebody else? How long have you owned or have you been working with them?

If you are working for a boss, are other workers already suffering the same fate?

Be careful not to accept that this is inevitable.

If you do lose (and I am not saying you necessarily will) your main source of income, you will cope in the best ways that you know how to, at the time at which it happens.

The worst possible outcome is NOT so much losing your main source of income, although it probably feels like it would be.

Instead the worst possible outcome would be that you should take what is happening to so many people from all over the world as an excuse or signal for you to believe that losing it means that you should give up on yourself now, because you cannot even imagine that things are ever going to improve.

The measure of a person is not what happens to them, but rather it is what meaning you associate with that particular event.

The meaning you associate with the possibility of you losing your main source of income (I have lost it, versus this means that I am a total failure, and that I lack the coping skills to find a way to get through this challenging situation).

Being realistic and practical, versus feeling as though you are the helpless victim of whatever curve ball life decides to throw at you.

If you do not lose your main source of income, you worried about it unnecessarily, and will have wasted valuable energy which could have been used elsewhere.

Do not expect it that it must happen, but at the same time make contingency plans so that if it does come about, you will already be well prepared for the recovery.

Finally, we often do not have any or much control over whether an event in our lives happens or not, but we do have much more control over how it makes us feel (through the meaning which we give it), which will in turn largely determine what specific approach or strategy you will ultimately pursue to minimize any of its potentially damaging effects.

Is the glass of each event in your life half empty, or half full?

Do you tend to see more challenges OR more positive opportunities, within each event?

Your answers the above questions are the main determiners as to how well you will cope with any future challenging event, rather than it being a function of the size or nature of the event itself.

Loving regards,

Brian :smt045

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Re: Reading request for Brian?

Post by LouLou17 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:39 am

Hi Brian

Thanks for this. Yes, I pretty much heard from a reliable source that job loss was on the cards, hence the hunch.
My intuition suggested so, as one of my colleagues is to overly transparent that I can ‘read’ certain unsaid things of her.
I’d already started to look for supplementary work. I’ve experienced a lot of loss in my life (fact vs self pity), so I know the drill with contingencies.

Just out of interest - are you referring to the job that is my specific source of income here, or jobs PRIOR to this one?

The quoted comment is below
... “think back to whether you have put in the time and effort required in the past, in order to ensure that this would not come about further down the line.”

In terms of assisting myself to alleviate the (negative) breeding pattern - you name it, I’ve tried it. Reiki, reflexology, therapy, theta healing, daily meditation (4 different types of the years) , crystals. I’m out of methods at this stage. It is what it is now, so not sure what more I can do to change this, when approaching middle age. I guess it is what it is. :smt017

All the very best for 2020 :smt038

Last edited by LouLou17 on Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Reading request for Brian?

Post by LouLou17 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:40 am

I very much liked reading this particular comment - it resonated. Thank you for that.

“The measure of a person is not what happens to them, but rather it is what meaning you associate with that particular event”.

All the very best for 2020 :smt038


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Re: Reading request for Brian?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 03, 2020 9:55 am

are you referring to the job that is my specific source of income here, or jobs PRIOR to this one?
The reading is referring to the job that is your specific source of income here. Your current job, and not any job prior to this one.

Although if you have repeatedly lost most or all of your jobs in the past, this does strongly suggest that there are underlying issues (possibly mostly unconscious) which are acting against you being able to hold down a job for very long.

Not that that is news to you.
In terms of assisting myself to alleviate the (negative) breeding pattern - you name it, I’ve tried it. Reiki, reflexology, therapy, theta healing, daily meditation (4 different types of the years) , crystals. I’m out of methods at this stage.
While using self help methods such as these is admirable, such deep seated emotional issues and repeating patterns as you have described generally require professional help, in the form of a qualified psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor. While these various self help strategies can be a valuable supplement when used correctly to professional help, they can delay you getting the help that you need and deserve from a qualified professional.

I am also interested in how long on average you persisted with a particular self therapy, before deciding that you have given it a fair trial, and that it is time to try something else.

This smorgasbord approach of trying a bit of this and a bit of that is often highly counterproductive, as well as being expensive. Most of the healing modalities you have listed here require a long term commitment (extending over months or years), before one can realistically expect to see some positive results.

As you quite correctly observed you are now experiencing or about to face a mid life crisis. You no longer have time for the smorgasbord approach, even if you could still find some method you have not already tried.

Do not beat yourself up for what is now in your past. You made the best possible decision at the time to try each method in turn, based upon what information was available to you then.

I am not telling you these things to discourage you from using self help methods, but I do feel that from now on you would be better off investing more of your hard earned cash, in getting proper professional/psychological assistance.

If this professional support is not available or not affordable in your local area, there are plenty of ways to get this help online for relatively small investment of your time and money.

As with finding professional help offline, only use websites which employ qualified professionals to offer you advice which is customised for your particular personality.

Preferably one which is certified by the professional psychology association in your country.
I’d already started to look for supplementary work.
Excellent idea. Give yourself a good pat on the back (well deserved credit) for making the effort. That was what I meant by you needing to make contingency plans.

But unless you also simultaneously get the professional help which I am sorry that I keep nagging you about as well as making contingency plans, the pattern of repeating negativity and inevitable loss of self confidence will almost certainly be transferred into any jobs which you have in the future.
You cannot afford to allow that to keep happening.

I very much liked reading this particular comment - it resonated. Thank you for that.

“The measure of a person is not what happens to them, but rather it is what meaning you associate with that particular event".
You are welcome for the quote, but I am certainly not claiming that it is original to me or psychically obtained, in that I am far from being the first person to say something like this, in so many different words.

Saying or reading these wise words is infinitely easier than applying the principles contained within, to your daily life.

Also not news to you? :smt009

Thanking you in return for your useful and honest feedback, as well as not wanting to attack or kill this innocent of bad intentions messenger, when I am telling you some difficult to accept truths, exactly as I have intuited them on your behalf, and at your request.
All the very best for 2020
DITTO! :smt049 :smt049

Brian :smt109

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