Homeopathy experiences?

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Homeopathy experiences?

Post by Myst » Thu May 11, 2006 4:51 am

Does anyone have any? Does homeopathy work? I don't mean to sound ignorant or skeptic, I have tried homeopathy and it has worked for me, but thing is my parents have too and it didn't quite work for them. I guess it depends a lot on the actual healer and also on the disease but I was wondering if anyone else has experiences with homeopathy? Wanna share?
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Post by swetha » Thu May 11, 2006 7:36 am

i completely agree with you Mystic...
homeopathic med are more than just me.. the doc needs to know ur history completely before giving u the right kind of medicines. like i had chronic sinusitis which developed into bronchitis,where in i wud puke and sometimes it had even ruptured the ear membrane. but after taking homeopathy med... i am 70% better now. the rest 30% i guess i becoz of my carelessness , i stopped taking those med. but they were highly effective. now i can actually work , when i get these attacks "( which are very few ..thanks to the med)
i guess aminly u need to believe in it too and urself:)

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Post by Myst » Fri May 12, 2006 2:11 am

Indeed lol. homeopathic healers do ask a lot of questions. Kinda gets frustrating sometimes LOL jk. But, the first time I went in for a treatment, I sure was frustrated cuz I didnt quite know how it worked and i was pretty little.

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Does Homoeopathy Work?

Post by nag1953 » Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:01 pm

Dear Myst,

I am speaking from my personal experience.  Homoeopathy always works.  But it is the Doctor who fails.  If he is not able to find a drug which exhibits the same symtoms then he can surely cure the disease.  If his diagnosis is wrong U cant blame the Science Can U?

No Belief is required.  Only you need to be very specific in explaining your suffering to your doctor.  U need to tell him exactly how u suffer.  How it started etc.

Having seen some very startling and magical cures.  I became a staunch or rather a passionate advocate of this system.  

One more advantage is that it does not have very serious side effects.

There are excellent medicines particularly for diseases of women and Heart patients.

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My Experience

Post by sonkysst » Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:42 am

My son had cronic ear infections as a toddler. He was taking the strongest antibiotics available and they were no longer working. When the Dr. said he wanted to put the tubes in his ears it scared me. So I looked for an alternative. I purchased a book about Homeopathy and it said to use garlic oil. I used it and in a matter of days the infection cleared and he NEVER had another ear infection again.

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Homeopathy Experiences

Post by Livs » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:36 am

Well, mine started when I first had my son.

I took Homeopathic Arnica 200C for pain after the C-section. After a couple of doses I was moving around pretty easily and able to pick up baby wthout much pain.

The first 3 months I had with my son, were challenging to say the least! You name it, he had it. Cholic, problems breast feeding, thrush, burning diorrhea, constipation,vomiting,constant crying, coughs,colds... I sat in my Drs office and he looked at me sympathetically, and said, "with your sons family history of allergies and chronic disease I'm probably going to see you in here with him every few weeks."  I was stunned into silence, I couldn't believe by giving birth to him, I had sentanced my son to a life of ill health. To cut a long story short, as I was looking in the natural health section of a pharmacy (drug store) I came across a Homeopathic Kit for Infants. I thought "What have I got to loose?" So I purchased it, read the little booklet that came with it and the rest is, as they say, history. Everything I tried on him from that little kit worked like a charm. He was a completely transformed baby. It inspired me so much that I went to College to get a diploma in Homeopathy. Today he is 8 yrs old and never sees a Dr, just isn't any need to. He is a calm, happy, focused boy and a joy to have around.

Generally, children are much easier to treat than adults. They don't have the years and layers of supression and allopathic medications to 'get through'. Therefore they generally respond much more quickly. Us adults can be more tricky, lots of layers and suppression, however if you can be open, honest and descriptive about how your unwellness is affecting you, and whoever is taking your case spends quite a bit of time asking some searching questions, then hopefully you will get a good result. If not don't give up, it can take a few visits to get a really good idea of a matching remedy, and if the Homeopath is new to you, it may take you awhile to open up enough to provide a good symptom picture for a clear remedy match.  If you can describe mentally,emotionally and physically all the effects of your disease on you and your life, then the outcome will be much better.

For me it's helped with quite a severe and long term asthma problem- I haven't needed to take daily meds for about 5 yrs now, as well as numerous other smaller complaints.

Any way I hope that you keep trying, find out from someone who has had successful Homeopathic treatment who they saw, or find out from a reputable Homeopathic College/Institute who they recommend.

It really has transformed the lives and health for myself and my family!!!!!


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homeopathic remedies didnt work

Post by kimi » Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:25 pm

If the  homeopathic remedies didnt work it wasnt because of the remedy, its because of the homeopathic doctor, get another one, or have doctor try another remedy sometimes things are a bit complicated. If trying different remedies doesnt change anything, dont give up on homepatic medicine, give up on the homeopathic doctor.

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Post by Nick234 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:54 pm

I used passiflora complex + cedinal (if it's written like this) for stress removal/calmness. It did work on the first dose, I could definately feel the inner calmness, although after a while the feeling went away so I stopped using it. I guess I'm experiencing less stress and I'm more energy absorbing.

-edit- I would like to mention that physical exercice is amazingly helpful & may have been my main cure :).

la pere
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Post by la pere » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:19 pm

i have used homeopathic remedies for years and im curently studing homeopathy, i think a huge problem is people drinking coffee and using mint tooth paste which may antidote them, if a remedy does not work its the wrong one.

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Post by debdoll » Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:07 am

i have beentaking homeopathic medicne for 30 yrs and i have been cured of many ailments over the yrs i would only go to a doctor if i had a broken leg etc

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yes homoeopathy is faster than any other medicine

Post by drdeoshlok » Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:12 pm

Homoeoapthy works on mind and having a capasity to change the habits also.

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Homeopathy and Western Medicine

Post by LUCKY13 » Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:47 am

Although all Rx drugs are based from Homeopathic Remedies (only they don't have the natural buffers) because they are manmade synthetics they are much stronger and therefore can override any natural remedy.  I have been using Homeopathic Remedies for over three years and it has taken awhile to learn how to do so correctly.  It is important that you find a good Homeopath as each remedy reacts to a persons constitution.  Therefore what works for one person may not work for another.  I have found great success with my children and they prefer to have me give them a remedy than anything over the counter.

Homeopathy also works well on animals.  The Bauch Remedies are great for animals but so are the remedies we use on ourselves.  I find that both animal and humans alike prefer the tablets that disolve under your tounge.  It is also a faster way to get the remedy into your system as it is absorbed through the glands under your tounge and don't get stuck in your teeth if you find yourself or others getting impatient and chewing the other type that come in little round balls.

It is also very important to not take longer than recommended as these Remedies are dirived from and contain small amounts of natural toxins.  If you don't know what your doing or don't pay close attention there can be adverse affects.  I speak from knowledge as when I first started I made this mistake and started to show signs from strychnine poisoning.

A good reference to start and one I still use almost daily is by Dr. Andrew Lockie titled "The Family Guide To Homeopathy".  It only contains sixty Remedy pictures but are some of the most commonly used.  It also has a Remedy finder that is great for a beginner or anyone else without professional software to do it for them.  This book can be found at places like Wild Oats which also carry the Herbal Remedies.

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Re:Homeopathy experiences?

Post by peter_scotch » Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:22 pm

My cousin went to a homeopath and the results were very impressive, even though my cousin was extremely sceptical and didn't believe for a minute that it could help! I think as with many things, it works for some people, and not for others. Make sure you see an experienced homeopath. Sometimes they give you the pills to take then and there at the end of the session - I'd advise you to refuse and take them home with you instead.

Magickal Wind
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homeopathic experience

Post by Magickal Wind » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:17 pm

I have been seeing a D.O. for thyroid and hormonal issues for about 8 months.  He has helped regulate my thyroid, but I feel that we are shooting arrows in the dark when it comes to the hormones.  We tried a specific homeopathic experience called sepia.  I felt better for a couple of days and then it was back to status quo.  We are trying some natural hormones now.  My gyne and MD refused to prescribe anything, so I'm happy to have found someone who is willing to try and get my body back in balance.  He has offered to do cranial sacral work or kinesiology, but I have been resistent to those treatments.  I'm starting to feel that all of my problems are purely due to perimenopause, and that this is just the way it is going to be.  I haven't totally given up, but if the natural hormones don't have any impact then I'm done.

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Lucky 13

Post by Eagle Iceland » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:24 pm

I´m sorry, I cannot agree with you on the poisonous effects? Remedies are so dilute that they really only contain the memory of the original source, remedies are really only the energy of the original substance. Hence you don´t get any poisons in you. I remember from when I was in school, my professor said that to try to get adverse effects was like killing an elephant with a fly....the most common remedies over the counter are 30 and 200c´s and that is quite dilute! Noted that sometimes we give remedies as organ support in 6xes or 12wxes but even at that stage you still won´t find enough in there to get poisoned. And you can´t get nosodes in exes (only under very special sircumstances)
But I´m sorry that you feel that you got poisoned. Do u know Herings law? Maby that was what you were experiencing? But I only use LM´S now...it is much gentler? Have u tried that? If not it might be worth the try? Homoeopathy is soooo huge, that one can be a student all life long. That´s what I find so great, I never feel I´ve stagnated...there is always a new something around the corner....
Best of luck;)

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