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Post by mbs730 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:53 pm

Hey Michelle! Wow you found him that night? Hmmm.... well if you want I can do a tarot reading for you and see what the possible outcome may be. Don't lose hope just because he has a girlfriend now :smt002 things DO change, a lot!

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Post by michelle2123 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:10 pm

oh my gosh you would do that for me! :smt026
Yes I would love for you to do a reading.

Thanks soooooo Much! :smt006


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Post by mbs730 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:28 am

Hey there Michelle, I am going to be off to bed in a few but I wanted to do this for you before I turned in for the night. There are 3 important cards regarding your concern right now. Its obvious that you are hoping to be involved with Anthony again, Ace of Pentacles shows it, you are focusing on a successful outcome which is getting him back. Next card shows, 2 of Pentacles, trying to find a balance by wishing and allowing things to happen when the time is right, and you will like the next card, the Star. This card indicates hope, renewal, bright prospects, and spiritual guidance and a wish WILL be fulfilled but in it's own time. Now it appears your current state/attitude is 5 of Wands, you feel defeated and strained by competition. Don't. It appears disappointing right now, but add the Star and the 2 of Pentacles together (that is the likely outcome btw), it looks very good! But the lesson here is to have faith. It appears that things will work out but in it's own time. Do not rush things, just remain faithful and hopeful... and you will see the Star shine :) The Star card is also the 17th card of the Major Arcana, 17 is considered to be quite auspicious. Remain faithful. It looks hopeful :) Have a good night


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Post by michelle2123 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:43 pm

Thankyou so much Miriam! I knew and felt it that him and I would be together again. :smt008 But I Know it is not going to happen overnite. I know that right now I have to be pateient. I don't think his heart is with this girl 100%. ANd I can just feel that him and I are going to be back together again. I feel like it's going to happen eaither in September or sometime in fall. That is what my gut is telling me.

So yes I am going to keep the faith.

So by the reading of the cards as long as I stay patient and keep faith , then in time we will be back together?

Thankyou so much!

P.S. How have you been feeling? Are you feeling any better?

P.S.S. I had my friend laughing last night I told her that Anthony is going to be the man that I marry and she said how do you know and I said him and his girlfriend are going to break up ( but I feel like it's going to be a mutaul breakup, I don't know her but that is what I feel) Then he is going to come to me, I am going to have him move in my apartment with me and I am going to marry this man.

If fate brought us back together after all this time , and fate has keeped the same feelings ( in both of our hearts) for each other for the past 3 yrs, I know that we are meant to be but the timing in the past wasn't good. But now the timing will be good.


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Post by michelle2123 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:04 pm


So what I should do is just keep positive and keep the faith of him returning back to me and keep good thoughts about it , right?

Also I don't have a way to get ahold of him because I didn't ask him for his # because of his girlfriend. But I gave him my phone # so I left the ball in his court. Now his cousin DJ's at a bar on Saturday nights. I went up there last Saturday ( the day after I seen Anthony again) I knew Anthony wouldn't be up there but I went up there anyways to hang out with my friends and as soon as I walked in there his cousin called him and told him I was up there.

So I should just sit back and wait for our time to come right? I was thinking about maybe in 3 weeks stop back up at that bar when his cousin is working and just hang out for an hour or so and leave because I know his cousin will tell him that I was up there and it will keep me fresh in his thoughts. See I don't think it would be good to show up every weekend, because I think it would look tacky and desparte right? Let me know what you think, if you don't agree I am willing to take all the advice I can get.



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Post by mbs730 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:56 pm

Hey Michelle, I understand how excited you are! But... I honestly would not keep showing up because he may get the wrong message and things COULD be spoiled. I have had to learn these things the hard way in the past myself. My advice to you is, just remain faithful, I have a STRONG feeling (Neptune in 12th can be a good thing lol) that things WILL work out between you both. But keep it cool, let him do his own thing for now....and perhaps after September is a strong possibility with Pluto going back into direct motion. Some incredible things can happen after Pluto goes back into direct. It is currently in retrograde... do you know much about Pluto? Pluto is the planet of transformation, birth, death, regeneration, and if something is NOT meant to last it will be destroyed!! :smt002 see where I am getting at? Keep the faith. If you have such strong feelings, then chances are........ very good. And what makes it better for you is, Pluto going into direct motion, is conjuncting your nata Sun. When is his birthday do you know, where was he born? I assume you would not know his time of birth...I have promised to look at your astrological stuff. Haven't had a chance :smt009 but I'll get to it! And how I am feeling? Well still not great. Still waiting for the blood results! Thanks for asking though :) My advice is... hang in there and stay hopeful but... stay cool at the same time!


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Post by michelle2123 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:11 pm

Ok So I will not show up at his cousins bar, just wait for his phone call. Got it, Thanks. I mean I'm not going to be sitting at home waiting for him to call ( I have an answering machine) he, he, but I am going to stay single. Because are timing always sucked and I know for a fact that I will be getting that phone call and I know that we will be together.

But I do think it is going to be more towards fall before anything happens.

So thanks for that advise, I will not go to his cousins bar.

Oh and his birthday is I'm pretty positive it's 12/29/77 I know he was born in Cleveland Ohio I don't know what time. And I don't know if he has a middle name.

So for now until him and I meet again I am going to be meditating and dreaming on the life we are going to have together soon. ha,ha :smt007

I don't know much about the planets and stuff, but I know something is going retrograde right now and it's not a good time to start new things.

And I absolutley know nothing about the houses.



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Post by michelle2123 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:28 pm


DO you have anything wrong with your thyroid or are you anemic? I hope you feel better soon. That sucks when you are in pain and you know something is wrong and you are waiting for anwers so you can be out of the pain. I will pray for you so you can feel better. :smt059


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Post by mbs730 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:55 pm

Hi Michelle, I have had a history of low iron and hemoglobin but after having kids, the thyroid could go a bit strange. So lets see what happens! Thanks for asking. Anyway, thats right, keep it cool. Its hard I know and I have had to learn some things the hard way in the past, being in similar situations such as yourself. Yes it is best to not show up at the bar.... and the best thing to always know is, that..... things happen when you least expect it :smt002 I can even say that from experience too. And you have 4 planets in retrograde right now. Mercury being one of them and when Mercury goes into retrograde, thoughts also get jumbled up, wrong ideas get across, its not an easy time for anyone. You may even find yourself having problems with your car or electronic equipment. But its not common for at least one planet to be in retrograde at a cetain point. Just Pluto being the big one! My advice to you is to just... stay busy and be positive... and one day, something that you may not expect to happen will happen if you know what I mean :smt002 Anyway I will look and see what I can come up with from his birth info! Take it easy


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Post by michelle2123 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:10 pm

Ok Thanks alot Miriam you give really good advice. But do you think I am going to have to wait like another 6 mnths to a year? I hope this wait isn't long. :smt010


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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:36 pm

Hey Michelle, prayers are wonderful, thank you. I left you a PM, did you receive it?

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Post by michelle2123 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:35 pm

Your welcome I wasn't in work yesturday I got it today I also left you one too.


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