Birth time accuracy

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Birth time accuracy

Post by vpllnt » Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:46 pm

How can you find from your horoscope that the birthtime is really correct or not ?One method which an astrologer told is to cont the male and female houses in navamsha..can anybody comment on this

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:00 pm

There are a Vedic Formula is making right for knewing accurate birth time-
1.Check from 2nd house,if saturn in equal house,and male stars are not good,that means the chart related to female.
2.If there are unequal house,and male stars are strong that means,the chart of a male.
3.When anybody want to know the accurate position of birth time,genrate a Prashana Kundali,find the house position from Moon to Sun,if counting in equels,the chart related to female,otherwise male.

there are more positives when any person will want to know the positions of the accurate birth time,also you can take helps from Dasha,antar dasha,Sukshma dasha,and pran dasha,ask a incedent and calculate that point,count time,and make sure that is right,or which is the difference between time.

send me time and also you can ask,without giving name or gender.
I will predict that by my own way,also I will make idea to genrate calculating idea.
Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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Post by mansib2 » Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:11 pm

hello Bhaduria ji

I have a similar problem regarding my date of birth. The original Horscope prepared by my astrologer shows my DOB as 28-04-1972 time 03.02 am place of birth Broach (Bharuch) gujarat India. As per this horscope my moon sign is Libra . And my name as per my horscope is rekha.

But my Birthdate is 27th April 1972 as per my parents and birth certificate. Going by this birthdate my moon sign comes to Kanya. All other stars in the horscope remains same except the moon.

Can you guide me how can I ascertain my real date of birth and my real moon sign.

I am very confused.

Please guide.


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Post by govardhanvt » Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:32 pm

Dear Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

Can you please elaborate what you mean equal houses and  what you mean by male stars. Can you take an example of one male and female horoscope and explain how you calculate


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Post by astrobhadauria » Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:05 pm

Mansi ji Your aqurate birth date is 27th,i am giving here reasons:-
1.There are Sun,Mars,Jupiter all three positive stars weak,Sun in the 3rd house,and having minus strength from Reverse Jupiter,Mars having position in 4th with Saturn,and Jupiter in 11th also weak, and damaged by the 8th crual activity of mars,by Sthan bala and by negative values(Reverse),it is the time of a female birth.
2.In your birth Chart,Chandra Lagana is powerfull,and making conectivity with Mercury from 7th.When two opposite stars,making conectivity,in opposite side,and giving suport in Kendra,that means,there are a perfectness in body,mind,and conectivity with is the regulations from Rigveda,-Vaintey Somam piv,Somam piv Vrtrhaa,here is fire and Ghee,both are opposite but after meeting of both,there are a positive,that is the light of God.And by the Chandra Kundali kannya,many simtroms are seeing good,like the Star of Astrology Rahu in 5th House,and making conectivity to 9th by 5th dristhi-bal,and yu are having interest in astrology.The Star of physical and living articals,ketu in 11th house,that means there are 4 suporters,with you every time.

Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

Sun,Mars,Juiter are three male stars and having positives.If by the way,there are all three in bad positions,that means the chart is wrong.
If only one in bad position and two are in very good postions,that means by the face or by the sexual activities that person not able,like a male.Perhaps you seen the tree of bananas,within this star positions,there are the tree of bananas fruit less.

Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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