What about shadows?

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What about shadows?

Post by witchychick70 » Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:51 pm

I once saw a shadow, a spirit of darkness. It was almost like a ghost but not quit transparent but instead it looked black and see-through.
Shadows are from the darker side,being nothing that you should mess with.
I saw one at the Chickamaga battlefield in Ga. I was down there with a friend out taking pictures in the dark when she appeared from the back side of the tower. Needless to say my friend and i got in the car and drove on out of there. She didnt look too friendly.

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Post by littlebear » Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:33 am

from the time I was about 5 years old till about 35 years old I had been visited by a shadowy deamon , always when I was sleeping. You could see through it but it was still a shadow . The demon had a human torso and head . I realy didn't see any distinguishing features as to its gender .
  I would wake up with the feeling that some one was on top of me. trying to choke me and in so much terror that I could not even scream out . and I would see this shadowy form on top of me .
 I am older now and havent been visited by these nocturnal visitors in a long time . The last time it happened there were at least 4 or 5 of them . They were trying to ( drag me into hell ) at least that is what was going through my mind  . I started to recite the lords prayer as I was being draged into an extreme darkness and was emediatly returned to my bed I oppened my eyes and there was an ecto plasmic Lizzard on my chest as I layed in my bed and it imediatly disapeared  I have more experinaces that will follow some one elses post about hearing a rattle type noise

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Post by Brother-Minos » Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:11 am

Hey you two!

I've been looking into a particular type of entity for several years now; and slowly gaining some insight, but  finding legitimate sources of reference for them are few and far between. I rely on my experience mostly, but there's been descriptions that fit right in with mine; I remember one from Castaneda that helped. But can I ask you for some more details? Anything else you can remember?

Witchychick, why do you say it is a she and did not look friendly. The type I'm talking about does not have gender and you can't see any kind of facial expression. They are just shapes.

littlebear, I'm interested in your story. Especially since there were 4 or 5 because I have seen them in a group also.

"ecto-plasmic lizzard' kinda throws me off though.

anymore details please? if that's all, its okay, just don't fill in any blanks yourselves, please!

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Post by littlebear » Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:02 am

I have never been terrorized again since the " lizard " eppasode . A self proclaimed Indian shaman told me that the shadows were minor type evil spirits and the lizard was a higer order of evil spirit . I have seen them in the head lights of cars when stoped at a red light and I have seen them pass in front of me in the back ground of city lights . I have seen them in the dimm light of a night light also . They have no other features other then a shdow apearance . And no I am not afraid of my own shadow .

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Post by Brother-Minos » Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:26 am

Thank you little bear!

That is very general, though it sounds like you see them a lot.

They tend to be extremely tall, how tall would you say? I estimate about 12 feet. If you think of anything more specific please let me know.

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Post by littlebear » Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:15 pm

they are about as tall as you or me . I dont realy want anything to do with them either

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Post by Angelique » Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:14 am


I'm Angel, new to the forum.  I was surfing through the forum and found this particular subject as I too am curious about the shadow people or whatever they are. BM is right, there isn't much information out there on them. I have seen them a lot.. in the context of more than most, not an over-abundance. But I had my eyes checked just in case because one site had mentioned to have your eyes checked as it could be indicative of a detached retina. Needless to say, my eyes are fine. So if you are seeing shadows or sparklies or floaters... consider having your eyes checked just to be on the safe side. A detached retina is dangerous.

I've never been worried or afraid when they are around because I know fear is something any spirit or entity will feed off of and find it advantageous; after all everything is made of energy, positive or negative.  Most recently, my husband who works in a Catholic Church had the dog with him (we were watching a friends dog while they were away) and he had gone there to close up after meetings that take place there in the school section. Brought the dog with him to do a walk through and he said this giant sized black shadow came out of no where from the marble floor (he called it "hulkish") and said he thought it was trying to attack him because it went straight for him, but the dog allegedly went bullistic and tried to attack it fending it off until it fizzled into a black hole in the floor which vaporized with it. One of his maintenance guys came running in to see what all of the commotion was about when he heard a dog barking and promptly quit a few days later after seeing this "black blob" disappear into the floor. I had spoken with him at a Christmas get together a week afterwards and he had mentioned to me he will never go back to that Church. Needless to say, although I was concerned and was ready to go down there (I have no fear of these things or any other) I decided not to because something told me I was only asking for trouble. So I told him to have the Monsignore bless the room. If he did he hasn't mentioned it, but he hasn't seen it since - at least he hasn't mentioned it.

Anyway, I have seen them.. I've even acknowledged them telling them "I see you." They aren't like some spirits where they are skiddish and take off once noticed... they just go along whatever path it is they are traveling and disappear when they are ready. I would love to know exactly what they are... what they want, mostly out of curiosity.

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Post by Deborah » Tue May 08, 2007 7:40 pm

I have looked it up online to see what they are etc......

I thought I was loosing it again .......... for ever I have had dreams of a brown man in my dream ........

and now I have this shadow walking about in my house ....... He walks from my hall bathroom to right before my kitchen near the microwave ........he stops there and stands and watches me .......

when I had an assistant she asked me over and over if i seen someone or if one of the kids were up - no .. I always replied no and from time to time she jumped about the same time I noticed it ...

so...........the other night my daughter tells me to close her door .. I told her she should leave it open to get cool air ....she said mom I cant ........and she tells me she is creeped out .t.hat she sees this dark figure walking near her door.........

OK What is it ? Why is it here?

It is not headlights .. its not lights .......... I live far out in the country I have no street lights to shine in no headlights of a car or truck .........

I do not feel threated by this ........ .. once before I seen something similar but only in my bedroom and I felt it touch me - I said a mantra and kept a peacock feather near me and it went away ..

is this the same one ........ .. help!

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