Interpretation Of Seven of Wands - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Seven of Wands - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 8:23 am

Seven of Wands - Upright

Minor Arcana

You may have to face stiff competition and may need aggressive determination to do the same. Your conviction will take you places. You need a lot skill and nerve to get you past the hardships. You need to rely on your inner strength and judgment.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:37 am

There seems to be opposition around you. You need to make a stand and stick up for yourself. Also I see too many thought and ideas surrounding you or being offered to you. You have to make a choice on which way to go for the better. Putting up a good fight.

Stand up for what you believe in. Even if you fear that you will be beaten by someone more competitive, believe in yourself.

Hold on – a solution will come to you.

Not knowing which way to turn.

Finding another way out.

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Post by starryskies » Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:17 pm

Being inundated - too much going on at once

Fighting off competition and people who wish you harm

Stress at work

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Post by Fionn » Fri May 25, 2007 3:16 am

I generally read it sa opposition due to sloppiness on your own part.

I got this from the different shoes.....

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Post by Bella » Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:55 am

Seven of Wands, what do we see in this card, well straight up we see a man standing upon a hill in a position of defence from six attackers. He is however above his attackers and this does give him somewhat of an advantage. He does wear two different shoes and is that a little stream he straddles, the different shoes could symbolise his ability to be felxible while keeping his emotions running smoothly, or perhaps they suggest his footing is unsure.

This is a card that suggest to us challenges, but there are two sides to this card, one may well be suggesting that you need to stand up for what you believe in the other may well be suggesting that you are placed in a position  that is wearing you down caused by some action you have already taken.

So in one aspect we have the excitement of the challenge and in the other we have no control over what is happening.

Lets look at what the number 7 can tell us in order to help interpret this card.  In my own number system for tarot I have come to understand 7's as representing insight, wisdom, personal growth, reflection and confidence.  The no. 7 is one that get us to look inwards, acknowledge our limitations and explore our potential, from all of this come personal growth and self knowledge.  The Major Arcana Card that relates to this No. is The Chariot and represents, Balance ~ Triumph ~ Victory.

Seven of Wands is of course attributed to the Element of Fire, and this is expressed through action, creativity and intuition. This card can suggest here that perhaps one needs to understand better what it is they are defending so that they can improve their line of thought and actions. It may be urging you to keep moving and keep learning as well as improve your skills and talents.

It is also a card that points towards competition which with the right attitude can be healthy and push one on to newer and better heights.

This card reflects the success of the 6 Wands and shows that when one reaches the top there are always those who wish to bring them down or challenge their position. This card suggests that you need courage to face such obstacles and that you may just need to take a stand and defend your beliefs. It gives you the message to develop your self confidence and courage by handling confrontations in a purposeful way while exhibiting control.

Of course the ill dignified side to this card, may well be saying that you are not in control and perhaps make poor judgements or take impetuous action.  It could also indicate that you are trying to avoid taking the next step and perhaps are becoming over cautious. This card reversed is pointing towards indecision.

However you can always turn this card up the right way again by using that dynamic Wands energy to gain a clear course of action and then the Wands confidence will return in order for you to take the next step.


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