Moon Stone

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Moon Stone

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:19 pm

Hi every one, don't know much about gemology but would like to find out more.  Does any one know what a moon stone can be used for, I am naturally drawn to it these day I guess as I seem to be run by the moon itself these days as I am pregnant.  You could probably call the stage of life I am in is the Mother phase.

At a guess this is what I think a moon stone is for, fluidity, emotions, fertility ect reaching

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Post by Gem » Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:20 pm

Perfect stone for you right now :)  Moonstone is a lovely evergy, it helps with the cycles and waxes and wanes like the moon, calming, reasuring and very soothing. You may find that its energy is much stronger at full moon so perhaps keep it near rather than close?

Have you heard of Malachite?  The midwife's stone? Great for ease in childbirth.

Sounds like your intuition is very good with crystals,  :)

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Moon Stone

Post by MoonGoddess » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:49 pm

I am a little rusty as I haven't really been doing anything on this side of things for a while as life has been busy.  Now life has slowed down I am loving get back in touch with my things that have been in boxes on the other side of the country at my parents place.  When I went to see them just recently my brother wanted to buy me a gift  so he bought me this beautiful little box with ivy leaves ingraved on it, as well as a pentagram on the lid.  On both endes are the three goddesses standing next to each other with their moons above them.  The lady at the store ended up giving it to us for free as it was damaged, not much that I could see but she insisted.  So when I flew home I opened my little trunk and put some gold chiffon in it and placed all my crystals in it.  You know what happened?  An energy blasted through out my house, like you see the waves after a nuclear blast..(mmm not good analgy) in the movies.  And my house was cleansed, I was so amazed.  The box was definately destined for me.

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Post by Gem » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:04 pm

That sounds so wonderful, thanks for sharing, I love hearing about other people's crystal experiences. When you feel that energy blast it is phenominal, and doesn't happen very often, the ripples will contiue outwards and the crystals will help the whole area :)

Now you have to tell all about the individual crystals please :smt003

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Moon Stone

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:48 am

Well I use to have a really good stock pile of crystals but since in my life I have moved quite a bit I have lost them amongst other things such as books.

At the moment I have a pendant I bought in Bangkok which is supposedly moonstone but can't feel anything from it as it is surrounded by cubic ziconias.  It looks pretty and I paid $A60 for it, so I hope it is real cause silver doesn't cost that much.

In my box I have 2 clear quartz crystals, my first one I got in one of those fairy charm novelties I bought years ago in a new age shop.  I was quite surprised at how powerful it was as I wasn't expecting too much.  It had a baby but it broke off and was lost.  My second clear quartz is not as powerful but still powerful in its own right as it jumped out at me at another shop.

I have Tigers eye which I use when I want to get something done and don't want to back down.  Haven't use it much and haven't used it for a while as it gets a bit over powering some times.

My next stone is a pink quartz pyramid, which is lovely and when I am feeling low in my relationship, or just plain paranoid as my partner isn't very good at communicating his love for me even though I know he does.  I lie down with it against my heart and it allows me to see through all the crap going through my head and I feel loved and wanted.

Amythest I use when I am trying to concentrate on meditation or magical happenings, I find it centres me.  My clear quartz I use when I am reading important documents and don't want my mind to wonder.  My Amythest is I guess more centring the sub concience.

Lapiz Lazuli, not really sure what it does for me but I was drawn to it so I bought it.  The same with my Green Flurite (I think that is what it is called.)  I just love the colour green, it brings me peace like I am walking in a rainforest, not many trees around where I live.

So those are my crystals, I am looking for a Moon Stone but seem not to be able to find one just yeat but will keep on looking.  I had such a lovely big piece of moon stone when i was younger, it was so fascinating to look at.

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Post by Gem » Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:00 pm

They all sound lovely thanks for sharing, I love reading about others crystals and you sound like you bond so well with them too :)

Isn't it funny how some crystals go walkabout and leave us and then we come across others?

Your pendant sounds beautiful have you tried meditating with it to see if you get anything that way?

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Moon Stone

Post by MoonGoddess » Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:52 am

I haven't actually, not very good at meditating.  Will try tonight as my Fiance is going to be working night shift.  Hopefully he won't get home until 10 or something like that so I can put Beau-Keith down to sleep at 730 and the sit back and relax enough to try.

I have had many crystals go walk about and some have returned to me.  I just put it down to some one else needs it badder then I do.

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Post by Gem » Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:04 pm

How did you get on? Did you manage a quiet few minutes alone with your crystal?

I have 'lost' some crystals  and think that I am being told to slow down lol and rest. I have no doubt these will return when the time is right but its so infuriating sometimes.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:01 am

I alway blame it on the pixies for anything that goes missing around the house.  Some times it returns and other times I know it is gone for good.

As for a spare five minutes, I managed and got a little tingle out of it but wasn't sure if it was the silver around it or the moon stone itself.  I think I will wear it for a while to see what happens.

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Post by Gem » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:08 pm

Them thar pixies lol, or poltergeists? When I was a kid and things got broken, and it was never me!! honest!!  it was always the poltergeist, or the gremlins or the pixies, thing is then things started happeneing whist I was in the room with other people and they could see it wasn't me, then I got blamed for planning and faking and setting up objects to fall and move lol.  Couldn't win.

Lets see how you get on wearing it?

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Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:19 am

Are interesting little creatures, I once had a spell which actually came with my clear quatz in the fairy thing to invite them into your house.  Of course me being young and stupid it with out realising what would happen, I was seeing blurs of colour out of the corner of my eyes for ages.  I managed to settle them down and had to put up protection because I started seeing blurs of black out of the corners of my eyes.  My cats seem to fend them off quite well, I miss them so.  The poor people who moved in after me and my friends must of had a interesting time hope they had children.

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moonstone meaning

Post by sally moorby » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:13 am

i am also very drawn to moonstone and not long got a moonstone ring for my birthday of a friend she seen me looking at it and said she knew i had to have it, so i know the exact meanings for it and just happen to have it written in frount of me.its the stone of emotional balance helps soothe and balance the emotions moon stone represants the great mother goddess her strenghth lies in her gentalness a stone of wishes,intuition,and balance helps all be comfortable with our gentaler famine side brings you all that is needed.moonstone fosters happiness,gracefulness,good fortune,hope,spiriitual insight,EASY CHILDBIRTH,safe travalon water, new beginnings,and adjustingto changes i hope this helps felow moonstone lover sally...

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Post by Gem » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:48 am

Hi Sally :)  Nice to meet you. another stone used for easy childbirth is Malachite, also known as the midwife's stone :)

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hi gem

Post by sally moorby » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:05 pm

pleased to meet you also i love crystals and find that i am drawn to differant crystals at differant times of my life,i buy or find them then go home and do the reserch to find out there meanings and what there used for i am always amazed to find out why i was so drawn to it in the first place, p,s are you really 99 lol [not trying to be rude]

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Post by Gem » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:26 pm

heehee, No.... 99 was a while ago now, I'm 104 lol but the counter broke :smt003

Its that age thing, coming up to a difficult one and I just can't admit it!

I think that over the years I have spent time with many different crystals and they always seem to come to me, rather than me go and find them, sometimes they aren't very pretty, some are tiny, others I can't carry lol, but they all came for a purpose and sometimes they seem to know better than I what I need at each time!

Do you ever sit and meditate with the crystal and ask its purpose and what it likes helping with?

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