Gem and Monetary issues

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Gem and Monetary issues

Post by SuperStarlight » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:54 am

Hi everyone... I have been reading some of your post...still have much
more to research..but so far I share the love for gems with you all.
I started collecting crystals resently...about a year now..have a small
collections specially after reading some of your post.

When I got initiated in Reiki my teacher had some books out and some
crystals and I fell in love with an Amethyst heart. That open up a whole
new world of gems, rocks, minerals, crystals you name it.

I still can not memorize what everyone means and their spiritual
values and so on...but what I mostly do not understand is for instance
in many books it will say ...this stone will help in money matters and
abundance in your life? How so? How is that posible?

I really don't understand that aspect of the books because they do
not explain it. Would anyone here know.

I thank you in advance...I'm new and definately learning about all this.


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Post by SuperStarlight » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:07 am

Hmmmm Where is everybody...All the Gem people are gone this weekend?


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Re: Gem and Monetary issues

Post by Gem » Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:27 pm

SuperStarlight wrote:Hi everyone... I have been reading some of your post...still have much
more to research..but so far I share the love for gems with you all.
I started collecting crystals resently...about a year now..have a small
collections specially after reading some of your post.
Hi Starlight, welcome to Mystic Board :)

I still can not memorize what everyone means and their spiritual
values and so on...but what I mostly do not understand is for instance
in many books it will say ...this stone will help in money matters and
abundance in your life? How so? How is that posible?

I really don't understand that aspect of the books because they do
not explain it. Would anyone here know.

I thank you in advance...I'm new and definately learning about all this.

It takes many many years of working with crystals to become fluent in crystallogy :) Every year more and more crystals are being discovered and its a full time job keeping up to date.

Personally I don't agree with a lot of books and their interpretations of what crystals can be or should be used for. The particular aspect you have chosen for discussion is tricky and not simple. Its all depends on the way you believe crystals work.

Money and love are two of the basic reasons some people hunt for crystals and neither of them can be instantly created. Crystals work in a gentle and subtle way. They can change our energies and help us to feel motivated in whatever area we are looking at.

Some crystals are used as Talismans that bring good luck. Jade is a well known one. Others can bring happiness and joy and a sunny disposition like Citrine, which is also the stone that is used for collecting  wealth and abundance. The sunny nature of the crystal influences our energetic make-up and so we become more confident and attractive and that in turn can make us more accessible to good fortune, people want to help us, they like to be with us, so we might get offered jobs or work, or just have everyone happy and smiling round us which in turn works to collect nice things and a happier atmosphere, that increases productivity and the snowball effect helps everyone.... all from one tiny crystal :)

Chosing the right crystal is the hard part.

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Post by Gem » Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:30 pm

SuperStarlight wrote:Hmmmm Where is everybody...All the Gem people are gone this weekend?

Your question wasn't a very easy one, and needed time to be worded correctly. Please don't always assume an answer, its up to each individual if they choose to reply or not. Many like me have to work weekends.

I hope my previous post helps out?

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Post by SuperStarlight » Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:44 am

Well Thank you for your response..and I'm sorry you feel that I was
demanding or pushy in any kind of way....

Again...I really did not understand as to why books or people think a
rock, crystal, gem, mineral would have the power to attract anything
let alone a material thing,,and this is why I posted the question.

Books say that it does but they do not explain a logical reason. So yes
I'm not to sure if I believe any of that...but what you say does make
sence to me. If your in a "happier atmosphere, that increases productivity"
which in return if you have a business it will end up beneficial monetery wise.
That sounds more reasonable to me than believing that a stone can have
some special powers that would control something like money.

Thank you for sharing.

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