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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:25 pm


What is Light?

A form of consciousness or energy that connects everything in the universe
It can be felt with your whole being by attuning to 'unconditional love'
When you feel this energy it radiates effecting those around you positively
This is called Light Work

What is a Light Worker?

In a broad sense anyone who in their heart is committed to 'helping others' grow in 'love' is a Light Worker
A Light Worker is a spiritual being who incarnated for the purpose of spreading love and light. Certain situations act as a catalyst for their own awakening and remembrance of what it is they came to earth to do.
They radiate an amazing presence and through their being a quickening is extended to all they meet
They are therefore a catalyst for others growth
A person who strongly resonates with the information coming from spirit at this time of ascension
A lightworker may be an American healer, Indian Native, Seer, contact hands healer, or catholic or other religions, 'spirital healer' definition of 'lightworker'


Answer the Questions Below

Do you feel a sense of time urgency within you?
Do you feel draw to help humanity?
Do you feel draw to spirituality?
Do you get a persistent ringing sound in your ear?
Have you been told by others that you are too sensitive?
Do you feel different from others?
Do you believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation?
Do you know that you are here for a higher purpose?

If you answered yes to these questions and resonate with the definitions of a Light Worker given, the chance is that you are a light worker
Only you can truly answer this question for yourself


Light Work works through vibration
It works like a chain reaction to eradicate fear and elevate consciousness
The lightworker brings the source of light to the physical plane through their own consciousness and through the higher vibration all things are effected
There are Planet lightworkers, and Spiritual lightworkers


Nobody knows when the first Light Worker incarnated
Who knows perhaps they have always been present
The Light Workers born in the 1940's known as the baby boomers encouraged the development of their children's spirituality and were part of the 'hippy' movement
The children of these Light Workers are known as star seeds
The Light Workers born from the late 1980's known as the Indigo Children came to assist us with our next stage in evolution
Throughout history Light Workers have incarnated to bring love to the planet
Light Workers began the new age movement so that forthcoming lightworkers had a foundation to work from


A Lighter Worker may use different extrasensory perceptions as tools for spreading light. Some of these include:


They may also use physical tools for example: Crystals and Bach flower remedies


Light Workers may choose to spread love in all sorts of unique ways. Ultimately it is a form of consciousness, a way of being that when realised all loving actions come from. These are just a few examples of how a lightworker may choose to help humanity ascend:

- Mediumship
- Healer: distant healing, hands on healing
- Psychic Artistry
- Sound therapy

Whether you are a cleaner or a spiritual healer know light workers are needed in all areas of life.
The only thing of real importance is that you are coming from a place in your heart of love.
You may choose to learn more about spirituality or channel your energy through a metaphysical path. It is entirely up to where you feel you are needed and able to assist.


Anyone of any age, gender race or religion can be a Light Worker
With the intention to assist humanity heal and evolve your ability to be a Light Worker will manifest itself

So how many Light Workers do we have in Sun Signs? :smt051

I have been assisting as a 'Light Worker' with others for forty-three years!
I guess you can call me a retired 'carbon-dated' Light Worker! *Laughing!*

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Post by aelis2004 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:27 pm

I guess I can say I am just a baby..... I started seriously considering this as my way since last October, though I always had been interested by alternative health. My life definitively changed totally and drastically twice this year, in March and then again in June - just about 2 months ago - and my experiences have gone shooting through the roof.... I've made giant steps since then!
I was in hospital 7 weeks - I now consider those week a trial of faith, I now can say I have passed it with flying colours. And now almost everyday I discover something new I can do - I can hardly recognize myself from what I was just last week!
This week for example I came to the conclusion that I could call myself a LightWorker, and now Linda's post confirms it "officially" :smt003
Just a question of dates - where would we stand, those of us born in the late sixties? Are we Indigo Children? I am Generation X, literally speaking... had some of my poems published as such.

Thank you Linda for such an enlightening post! :)

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'Your Crown', aelis2004 'LIGHT WORKER'!

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:54 am

My dear aelis2004,

I 'love' your confirmation of being a 'Light Worker' and I place the 'Crown of Light' on top of your head! Your 'Light Work' is Official! *smiling*

You are so delightful! I have felt your energy, in your posts since I joined Sun Signs. I 'knew' you were a 'very evolved' 'Light Worker', and that your commitment had to come from You!

Aleis, you are a 'STAR SEED' (I will post information on this) and and 'early' INDIGO CHILD. The Indigo Children came in, starting in 1960. We needed a second 'crucial step' (for us Light Workers), for our evolution. (I post the 'general concensis' to avoid conflict.) This is my 'TRUTH'. The great influx of Indigo Children came in in the 80's. through 90. From 90 we had the small amount of 'CRYSTAL CHILDREN' for the Next Wave. Multitudes of Indigo's with 'NEW' energy to teach the 'new' CRYSTAL CHILDREN' who came in to assist the 'CRYSTALINE CHILDREN' who are coming in since the 'New Millineum'. the year 2001 as 2000 was a void.

Yes, you are Generation X, delightful! ...and so much more which you are about to discover!

In my life, I had to be hit over the head with 'near death' experiences many times, as many of us were, as the 'veil' from our Creator was so much 'thicker' then! You are gifted in so many ways! YOU can take 'Light Worker' and the list all of your wonderful sub-titles, and parts of your personality! All of everything is CONNECTED totallyl

It gives me 'JOY' to see you know who you are with one life threatening experience. I commend you! Indigo/StarSeed child! Hugs!

Always in 'The Light! Linda

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I am a Lightworker

Post by Catwoman148 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:54 am

I was born in 1956, and I knew I was a lightworker about twenty-four years ago, but there was no name for it. I only knew that the only thing I wanted to be twenty-four years ago was a healer. I remember asking for the gift of patience twenty-four years ago, and regretting many years of having asked for that. LOL But, I believe that got gave me patience to withstand anything through pain. I gained forgiveness for everything that was done to me when I realized who I would be without those experiences. I would have never had love, I would have never had any wisdom at all, I would still have been selfish, I would still have been a lot of things. I called up my mother a few years ago, and I thanked her for all of the things that she had put me through because I wouldn't be the person that I am today without those experiences, and that I liked myself. I told her that I forgave her. She said, "Thank-You." My Wes gave me this understanding. He has always been known in town as the "Peacemaker." He is a lightworker too. I used to feel so alone. I never belonged anywhere, and I never fit in. I was always different. I used to be lonely. Now there are so many lightworkers, and the explaination of what that is, that I can be myself. I fit in. Life is an unusual journey, and anytime I fake myself out thinking I know that is the truth about life! God blows that out of the water, and I keep learning etc. I am an artist. I can draw anything. My goal after all of this is over concerning the turmoil part is to sketch my visions, paint my visions, and let them speak for themselves. I did a painting in my college painting class. It was a strange painting that I did not quite understand myself, and now eight years or so later, I found out I painted my friend Leela before I ever knew her. Another person in the painting was my friends husband before I ever met the both of them. I don't have the painting any longer because of the fire, but there is a picture of it in a half hour television show I did on what it was like being a single mother of two children, and having multiple personality disorder. I have been healed of that disorder for about eight years now. I still have the tape, and I am going to play it for Leela. The painting had a river. I painted four Indians hung on a wood pole with ropes dead from the white man, I painted many trees, and that was in the swamp, and the trees had large swamp roots, and I painted a man's face with a brown hooded robe in the tree looking at the person. I painted a native american woman in the midst of this blowing on a Hawk Feather. That is Leela. I am still learning why I painted it. I know why now. It was a description of what is taking place now. It was a description of what happened in the past, and Leela was a huge catalyst in my understanding of everything, and got the wheels moving. She is an amazing person. Well, I am going to go have dinner with Leela. If you are a lightworker too, just let things flow, go with those feelings, and watch the amazing outcome.
Love and Light Pamela

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Catwoman/Pamela I recognized you!

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:19 pm

Hi Pamela,

You are a definate 'Light Worker' Pamela! I am laughing as this sounds a little silly putting this into human words. I recognized your 'energy' and 'appeal for help' when I read your first posting, here in Sun Signs.

There was no way I was not going to assist you, as I definately picked up the seriousness and urgency and danger confronting you! And knew full well the 'darkness' involved as I had dealt with it before! :smt004

We have come a LONG way Baby! as the 'old' expression goes. (24 years for you!) From 'dark' to 'light' to 'darkness again' into the 'light'! Transmuting 'darkness' into the "LIGHT" all the way!

Keep up with that artwork as that is definately coming from your soul. Most artwork does! It is an excellent way to release things. . .

Angel Blessings, peace and protection and lots of "LIGHT" . . . Linda :smt058 :smt050 :smt060

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oh gosh!

Post by Deborah » Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:06 am

Memories of the mom painting peace signs on my butt of my jeans...
flowers on the knees ..and calling me her little flower child just came to mind! YIKES !!
I grew up with "PEACE" parties...lets not go there :smt019
and being called gypsy , white witch, and being asked to blow on my mothers bingo cards so she was garantee a win.

I see, I feel, I smell, I hear....sometimes I dont listen ...or watch....or want to ...

I posted once before what do all these things mean..what am I lol ..well ..any replies?

Deborah :smt016

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:44 pm

Hi Deborah,

Like I said in this post, ONLY YOU may make the decision as to whether or not you are a 'Light Worker'. It sounds like:

Memories of the mom painting peace signs on my butt of my jeans...
flowers on the knees ..and calling me her little flower child just came to mind! YIKES !!
I grew up with "PEACE" parties...lets not go there
and being called gypsy , white witch, and being asked to blow on my mothers bingo cards so she was garantee a win.

Maybe the term 'Light Worker' is one you associate with your mother and would rather NOT go there, as you said. :smt002

My perception of you in forum, is you are very Psychic, Intuitive, excellent at Tarot readings, & give 'love an comfort' to all you meet here! It is fun to learn who we are and what talents we have and to be able to develop them.

It sounds like you are looking for labels to put your 'gifts' into the proper appropriate boxes. For me 'all of our gifts' are just 'part of the whole' of the being and soul that we are. . .

Angel Blessings to you! . . . Linda
:smt060 :smt059

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Oh Gosh

Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:35 pm

Good Morning Deborah,

LOL! To me, you are such a lightworker!!! You are amazing, and helped save lives here through helping. I was a flower child Hippie. I still wear a tie dyed shirt at least once a week. I love being barefoot. When I saw the women on television burning their bras, when I was about fourteen, I informed my mother that I was not wearing one any more because they could. Now I have to or I hurt. lol When I found out what love really was, and that didn't include sex, I didn't fit in to the hippie movement any more. When I got higher from God than I did any drug, I didn't fit in to the hippie movement any more. When I found out what the Peace Sign really stood for, I didn't fit into the hippie movement any more. What am I now? A lightworker. I have a nitch again. Who knows how long that movement will last before God moves people forward kind of like the Hippie movement. God told me to write about this, and what it means to you, I don't know. I do know one thing. You are special. I responded to a couple of your things in that post you were talking about what does it mean when. I am going to answer all of them. I love you Deborah. Thank you so much for your wisdom, love, and giving to those little ones that need help so much.
Love, Catwoman

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Post by Deborah » Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:33 pm

Linda was right when I was associating things with my mother ..and yea dont want to go there...

But ..will say Pamela summed it up for me. I didnt see bras being burned ..but gosh I could of liked doing that hehehe
I was a hippie movements flower baby flower child whatever it was called ...

You brought up love ..and sex in the same sentence ..yes i agree with you..
but would like to mention there are depths of love and types of love ...
spiritual love and love ....

I think im getting lost in my thoughts hmmm (i have youngtimers disease ..cant remember anything )

Labels would be nice ..then maybe I could jar my emotions up and put them in the back of the shelves for anther day :smt005

Oh and by the way ..
I was born in the year of all the years
:smt005 1969 :smt005

I know life is not easy ..its just how you hold on to your life ride in the process ............. whhooopiieee

Ok am in a silly mode i best stop here ..hehe
Take Care

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Florida Light worker

Post by Deborah » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:38 pm

Am I ? heheh

just for you .. YES I AM :smt016

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Whew! Deborah. . .

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:47 pm

Dear Deborah,

I love you Lady! Whew! that was like pulling 'peacocks teeth' for that answer!!! :smt058

So nice for you to say so! I KNEW you were a 'Light Worker', but far be it for me to tell you you are! *laughing* :smt050

Hugs and Blessings Deborah! :smt060 Linda

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peacocks teeth

Post by Deborah » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:49 pm

I dont think they have teeth :smt019 lol

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Post by aelis2004 » Sat Oct 08, 2005 12:32 pm

Found this quite interesting

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:05 pm

Dear Aelis2004,

That is a great post! I have had all of those symptoms of being a lightworker! I have been a member of the Crimson Circle since 2001. I was fortunate enough to see Geoffrey Hoppe and Linda, is wife channel 'Tobias' in the Buddist Temple in Manhattan on Wesak 2002.

The has alot of great spiritual information and audio's of Live channelings of Tobias.

It is funny because I named my Ragdoll kitten Tobias 3 years ago! *laughing*

Thanks for posting that Aelis!

Blessings to You! Linda :smt058 :smt060 :smt057 :smt050

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Post by samantha234 » Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:18 am

wow! :smt006 I feel like a part of something again, and I am beginning to understand! I know about alot of things but lightworking is new to me. I never knew it had a name till a friend said I was one. And, yes, i am one and proud of it! It is nice to know why I am the way I am! :)  and now I am finding my true path. I feel at peace again. Linda, under the post in general discussion where someone asked if anyone had any dreams about God, I posted a recurrent dream there I would like you to read when you have a chance, if not there then it is under dream interpratation, I am all over the place in the forums, lol! it is really important to know what you think about this dream, to see if you recieve the same message as I did! I know your busy, so take your time but please let me know! :)

                                                                  Love and light,

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