Reading for Starryskies

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Reading for Starryskies

Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:02 pm

Hi Starryskies,

Have finished interpreting your rune reading I did for you.  So here it is:

05/04/07 Rune Reading for Starryskies 2047 Australian Western time.

The Question

ImageLagu: This rune indicates you should follow your intuitions closely in the matter in question.  Nothing is what it seems with this Rune because of it's watery nature.

The Background

ImageIng: This Rune represents a mile stone event in your life eg child birth, New Job, Moved somewhere new, A new love affair.
Basically the ending of an old phase of life and the beginning of something new.  You have the power to bring a successful conclusion to the problem at hand.

The Seeker

ImageAnsuz in the image is not reversed, but could not find any images that where reversed.  In your reading Ansuz is reversed which represents a person in self doubt.  Someone who cannot see the woods for the trees so to speak as they are so involved in the problem or situation at hand.  It represents an accumlation of Knowledge whilst never really using it or intending to use it for any constructive purpose.
It also may represent interference by parents.

The Environment

ImageKenaz:  This Rune represents strength, energy and power as well as the importance of a positive attitude.  A time of opening up things coming into your life.  A romance prehaps, an offering of material gifts such as chocolate, flowers, or jewelery.  Verbal declarations of love.  Shedding light on information that requires action.

The Answer

ImageJera: Is the rune of harvest, meaning the effort you have put in will be rewarded.  This can be karmic in nature as in a good deed returned for a good deed done or they can be repayment for work done or money in the past.  Jera can also mean justice and legalities of all kinds not alway meaning a good thing.
As the harvest can only come after you plant your crops and do all the work to get the end result it implies that the events will come to fruit in their own good time.
As Jera is in the answer place it means there will be a positive out come .

These are  the runes I used to cast your reading, I fear I might have given you to much information.  At least you can choose from what you read as correct or rubbish.  Let me know what you think, as I managed to do the reading when I think you were online talking to flight of angelwings and myself at the time.  I had to move my bag of rune from under my pillow after I did that rune reading as it was buzzing full of

I used the five rune lay out which is really a Tarot card lay out, but works just he same.  I have two other layouts "Celtic Cross" and "Twelve months".  Haven't dusted all those cob webs out of my head properly yet.
May the Goddess enlighten you all, Blessed Be!

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Feed Back

Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:05 pm

Hi MoonGoddess, thanks so much for my rune reading! I will give you some feedback. Lagu I like because I am lately learning to trust my intuition more. I think it is a shame that more people do not. Not sure about what you mean by "watery nature". Ing was spot on, I have recently started a new love affair and moved house (with the past couple of weeks) so I have had a lot going on! I am not sure about The Seeker because I do not have self doubt and my parents do not interfere. Kenaz was good and Jera is reassuring. I think the runes are quite accurate and thanks again for doing this reading for me!!

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Answer to feed back

Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:17 pm

Thanks for you feed back, I am always doubting my ability but something keeps me reading.

When I said Lagu is watery by nature, it means that Lagu's element is water and there for takes on all aspects of water.  Intuition being one, also emotions, fertility and everything to do with nurturing.  After doing a bit more reading, it also said that if the querent is female this is the rune that usually represents that person. "light bulb" appears above MoonGoddesses head...Mmm maybe when I did the reading I was anxious about it so there for it was like I was asking on your behalf so therefore I appeared in the seeker part.  That would explain the self doubt thing, or other wise I pulled it out wrong and it was actually the right way up and therefore Odins rune the mouth meaning communication and all things  Will have to work on that bit and try not to...what's the word?  Mmm can't think of it but it means for one to put themselve into something unwittingly... Projecting oneself

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Post by starryskies » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:11 pm

It was great. Thanks for taking the time to do it.

It is like me with the tarot - I am forever doubting myself but I get great feedback from people I read for so I must be doing something right :)

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Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:13 pm

I think the next reading I do, I will have to add another Rune and call it the Readers Rune.  So I am glad I didn't do to bad for my first online
May the Goddess enlighten you all, Blessed Be!


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